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Move 412:  The Quaggoth Tunnels

A couple of the quaggoths that were not engaged pushed into the melee. One went after Jana, one after Blacky, and a third managed to squeeze by to charge after Dalgaer. The other two, which included the tall one, might have done something similar, but they were caught in a mass of thick sticky webbing that filled the cavern directly in front of where Blacky and Jana were fighting.

Blacky and Jana each killed one of the quaggoths on them and took no injuries in return. Azrun got hit with an axe and lost the spell he was trying to cast. Kanon took down the creature that Azrun had wounded with his earlier spell, but he got chopped with the axe of the other one he was facing. Dalgaer badly wounded one of the monsters facing him, but he did not take it down. He too took another axe wound from one of them.

"URA IEN! URA! FAERADD GAERA!" Dalgaer screams, then he drops low and swings his ax at the kneecaps of the unwounded beast attacking him.

Kanon turned his attention to the Quaggoth who just chopped into him with his axe with a visible grimace. He returned his mace from his downward stroke in an upward arc.

Jana hurried to finish off the quoggoth on her then, in the absence of more of them charging from in front of her, turned and began hacking at the critters on the non-invulnerable folks.

"Ow!" Azrun backed away from the furry critter then attacked with his quarterstaff.

Jana finished off the last quaggoth she was facing and fell back into the ranks with Dalgaer, Kanon, and Azrun. Continuing his run of bad luck with quaggoths yet again, Blacky made a misstep and ended up pressed against the tunnel wall with both attacking quaggoths bearing down on him. The potion still protected him, but the quaggoths determinedly swung at him repeatedly. Dalgaer tried to chop down the unwounded quaggoth he faced at the knees, but he calculated wrong, hitting the creature with the flat of his axe rather than the sharp edge. Kanon and the quaggoth on him exchanged ineffectual blows. Azrun, on the other hand, got in a good lick with his quarterstaff, but he took a nasty axe wound in return.

Dalgaer repeated his quaggoth chopping maneuver with better results; the tall white creature collapsed in a pile in front of the gnome, apparently dead. The injured quaggoth facing the gnome swung and missed with its axe. Jana and Kanon finished off the quaggoth that had been fighting the Morninglord. Azrun tapped the quaggoth again with his staff, and this time, he managed to avoided the beast's weapon. About then, the bard's bloody injuries disappeared in an instant. Blacky still seemed to be struggling, bobbling with his axe, although he was receiving any injuries. A volley of magic missiles hit one of the quaggoths on him, pushing the creature back and giving the fighter a reprieve from the fierce attacks so he could regain his bearings. At the same time, Aloysius appeared, farther back in the tunnel than Azrun.

From farther back still, close to the fork, Echo's voice called out, "More coming from back here! The southwest tunnel!" She sounded like she was getting closer to the rest of the group as she spoke.

In the front, the taller of the two webbed quaggoths broke free from the sticky strands and growled angrily, looking for a place to wade in. The second webbed quaggoth continued struggling.

"Blacky, get the webbed ones!" Jana called out as she ran to the rear of the party to confront the reinforcements. She positioned herself in the tunnel so she could bottleneck it as much as possible.

Kanon looked back and forth between the hordes of creatures and gestured in Dalgaer's direction, "Go help Blacky and I will go help Jana at the other front." At that point the priest moved towards the female warrior and mumbled under his breath, "May your light be the speed of her arm," reaching out and touching her on the arm as he finished.

Blacky attempted to finish the creature wounded by the bolts of light then take down the other with his second swipe. Assuming that worked, he the moved on to the big guy.

Aloysius positioned himself just in front, and slightly to the side, of where Jana moved to, as he peered down the passage Echo had warned about.

"One moment, Janathell," he said as he prepared to cast a spell in the direction of the new group of quaggoth.

Azrun continued to spar with his quaggoth trying to not to get tagged again.

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