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Move 78:After the Dogfight

The Road to Thurmaster-Morning, 19 Eleasias 1374 DR

Etienne tended to Lasiar's wounds while Aloysius looked after Echo. Kaileer and Blacky nursed their injuries on their own for the time being. No more two-headed dogs appeared.

Echo continued to sit in the road until Jana and Arachne returned. She held her cloak tight around her wounded arm. She finally took a look at the stranger. "I appreciate your help with the dogs," she told him.

Etienne looked over to the woman, "You're welcome. I'm glad I could help you all out. How's your arm?"

"My arm? It hurts. Darndest thing," Echo replied.

"I can look at it for you if you like," Etienne said.

"Sure," Echo replied.

Etienne walked over to where she sat and kneeled down next to her, "Let me see." He carefully pulled the cloak away from the wound using water if need to soften up the dried blood. He then cleaned it as thoroughly as possible. He then carefully wrapped the wound back up with some scraps from the man's shirt. "Your friend was correct in giving you some water. It'll help replenish you and speed the healing."

"He's pretty smart for a wizard. He thinks of the darndest things to do," Echo told Etienne with a serious face. As soon as Etienne finished, she pulled her cowl over her head and gave him a muted "Thank you".

Jana returned with her horse limping behind her. Arachne returned from the other direction, still riding Puddlejumper, who seemed to have mostly recovered from his dog bites.

Aloysius sat next to Echo until Arachne, Jana, and the two horses returned. Then, he stood up and momentarily looked over the horses.

"Methinks it would be best if we returned to Thurmaster. Nearly all of us are wounded, and some most gravely. We have need of shelter in order to refresh ourselves for a day or two. If creatures such as yon canines peruse this area during the day, loath be I to consider what may travel here at night. The moor be not a suitable encampment, I fear."

Jana staggered back along with her horse, not looking all that much better. The adrenaline from the fight and her mad dash after her horse was gone. Her face was pale and strained. Seeing Arachne and PJ back brought a faint smile of relief. "Arachne, can you take a look at my horse's injuries when you get a chance? I bandaged them as best I could, but I don't think I did a very good job." She peered over at Lasiar. "Is he going to be all right?" Jana asked, to no one in particluar. She quickly assessed the damage to the others, wincing a bit at the obvious severity of Echo's wound.

"Yes," Arachne answered absently. "But I'm worried about Puddlejumper also. There's something wrong. I think it's the mutts." She noticed the person who was nursing the priest. "Um," she said, then, "No, I'm pretty sure that I _don't_ know who you are. And I _guess_ that you're not affiliated with the mutts. Did you just turn up at the right moment? I'm Arachne Convola of Furthinghome -- a long way from home. Um..." She studied again the bandaging the elf had performed on Lasiar. "Are you a _very_ experienced healer?"

The man looked up to Arachne as he finished binding all of Lasiar's wounds. "Etienne, Miss Convola. I'm a ways from home, too. I have skills in healing, plus what healing powers The Lady gives me." He looked back down at the unconcious man, "He's lucky that you guys were travelling with him. I found a shepherd back up the road that wasn't."

"Ah," Arachne murmured. "Pleased to meet you."

"Mmm," Arachne mused to herself. "That would be too quick -- It'd match the bloodstains, though."

Etienne raised an eyebrow, "Excuse me?"

Arachne gestured vaguely at a patch of ground. "The bloodstains with the dog tracks that we first noticed," she said absently. "Before the pack attacked."

"What about her arm?" Arachne asked. She looked back at Etienne. "Does your Lady grant you any miracles with regard to diseases?" she asked.

Etienne looked over to the woman holding her arm, "Unfortunately, no. I don't think we have to worry though. Keep an eye on her and if she starts to foam at the mouth.....well we'll have to put a sword through her." He gave the young lady a wink.

"A sword through me? As much as I appreciate that, I think I'll pass. I've been known to foam at the mouth before and it had nothing to do with dogbites," Echo winked back at him. She looked at the elf, "I don't guess you're from Evermeet, huh?"

"Alas, I'm afraid not. Only those of true Elven heritage are allowed to go to Evermeet. My father was human. I have heard that it is a very beautiful place though."

Arachne overlooked the joke. "I think we should worry anyway," she remarked, glancing at Puddlejumper.

Echo nodded and studied Etienne for a moment before trying to pull her cowl over her head. Since her cloak was wrapped around her arm, tugging on the cowl tugged on the wound and she immediately stopped. She stared at her feet until everyone was ready to move again, a blank expression on her face.

"Who do you worship," Echo asked, after Etienne had mentioned "The Lady" without supplying a name.

Etienne pulled a silver medallion away from his chest so she could see. It was in the shape of a unicorn, "I worship the Lady Mielikki. She sent me here to help correct the balance of nature."

When Aloysius suggested going to Thurmaster to rest, Jana nodded wearily.

