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Move 398:  Standing Near the Stink

Tunnels--Afternoon, Day 40 (Marpenoth 23)

Everyone, or at least mostly everyone, either backed away from the stench.  Jana and Dalgaer expressed an interest in seeing the creature Renn mentioned, but Renn indicated it was probably not in the immediate area.

"So're we gonna go take a look?" Jana asked Renn, her voice muffled by the wet cloth. "And what's causing that godsawful smell?"

"The rest of us are going to stay here while three of you go?" Echo asked. "Kanon, I'm not sure I understand the spell you are going to put on Renn.  Will it tell us if we need to go after them?"

Kanon looked around and shook his head, "Renn if you could put your hand on my shoulder I'll cast the spell on you." He nodded to Echo while he waited, "I will instantly know when he is in danger and recieve a mental picture of what is causing the danger. I will not know where he is however.  I think since we are in a fairly linear tunnel system and headed in a certain direction that should be alright though."

"Janathell, Stargazer would like to accompany you and Rennirolas," said Aloysius.

Kanon stretched out his arms and smiled as nearly the whole group planned to move down the tunnel, "I will have to go as well. If the stink becomes too much or there is some other adverse effect I will have the best ability to pull everyone out to safety."

"Then Aloysius or I will need to stay or we'll all need to go," Jana replied. "We can't spread ourselves too thinly. Renn, did you see what was causing the smell?"

"We might as well all go. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger or so my pappy used to say." Blacky said fighting back the bile in his throat.

"And if we die, well perhaps we can help the fungus and lichen grow into interesting artwork. Lead on folks. Me and Arachne are just enjoying the scenery."

"Or puzzling over it," the small gnome murmured, getting to her feet again. "So, we're all going into the stench?" She dug out her light linen sleeping shift and waterskin.

"Yes, let us go." Dalgaer said.

"We shall find the quaggoth there," said Aloysius calmly. "Carmeneren mentioned that they are immune to poison, so what better place for them to lair
themselves but in a cloud of odorous gas? What precautions do we have against that, lest it be toxic?"

Echo said, "I'm going to keep a hand on the person in front of me while we're in the stench. Instead of hanging back out of the light."

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