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Move 57:A Rider at Dawn

Parlfray's Keep-Night, 15 Eleasias 1374 DR

Lytern returned to the table after Arachne chased after him. He indicated to Aloysius that he had never heard of the Well of the Four Winds. He did not have much useful information to offer about what might offend his father. It seemed that the lord Parlfray's definition of "strange behavior" was much like that of the other residents of the Western Heartlands, and truth be told, of most civilized lands all across the world.

The rooms that they were shown to were small but functional. The beds, as Lise had said, would sleep two people, but there would be little room to spare. "If you need anything during the night," one of the guards told them, "just let someone know. We won't be far away."

Before retiting to his room, Kaileer stopped by Aloysius' to drop of his sword, shield and spear. *"I will return to fetch them after the meeting if you believe that will be enough time."* he said before wishing the wizard a peaceful night and going to his room.

Azrun looked to Kaileer, "You don't have to sleep in the floor, Kaileer." After that has been taken care of Azrun pulls out his journal to write for a while.

*"I have no need of sleep as you know it in any case,"* he said with a smile and sat with his back to the corner opposite the door. Holding his bow across his chest, he nodded to Azrun, leaned his head against the wall and slipped into his reverie.

Jyothki, not speaking common, stayed in the back of the party, letting other speak. She payed close attention to everyone at dinner, but ate little and talked less. She seemed happy to share a room with Gala, and periodically said a word or two in elven while pointing to something.

Parlfray's Keep-Dawn, 16 Eleasias 1374 DR

Before even the Morninglord was about the next morning, a loud commotion out in the hallway outside their rooms got everyone's attention.

"We told you to wait in the front," one of the guards yelled.

A deep male voice rumbled just as loudly, "I don't have time ta _wait_. I've got to find the lady. I'm tellin' you, he's going ta die. He may be dead before we get back. If he dies because you were makin' me _wait_, you're gonna pay for it," the threat in the man's voice was clear.

Azrun awoke from the noise and stuck his head out the door to see what was going on. He looked only half awake and the 5 o'clock shadow had grown a bit darker on his face.

The sounds outside and his companion's movement made Kaileer snap out of his trance and he pulled an arrow from his quiver as he rose to stand beside the door. *"Who disturbs our slumber this night?"* he asked in a whisper.

Gala rushed out into the corridor, in her nightshirt--as she had not yet gotten up for the day. "Can I help?" she asked.

Aloysius stepped out of his room clad in only a simple, white cotton loincloth. He was clearly not a happy camper. "Be there any chance that thou couldst yell at one another somewhere else? If Stargazer be not well rested by the 'morrow, then all manner of arcane chaos may ensure! Now SCOOT!" He stood there, hands on hips, no doubt entertaining the illusion that he looked imposing.

Awakened by the disturbance, Lasiar threw on his clothes quickly before joining Aloysius in the hall. His face juggled between concern and amusement as he darted his gaze at the enraged man and then at the purpled-hair mage.

Blacky appears in the hall, axe in hand, wearing his underclothes.

Those who stuck their heads out of their doors or went out into the hall saw a large man about to get in a tussle with several guards. The man was muscled and deeply tanned.

"Is one of you Lady Galaret?" he asked anxiously. "Swiftwater, he's in bad shape. He come back from the Great Rock Dale wounded and wouldn't stay at the farm. I never woulda known that he came back at all 'cept my boy saw him out in the graveyard 'fore he took off again. Even half-dead, he was able to outpace me. He made it to Thurmaster. That's where he is now. One of the barmaids is takin' care of him. His wounds are festering and he's mad from the fever. They told me that the lady is a priestess and that you came here....I brought a horse for her, if she'll come. There ain't no time to waste though." The man looked at the guards getting ready to toss him out of the keep and at the various faces before he added, "He was asking for the lady by name."

Gala replied, without hesitation, "Let me get my healer's kit." She rushed into her room and grabbed her bandages and herbs. Quickly put on some breeches and boots. Grabbed her flail but did not take the time to put on her armor. She then ran back into the hall. "Take me to him." was all she said.

All signs of humor fled from Lasiar's features as the man spoke of his friend's condition. He looked at Gala, then at the man again. "By Selune, we must help the man, but it would be too dangerous for you to go alone, Gala."

Lasiar settled his anxious gaze at the guards. "Is it possible for someone to saddle a horse for me? I would like to accompany the Dawn Priestess to Thurmaster."

Aloysius listened to the exchange with a concerned look on his face. "Galaret," he said, once the Morning Lord reappeared in the hall, "let not thy kindness blind thy caution." He looked over at the brawny, tan man. "We know him not. Stop by the stables and rouse Janathell. She can accompany thee on Horse, and perhaps Brightmantle can take Puddle Jumper. The rest of us can follow as soon as we can." He glared suspiciously at Mr. Brawny Guy. "That way, thou can make speed enow' and have 2 trusted companions at thy side."

Aloysius crossed his arms and faced Brawny. "If this be a trick, or if ill befalls Galaret, there be no realm on this plane where I'll not find thee."

