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Move 404:  Scouting Quaggoths

Tunnels--Late, Day 41 (Marpenoth 24)

Aloysius and Kanon both cast spells. Aloysius disappeared from general view.  Echo and Renn quietly took their leave of the group to move ahead in the tunnel.

Dalgaer remained at the front of the group, staring down the tunnel Echo and Renn took while keeping his axe at the ready.

Continuing to look utterly unready, the scrawnier gnome remained sitting on the ground at Azrun's feet leaning against the wall and watching Dalgaer. "Isn't it wonderful," she whispered to the bard, "the way he can stay alert like that, simply forever?"

Azrun nodded, "He certainly looks prepared for a fight. Arachne, do you want me to cast the invisibily spell on you before we get into a big mess? I have it available for you, if you want it."

Arachne considered for a moment, then said, "Yes please. After all, Echo's up front now."

Azrun kneeled down next to Arachne and reached into a pouch, "Hold still for one moment." With that the young man began to cast his spell upon the gnome.

Those near the back of the group could hear Aloysius invoke the familiar command word, "inseridek".

Kanon remained silent and kept his hands free. He peered off into the darkness with a disgruntled look on his face and remained behind the line of warriors.

"Has it been too long?" Jana whispered. She shifted her weight in a sort of non-moving pacing.

Blacky likewise, continued his silent readiness.

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