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Move 408:  Moving Quaggoth Bodies

Tunnels--Late, Day 41 (Marpenoth 24)

Jana pointed to the tunnel to the left in answer to Kanon's question. The quaggoth bodies were moved up against the wall of the small alcove. Dalgaer continued to keep watch a little deeper in the same tunnel the others were moving the bodies around in. By the time the bodies were up against the wall, the silence spell ended.

"I should keep going," Echo's voice whispered. "Renn too if he wants to come scout with me some more."

"Though I can't be as quiet as Echo, I'm ready to go on ahead to see what's before us," Renn said from nearby.

"Aye," said Aloysius quietly, "if no others were alerted by the battle, mayhap we can take the next lot by surprise."

"We could only hope to be so lucky." Blacky commented, ready to press onward as before.

Once the silence spell ended, soft whispering could be heard where Dalgaer had posted himself.

Kanon closed his eyes briefly and mumbled something. He looked down the tunnel where Jana had pointed and waited patiently to assume his position in the march towards the next cavern.

Azrun leaned up against the tunnel wall, "I guess I'll continue to watch our back side as we move forward."

Jana opened her mouth as if to speak a couple of times but didn't say anything. She did not look at all pleased but remained silent.

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