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Move 394:  Dragons, Quaggoths, or Slimes

Dragons, Quaggoths, or Slimes

Claustrophobic Cavern--Midday, Day 39 (Marpenoth 22)

The group began discussing in earnest what their next goal should be.  Various spells were cast, and magical items were handed around to people willing to carry them or even use them in some cases.

As the others discussed the treasure Dalgaer moved to the edge of the light source and sat quietly in the dark, watching for foes.

After giving it some thought, Aloysius offered his opinion on the party's next move.

"Methinks we should address the quaggoth next," he said. "We know not the ultimate fate of the party that came afore us, and we may learn more of them in that direction. We know that they encountered the ropers, but we don't know how many, if any at all, survived them. If any remain, and we can find them, then mayhap we can combine our numbers and talents."

He surveryed his fingernails and began picking dirt out from one of them.

"The dragons should be the last thing we do afore heading in the direction of the slimes. No doubt, they will be most formidable, yet likely to hold items useful to us in our ultimate quest. Mayhap we can learn something, or find something . . . .or someONE near the quaggoth that can assist us with the wyrms."

"That sounds reasonable," Echo said. She held out the scroll again, "Azrun, do you want this?"

She cast a spell and disappeared. "I'll take the back again. Renn, are you going first?"

Since it appeared a choice had been made, Dalgaer picked up his axe and strode to the front of the group.

"In front, I can block attacks at you folsk, but people can still shoot over my head." He grunted.

"Um, that's a smart suggestion," Arachne said. "But no-one's going to be shooting over your head if we continue to post an invisible Renn ahead of the main party. Nor will they shoot behind if an invisible Echo or me is at the back. But we don't have to settle that strategy right away. I guess I'm hearing a consensus that we want to go visit the quaggoth tunnel next -- and that we're willing to walk over the narrow causeways to get there. So the first step is the door out of here. Maybe when we get out into the tunnel we can figure out where to put the invisible people and the shorter people and the light-bearing people and the bow-carrying people and... um... all that. By the way, Dalgaer, be careful about being in front. Your stride is probably better than mine, but if I ever got up near the front, I had to worry a _lot_ about getting my heel trodden on. This group, once we get marching, moves fast. Everyone ready to go?"

"I hope no one falls no matter what they're carrying," Echo said. "If Renn takes the stone, I think that takes care of everything. Right?"

"Well, the last time we met the quaggoths, one very nearly took off my arm. In fact you had to try several times to regenerate it. So, no, I would not consider them pests and would very much NOT like to repeat my previous experience. If this potion can be the most effective against non-magical enemies, I would prefer to use it against them. I don't consider that a waste." Blacky commented

"Really?" Arachne's voice asked. "Uh, Azrun, you _are_ chronicling all our exploits down here, right? Because I think I'll want to read it before I say anything to anyone uptop about what happened down here.  Anyway, fine: If you think they're dangerous enough to merit use of that potion in order to take them on, then _I_ think they're dangerous enough that we should all be on hand to do what we can to ensure that the battle goes to our liking. If you and Jana are rendered invulnerable and engage them in melee, that would allow Renn and Azrun to shoot arrows at whomever they liked without fear of harming you with an errant arrow. Right, Aloysius?"

Aloysius had withdrawn the ring no one seemed to want from his pocket and was studying it intently.

"Wha-?" he said with a stammer. "Oh. Indeed. yes, that is correct so long as neither the bow noe the shafts employed are enchanted. Of course, there is the matter of the kharmic strength of the archer. If that be great 'enow, the enchantment of the weapon, or lack thereof, matters not. I would not advise Rennirolas or Azrun to fire willy-nilly into a group that includes Eric and Janathell, draught or no."

"I do believe so," Renn replied as he settled his backpack on his shoulders. He looked pale, but no moreso than usual, with his silvery white hair pulled back, exposing his pointed ears.

"Okay," Echo said. "You are going first. I'm still last. Arachne, do you want to stay in the back with me or more in the middle?"

Renn put some weight on his longbow, as he waited for Arachne to work her magic. Renn's white tunic and leggings had been brushed and repaired as best he could once the invisibility had faded, as had the sky blue cloak and surcoat Renn wore as well.
Under the neckline of his tunic, a mesh of small chain links could be seen. A shield strapped to his backpack and a longsword at his side looked to complete his arms and armor.

"Once we're near to where we are planning on going, I wouldn't mind that invisibility spell, Echo," Renn said. He spoke to where Echo had last been seen.

"Certainly, I'll carry the stone," Renn nodded.  "As for falling, I pray Corellon doesn't have that in my near future," he smiled.

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