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Move 4:On to Milborne

22-30 Flamerule 1374 DR

As the days passed, the band of travelers followed the road Gordrenn had set them on, heading due east for two days before turning slightly northward to continue following the road to the province of Haranshire. Arachne rode comfortably on Zond's horse, and poor Pug struggled to keep up with his longer legged companions. It was finally apparent that they would have to slow down for him, put him on Puddlejumper with Arachne and the small chest of wizard components, or let him run himself into the ground and leave him exhausted on the side of the road. He found his new spot on the horse's back much more comfortable than running after folks, and the traveling went much more smoothly after this was established.

The time they spent together also gave them a chance to get to know one another. No one was telling their darkest secrets, but traveling good road across the country with little more excitement than passing farmers or journeymen for nearly a ride has a way of telling something about a person. Pug had a strong mischievious streak and an odd fascination with hats. Azrun seemed more interested than writing down what he saw and commenting on it than doing anything else. Zond made every attempt to be light-hearted and jovial, and usually succeeded at it quite well. He and Torro spent a good bit of time laughing at things together. Torro was easy-going and quite willing to pitch in with whatever needed to be done as they made their way to Thurmaster. Aloysious continued to mutter strange phrases outloud at inopportune moments in conversations.

Kaileer's speech began to slowly improve as he and Gala spent part of every night working on his common and her elven. Gala's sparkling laughter could often be heard across the camp at some of her more obvious mistakes with the elvish Kaileer was working on with her; her sunny personality seemed a good fit with her devotion to Lathander. The dialect the sylvan elf had begun to teach the priestess was considerably different than Maiser's, when he chose to speak in his native tongue. He rarely spoke at all, however, in the lyrical tongue of his people or in the rougher speech of the trade common all of the companions shared. Maiser remained a cloaked mystery, and after spending a few days with him, it started to seem as though he took pains to keep the deep hood of his cloak over his face. Arachne had an aura of quietness about her, even when whistling or giving a long speech. She tended to lose things that she had in her hand at just that moment. At times, she spoke of Eldath and played with a small sapphire that she wore on a chain around her neck. She off-handedly mentioned that there was a water fall at the center of it, but no one else who looked could see it.

On the Road Stories
Arachne and Pug

So the days of travel and the nights of camp passed, and finally one morning, Zond concluded from his map that they would reach Milborne later that day. The road had twisted alongside a forest named the Lyrchwood for the last day and a half. The loggers in the wood had provided them with something to see other than the rare group of locals they met on the way. As they were picking up pace after their pause for a midday meal, a group of three farm hands approached from the opposite direction. They seemed ready to acknowledge them with a nod as all the other Haranshire folk had done thus far when two arrows streaked out of the Lyrchwood toward the group. One of the arrows narrowly missed Azrun at the back of the group, and the second caught Kaileer, at the front of the group, in the left leg.

"Aiiyyee!" yelled one of the farm hands, as the three muscular men ran to close ranks with the group. "There be bandits in these parts! Rally!" The farmers brandished their 'weapons', a pitchfork, a club, and a stave as they closed the distance between the groups. Two more arrows flew from the wood at Azrun and Kaileer, both true to their marks this time. Azrun took the arrow in his left shoulder and Kaileer narrowly avoiding taking a shot to the throat, with the arrow burying itself near his collarbone instead.

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