"That seems to be the best course. We could hole up in Marlen's old house, so we don't have to bother Tauster." Blacky agreed.

Once Arachne returned, Aloysius addressed her. "Small one, once we have made safe harbor somewhere, I need to discuss something with thee. It may be of some importance."

"Mmm?" Arachne responded unresponsively, as she dismounted from Puddlejumper. "Yes. Certes. Whenever you wish..." Sense seemed lacking from the words. She went past Aloysius to where Lasiar lay and stared at him a moment. "Kippers," she muttered.

After Jana and Arachne came back, Echo stood up when everyone started talking about moving on. "How far is it to Thurmaster?" she asked.

Echo looked around at the dead dogs. "Something is wrong with this. I've spent enough time in this area to know that most of their crazy stories have at least a grain of truth in them. I'd guess that these things are behind the story of the Black Beast that hunts on the moors and drinks blood when the moon is dark. That more than likely means it...or they...kill at night. So why would they be out in the morning?"

Etienne listened to the woman's story, "Perhaps they have been displaced. Maybe something bigger and meaner has taken their place in the moor and they are trying to adapt."

"Or perhaps they're scouring this roadway by day also as a favor to a ... friend," Arachne suggested. "There's a priest in the neighborhood -- we think -- who'd be just the sort of person that would have mutts like these for friends. He's also one who has decided he doesn't like us. Well, many of us, at least. And the balance are likely guilty by association by now. You too, if you linger with us. His name's something like Ranchefus. I think I was told that he's a Cyricist." She looked around for a second opinion.

"The gnolls to the north have taken to travelling by day as well," interjected Aloysius. "Mayhap for the same reason these dogs did the same. In any event, 'twould be best if we discussed such things in Thurmaster. I suspect we should be there in a couple of hours. Perhaps Janathell could go ahead with Arachne, Lasiar and the two horses so that the Silverstar can more quickly begin his convalescence. Let us keep moving afore more of these foul hounds appear." The mage began shuffling towards Thurmaster.

"If he's controlling creatures like these, then he's powerful. I can see why someone who follows the Lord of Strife would like the critters though. They can easily cause fear in most people. Fear leads to disorder. If this man is the one responsible for the imbalance here, then he'll learn to dislike me also."

"What's wrong with a little disorder?" Arachne asked, then checked herself: "No, I guess you can explain that one _after_ we get to trudging onward to Thurmaster."

Etienne stood and brushed the dust off his pants, "Your friend will live, but he probably won't wake until tomorrow. If you would allow me the pleasure of your company, I can offer to help patch up your wounds. The Lady has sent me here to help reset the balance. It would seem as if you are trying to do the same. I would like to travel with you, if you will all allow it." Etienne stood watching the group.

Aloysius stopped a little ways down the road. "Thou mayest travel where'er thou would, archer. But let us now travel to Thurmaster whilst we can." He turned and recommenced his trek down the road.

"There should be room on dear Puddlejumper for both Silverstar and myself," Arachne agreed. "And I think my horse should be able to manage the walk, not that I think he'll be going that much faster than the rest of you. I think we'll all stay together more easily than separate. Blacky, can you load Lasiar on Puddlejumper's back? And is everyone else ready and able to move on? Is Dammit well enough? Um, I'm sorry, but for the moment, I've exhausted myself of healing ability. I was very grateful to Puddlejumper for managing to outrun one of the dogs even though he was injured. I think, though, that I should have a look at everyone who was bitten by the dogs before we sleep tonight. I'll be able to, I expect, when we get to Thurmaster."

"Not a problem." Blacky said and gently placed Lasiar on Puddlejumper.

"Our company sometimes offers little pleasure," Arachne muttered. "But you're welcome to it. As far as I'm concerned. And you can explain this balance that you think is now thrown off. (And people who don't want to hear about balance can choose not to listen)" she added under her breath.

"My horse can't carry anyone," Jana replied, sounding very worried. "I'm not sure if he can make it all the way to Thurmaster himself." She stripped all remaining packs and such she could carry off of her horse and put them over her shoulders, staggering a bit under the weight.

"Let me help you with those, we'll move faster if we split the weight." Blacky offered to Jana.

Etienne walked over to the woman with the horse, "I can look her over if you like. I'm pretty good with animals."

The return trip to Thurmaster was wholly uneventful. The day had warmed as the morning progressed, and now that it was afternoon, it was hot, clear day. The wounded were feeling the effects of the heat. The two men sitting guard at the gate were inattentive as they waved the party through.

Marlen's house was locked when they arrived.

"Oh dear," Aloysius muttered upon realizing that the door was locked. "'Twould appear that we shall have to find other lodgings. Methinks it likely that the inn will have vacancies now that all of those........people.....have left. Perhaps we should seek shelter there, at least until the 'morrow when we might be a bit more fit than we are presently."

