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Move 410:  More Planning

With the return of the scouts, the group tried to make plans to face the group of quaggoths. Nothing around them was moving, but how long that would hold true was impossible to say.

Dalgaer ignored the planning and stood firm at the front of the group, facing towards the oncoming Quaggoths with his axe ready.

"No," replied Aloysius's voice. "E'en whilst employing the draught, you should no venture forth alone, Janathell. E'en if it renders thee practically immune to harm, that does not mean they can't o'errun thee and prevent thee from attacking until the time the draught wears off."

He paused for a moment. "Wasn't there enough potion for two doses? If so, I'd propose this: Janathell and Eric both use the potion. Carmeneren mentioned that these creatures attack almost blindly, and our past experience with them would suggest that such is the case. We could have one of our number lure them forward. When they begin their charge, those of us with the means to do so can attack at range whilst Eric and Janathell, after imbibing the potion, meet the remainder of the charge. Stargazer has a spell that could well fell some number of them."

Being invisible, Arachne failed to evidence any visible indication of alertness. She also failed to say anything at large during the subsequent planning. She'd moved away from Blacky once she was done fixing his small wound, so he couldn't be sure, either, whether she was on top of the situation...

"If Blacky's good with that, so'm I," Jana said to Aloysius. "Dalgaer and Kanon could provide a wall so's you and Echo and Azrun can do any magicky stuff and Renn and Arachne can be there in case someone gets hurt really badly."

"Let's do it and go," Echo prompted quietly. "They know we're here and I don't know how much time they are going to give us."

"Sounds like a good plan to me. Where's that potion?" Blacky replied quietly

The soft conspiring tones were interrupted by Arachne's exclaiming  "Oh no!" over near where Dalgaer was standing guard.  The exclamation was followed by further whispering.

"After Eric and Janathell have imbibed the potion, someone needs to place a light stone somewhat further down the tunel towards the quaggoth," said Aloysius.  "I need to see them coming from as far away as possible. Once the stone is placed, the person taking the stone should return in all due haste. As they do so, they need to raise a clamor to draw the quaggoth towards us. Then, we shall proceed as planned."

The commonly heard command word, "inseridek", came from where Aloysius was presumed to be.

Kanon looked in the direction of the others and formed up behind the warriors of the group. He kept his weapon and shield out of his hands and looked in the direction of the quaggoth host ready to move on.

Azrun rolled his head around on his shoulders and stretched his arms behind him, "So now we have a plan. We have a potion to drink and a light stone to be dropped ahead of us. I'm going to wait to make sure there's not a shaman in the group before I cut loose with spells. Otherwise, I'm good to go."

"I'll do my best to stay out of the way during the fight, and to use Corellon's
blessings on those who need them," Renn said.

"Amen to that," Arachne whispered from near Dalgaer. "Except for the part about crediting Corellon," she added quickly. "He probably wouldn't like that."

Dalgaer stayed at the front of the group, watching quietly for an attack from down the tunnel by quaggoths.

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