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Move 407:  Party, 4, Quaggoths, 0

Dalgaer and Jana quickly regained their bearings and finished off both quaggoths before either Blacky or Kanon got to them. Dalgaer did take a glancing blow from a stone axe before the quaggoth went down.

Outside in the tunnel, Azrun walked up.

Jana retreated out of the Silenced area and said quietly, "Did anyone notice a nook or something nearby? It might be a good idea to drag the bodies to where they aren't quite so obvious."

Dalgaer ignored the bodies and moved to the far side of the silenced area, crouching alongside the cavern wall and watching and listening in case more Quaggoths to come down that way.

Kanon walked over to the bodies of the Quaggoths slowly, looking down at them for a few moments. He seemed to say a silenced prayer and then walked towards where Jana had left the silenced globe. He put his mace and shield away and leaned against the wall nearby.

Echo's voice whispered, "No this is the farthest I've gotten."

"We could always drag the bodies back the way we came into this part of the tunnel, if we want to move them," Renn suggested.

"Hopefully they didn't manage to attract any of their friends before their howls
were cut off," he added.

Once there Azrun looked around to see who was injured, "So what now? You guys going to advance now?"

"Yeah, that might be a good idea. This appears to be a guard post, 'course I could be wrong on that. Nothing down here is ever what it appears to be. Keep a sharp eye out, my part of the skirmish moved out of the silenced area. The didn't last long enough to make much noise, but something might have heard them."  Blacky said after he moved to where Jana was.

Everyone who was visible besides Dalgaer migrated back out into the tunnel, finding their way out of the silence spell so they could talk. Echo and Renn joined them as was evidenced by their speaking up. Aloysius and Arachne were unaccounted for at the moment.

Dalgaer moved to the other side of the silence spell, a little deeper in the tunnel with the alcove where the skirmish had just occured.

Azrun looked around, "I'm assuming Aloysius is here with you. Arachne followed me down the tunnel. So, are we going to press on?"

"Let's drag the bodies against the walls at least so they might blend in with the rocks," Jana suggested, "and then we can continue on as before."

Kanon nodded at Jana's suggestion and proceeded to pull the bodies of the Quaggoth creatures across the floor and against the wall. Afterwards he stood up and faced the two tunnels in turn and looked back to Jana, "Which tunnel were the creatures guarding?"

"Sounds good to me or we could drag them into that alcove. They may be more hidden there, depending on how deep it is." Blacky agreed.

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