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Move 399: Stinkmold

Tunnels--Afternoon, Day 40 (Marpenoth 23)

The party decided to stay together and brave the stench that was in front of them. The smell got worse as they moved forward; the mold on the wall seemed to be producing the smell when they walked by it. In spite of the precautions they had taken, both Aloysius and Arachne became violently ill, gagging and vomiting. Luckily, the patch of stinkmold was not too large, and the less effected members of the group were able to help them through it.

It did not take too long to get past the mold, but Aloysius and Arachne looked ill, paler than usual and covered in a thin layer of sweat, even after they were out of the smell. The party moved on after giving them a few minutes to recover, but it was apparent that both of them, Aloysius especially, still felt bad.

"Yuck," Jana muttered once they were away from the smell. "I wonder if that stink got into our clothes and stuff. As if the light and noise weren't beacons enough." She peered at Aloysius. "You really don't look too good."

Aloysius looked back at Jana. "For . .good. . .reason," he said quietly. "Toxic . . as I . .said."

"At least no quaggoths yet," Echo said. "Are you going to be okay?" she asked quietly.

"Yeah, at least we've been lucky that way. You need some help walking, Aloysius?" Blacky said looking at the sick mage.

Aloysius gave Echo a surprised look. "Um, well . . .short . . .of 'ok'," he said. "But . . .can . . walk, Eric."

Although he looked bad, he seemed ready to try and move ahead with the others.

Kanon nodded and moved over to Arachne. He knelt beside her and sighed, "I'm going to check on you to see what the problem is Arachne." The priest removed his helmet and layed it aside as he looked her over, "May I have permission to check and see what malady may have affected you?" A few strands of the hair that is not matted to his brow fall into his eyes as he looks into one of his bags, "I probably should have given you my necklace. That's me however never thinking fast enough."

"If you like," Arachne gasped softly. "The malady's nausea. I just -- just couldn't _breathe_ for the smell."

Dalgaer moved to help Arachne walk. "That stench is Urdlen's own! Do you feel any better?"

"No -- Yes -- Sort of, I guess," She answered, accepting the aid, but talking to her feet -- turned away from Dalgaer, anyway. "I'm going to slow us up, now. I'm a mess and I stink and ..." She glanced at Dalgaer, her eyes glistening in the low light. "Let's just go," she whispered fiercely, turning away from him again.

Dalgaer replies, "After passing through that gas we all stink... "

"Um..." Arachne glanced at him, her lips curling in a smile. "I – um --" She looked away again and whispered, "I was thinking about the vomit," quickly. "Anyway, we should get going, I think."

Dalgaer nodded, his face red as well.

Azrun kneeled down next down Arachne, "Arachne, can your talents relieve you from the effects of the gas? I didn't know if it would be like healing yourself or not."

Arachne shook her head. "I don't _think_ so," she said. "It's just nausea. Really, really, violent nausea." She shuddered. "My own reaction to the horrid stench -- and I'm done with the reacting for right now, I think. Maybe if I just try to walk it off..." She wobbled a little. "We're going to have to come back this way again, aren't we?"

"I'm sorry," Renn said in way of apology. "I didn't think the smell would be quite that bad.  But hopefully the stench will have lessened by the time we come back," he added with forced levity.

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