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Move 6:The Battle on the Road

The road to Milborne--Midday,30 Flamerule 1374 DR

Puddlejumper was not a skittish horse and had little qualms in cooperating with Pug as he encouraged him to stay put while he cast at the bandit fighting Zond. Again he wove his hands in an unbelievably complex pattern. Those closest to him could here Pug speak: "...from out of your worst nightmares comes something so hideous that even you cannot bear to face it. BOO!!" Unfortunately, the gnome zigged when he should have zagged and the spell failed to go off.

Gala swayed on her feet as the brutish lout hit her with his club. She cried out and whirled to face the man. "Those who will not do good are blinded by their evil ways!" she cried as she held her holy symbol and pointed at the man.

After firing his bolt Maisar quickly hooks his crossbow back on his belt. Raises his arms,and starts to gesture and chat , finally pointing to the bandit that is next to Azrun and Gala. A mote of light flew from his fingers and struck the club-wielder. The large man cried out in pain as the magical energy ripped into his flesh. An instant later, a bright globe of light appeared at the man's head. He brought one hand to his eyes as he swung wildly at Gala with his club.

"Let me," Arachne said, settling herself beside the injured Kaileer and waving off Torro. "I think there are still folks who want killing," she added absently, examining the two embedded arrows (or puncture wounds or whatever Torro had made of the situation when Arachne barged in) to satisfy herself that the shoulder wound was worse. "Now, this may hurt a bit more..." Kaileer was attempting to stand and shoot his bow, so Arachne had to satisfy herself with the leg wound that she could reach. She worked over it quietly as he readied to fire an arrow.

"For the love of the Elbian Cow!" cursed Aloysius. He was clearly displeased by the prospect of hand-to-hand combat with the man in front of him. However, he saw that his options were very limited. Reaching inside of his robe, he pulled out a small dagger, and pointed it at the man with his right hand. His left hand was raised high in the air, giving the purple man an odd resemblance to either a fencer with a board in his back or a bull fighter with a death wish. His opponent looked puzzled for about 2 seconds before the men closed on one another with their weapons. Aloysius stabbed ineffectively at the bandit, and the bandit returned the favor by failing to make contact with the mage with the flat of his blade.

Azrun came to his senses as he layed sprawled in the dirt. Seeing the brute attacking the one who was attending his wounds, Azrun took his staff and swung it up in an arc trying to catch the man's privates. Due to the difficulty of trying to manage a staff from a prone position, he missed his intended target. It didn't matter, however, as his staff caught the quarrel protruding from the man's leg, knocking it loose and tearing the wound more open. The man collapsed to the ground.

Zond was a graceless man but he lacked none in the use of his sword and he welded it with to hands with deadly efficiency. In and out the black blade coursed in a deadly ebon path of potential destruction. "Sir," he exclaimed to the bandit. "I the name of Azoun, King of Cormyr I must request that you cease this senseless violence before I am forced to slay you." The man did not heed this warning as he continued to swing his sword fruitlessly at Zond. Zond, obviously a man of his word, gave the man a forceful blow with his black sword, and the bandit fell.

Torro fired two hasty shots at the man rushing in from the woods, missing with both arrows. This latest bandit closed in on the archer, dealing him a mighty sword wound. Kaileer had been taking careful aim to avoid hitting Aloysius as he fired at the bandit attacking the purple haired mage. The arrow struck its intended target in the back, but the bandit hardly seemed to take notice as he concentrated on Aloysius.

Azrun was a relieved to his assailant collapse. He popped him in the head a couple of times to make sure and then surveyed the situation to see if it was possible he could help someone or not. The large man on the ground groaned once as Azrun tapped him with his staff, then lay silent on the ground.

Torro gasped out loud in pain from the blow he took from the bandit. Screaming from the pain, Torro put all he had left into his next attack on the bandit. Torro knew he couldn't survive another blow like the one he just took, and aimed for the neck, hoping for a killing blow.

Feeling a bit rejuvenated by Arachne's help, Kaileer stands up and smiles slightly. His joy is short lived however as Torro is attacked and struck badly just a few feet away. He quickly drops his bow, pulls out his knife in a reverse grip with his good arm and charges the bandit, hoping to at least get him off Torro.

Kaileer was unable to strike the man, but he distracted him enough for Torro to quickly hit him with his sword. The bandit moaned from the blow and hit the ground.

Arachne dodged back out of the way when Kaileer decided that treatment time was over. She also managed to avoid getting hit by the dropped bow 'cause she's good at not getting hit by things that wouldn't've hurt anyway. (If it had been a knife, this might've been a different story...) Seeing that everybody in the immediate vicinity wanted to hurt each other and no one was holding still for healing, Arachne started digging in her purse for a weapon. She found a paring knife. She looked around at the large specimens doing the fighting, took another look at the paring knife and tossed it aside. From her purse, she then pulled out her trusty (she hoped) sling. "Sling stones," she muttered to herself, digging in her purse some more. "Can't sling without stones..."

Arachne looked up from her fruitless search in her purse. "My backpack!" she exclaimed, looking back at Puddlejumper and her backpack. "That's where I left the stones." Reflecting for a moment on the fact that she and her weapon were now at the front of the parade and her ammunition was all safely stored at the rear, she added, "Oops."

Gala looked around to see Torro get hit hard. She rushed toward him quickly prepared to use her healing skills once more. She reached the wounded Torro as the bandit fell and quickly began to pray for her injured comrade. Lathander's healing warmth spread from her hands to Torro.

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