Gala looked at Lasiar, "This man will be with me. We need to hurry. Lasiar, I traveled alone or with the others before you joined us. I do not mean to be rude, but I have no need of your protection now. Stay and protect the others. I fight as well as you." She then left with the man who had come seeking her aid.

"And if it is no trick and I let someone die because of caution, then I shall never forgive myself. Sometimes you have to trust your heart, Aloysius. Now, I must be off. I can't think that Jana would be one to comfort an injured man." replied Gala as she continued out the door.

Echo stumbled bleary-eyed out of her room. She had her cloak wrapped tightly around her so that it was really impossible to say what, if anything, she had on under it. She looked down at the floor at her bare feet and yawned heartily as the man explained his business and the others had their say.

"Uh, maybe both of our priests shouldn't go riding off into the night or morning or whatever this is," she croaked in a sleepy voice. "Send two or more people with Gala if you think it's necessary, but some of us have to stay here and talk to the lord. Lasiar, if the man asked for Gala, why don't you stay here with us?"

"Aye, 'tis wise that I stay here. A need for a healer may arise again."

Jana emerged from the same room as Echo had minutes earlier. She was wearing only pants and a half-buttoned shirt. Her long black hair was loose and fell untidily over her face. She brushed it back, then rubbed her eyes. "What's going on? Go where?"

When morning came and the noise in the hall woke everyone, Jyothki had to wait for the exitement to calm down to get an explanation from one of the multi-lingual party members. When she heard what had transpired, she looked for Kaileer.

"My friend," she told the elf softly. "I missed the trees terribly last night. I believe I would rather look for my breakfast in the trees just outside of the keep than stay in this dreary place any longer."

*"Indeed there is little to remind me of my home in this place. But perhaps I have grown too human in these past years I have been away... If you don't mind, I will go with you. I do not trust that this land is safe by any standards, for I have seen more orcs and gnolls in the past few weeks than in the past century."* The ranger said and followed Jyothki outside with his bow in hand.

She then found Azrun, and placing a hand on his arm said, "This place is made from dead things. All stone and cut wood. I cannot stay here, my friend. I am going just outside of the keep to see the sun and the trees again, feel the grass." She smiled up at the human. "But fear not, I shall wait for you outside." She playfully tapped Azrun's chest and walked briskly off toward the door to the keep.

Azrun smiled at her, "Be careful while you're out. I'll see you soon."

Jyothki came out of the room right behind Gala, fully dressed and looking slightly puffy eyed. She listened intently to the proceedings, then listened intently to the explanation. Her things had already been packed, and it was obvious that she had not slept a wink.

Aloysius shook his head in disagreement as Gala headed off with the strange man. "I fear her caring nature bodes ill for her well-being", he commented. "Howe'er, we be more likely to hold back the tide that prevent her from aiding one in need."

Azrun nodded in agreement.

He turned towards the others who were out in the hall in various states of undress. "Someone needs to stay and convene with Lord Parlfray. I had planned on performing certain incantations on the 'morrow, and plan on performing them still. Perhaps Azrun and I should remain here and the rest can go and meet with Galaret once the morn hath broken? Azrun be best suited for meeting with the Lord, and I will have time to complete my incantations. Then, we can rejoin you in Thurmaster. It be not far, fortunately."

The mage yawned and scrathed his hairless chest with both hands as he waited for someone to respond.

Azrun spoke up, "I agree Aloysius. Perhaps it would be best for the two of us, plus Jyothki and Kaileer to stay here. The rest can try to catch up with Gala in Thurmaster and hope that nothing happens to her. Does this sound suitable to the rest? Aloysius and I can pass on the info we have discovered thus far and ask the Lord for what he knows of the situation."

Echo gave Azrun a pensive look. "If no one minds, I'd like to hear what Lord Parlfray has to say. He put ten of us up for the night. He's probably going to be expecting more than one for the meeting."

"I too would like to hear what this 'Lord' has to say, but it would probably be best if someone else does the talking." Blacky said before returning to his room.

Aloysius listened carefully to Azrun's suggestion. "That sounds prudent," he replied. "Howe'er, I wasn't planning on attending the meeting with Parlfray. As I said, I have incantations I need to perform later this morning. Besides," the mage was looking somewhat uncomfortable as he said this, "diplomacy and etiquette be not areas in which Stargazer doth excel. Kaileer and Jyothki can meet us outside later on, and Azrun can meet with the Lord. That should give me time to work the arcane examinations I have planned. But for now . . . ." the mage yawned widely, "I owe Morpheus an additional debt afore any magics do I summon this day."

"Azrun, please do not summon me until I have left my room of my own accord. Concerns have I about the success of my spells if I be interrupted once again."

The mage looked at Lasiar. "Silverstar, if thou art going with the others to find Galaret, it would be best if thou didst depart now. That way, thou wouldst not lag too far behind, and Stargazer can prepare his incantations without further interruption." The mage looked pensively at Lasiar for a moment. "And may thy Mistress care for thee on thy journey." Aloysius then went back into his room and tried to go back to sleep.

"Nay, I shall remain here with you. At least one healer should stay in case of unexpected injuries. Certainly the others should be capable of handling any trouble that arises."

The purple haired man nodded. "Fair enow'," he replied. "But please, I shall need some solitude for my incantations." 

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