The mage walked over next to Puddle Jumper and Arachne. "Small one, I have need of visiting Tauster. If thou wouldst accompany me, we can discuss the matter I mentioned afore. We also need to advise Tauster of the things that have transpired since last we visited."

Without a second thought, Rumer walked up to the door and began examining it closely. She then listened at it. Finally, she turned to the others. "Want me to try and open it? Or are you sure it's ok if you stay here?"

The trip to Thurmaster had taken its toll on Echo. She looked close to passing out. She did come up with a grin when Rumer walked up to the door and offered to open it though. She did not respond, but the look on her face said she did not mind if Rumer opened it.

That was pretty much all the permission Rumer was looking for. With an answering grin, she proceeded to try and open the lock.

Jana looked over at Echo, obviously concerned. "Maybe we ought to just take our chances at the inn." She winced at her own unbandaged wounds. "I mean, if someone gets ticked that we're here, we're not really in any condition to defend ourselves, are we?"

"I'll distract them by bleeding on them until you can get away," Echo told Jana with a still weaker grin. "I just want to get somewhere and sit, maybe lay down. A decent bed would be nice." She glanced in the direction of the inn with a disgusted look. "You're probably right though. We should go to the inn."

Jana caught Echo's look at the inn and chuckled. "Hmmm," she mused, "I wonder if they've repaired their stable..." She looked around nervously, expecting someone to jump out at them. "Well? What'll we do, skulk around here or go to the inn?"

"Doesn't matter to me, I just assumed this place would be vacant." Blacky replied

Echo gave Jana a guilty look. "I wanted to see if she could get the door open," she whispered. "Just to see how she works."

"Is the inn all that wonderful a place to stay?" Arachne asked. "And there is the stable problem," she agreed with Jana. "And who locked up this house? Did Lytern, before we left? Not that I recall -- and he would have been the only one with the right. Look: Go ahead and unlock the door, if you can. If anyone asks what we think we're doing, then what we think we're doing is providing Kaileer and Lasiar -- well, Kaileer at least -- an opportunity to inspect the cellar and confirm whether he was being held prisoner here the other night. That's pretty legitimate and enforcing of whatever passes for law around here." She watched Rumer work.

"Actually," Arachne told the wizard, "I'd rather not -- just now. You visit Tauster, if you must, but we've got a bunch of freshly injured people here and with Gala gone and Lasiar one of the most injured, that leaves just the elf we found in the wild and me able to do any healing at all. And in spite of Etienne's jesting, I _am_ concerned about those dog bites. I want to rest a bit and then start looking at the injuries. Sorry, Aloysius."

Rumer, who was already attempting to unlock the door, said, "Shhhhh. I'm trying to concentrate here."

Chastened, Arachne got quiet (except for her dealing with Aloysius...)

"No need for apologies, small one. Stargazer shall consult with Tauster on his own. Howe'er, I will need to borrow the cloak pin we took from the kidnappers yesterday. I believe that you have that, don't you? I'll explain after I return." The mage quietly surveyed the area as he awaited the gnome's reply.

Rumer worked on the lock on the door to Marlen's house. Fiddle, fiddle, click....the lock did not open.

A rather annoyed looking Tauster came up behind the gathered group and cleared his throat, "Ahem....what are you doing?"

"Shhh," Arachne said, without looking around. "She's trying to concentrate.

Aloysius turned to address the older mage. "Mage Tauster, I was just coming to speak with thee. Much has transpired since we left yesterday, and we have something I'd like for you to look at." The purple-haired man turned towards Arachne. "Small one, kindly show him the cloak pin."

Rumer smiled at the annoyed looking man. "Trying to open the lock. But it seems to be stuck. You wouldn't happen to have a key would you? Arachne said it would be ok." she added.

Arachne turned to the annoyed mage. "Oh, um," she said. "We weren't quite finished collecting evidence from in there and _someone_ came along and locked up. I suppose that was you --"

"Ah ha," replied Tauster as though that was the most normal thing in the world for them to be doing. "What other evidence is it that you need? I thought that you got just about everything from there." He looked at Rumer again, "I would have been happy to let you in if you needed to be in here. I locked the place up to keep everyone out until Lord Parlfray sends a new representative since the house does belong to Parlfray, after all."

"It's not quite as much fun if you *let* me in though." grinned Rumer. "We really just want a place to stay so we can heal for a bit, I think. Some nasty 2-headed dogs tried to kill Lasiar and hurt some of the rest of us and we figured since no one is really using this house at the moment, we'd just stay here."

"Right. The cloak pin." Arachne began digging in her backpack. "Hadn't he _seen_ the cloak pin already?" she muttered. After some digging, she produced the desired object and handed it to Aloysius.

Aloysius took the cloak pin from Arachne, looked at it momentarily, and then handed it to Tauster. "Mayhap thou didst see this afore, mage Tauster, but mayhap not. Dost this pin, perchance, belong to Jelleneth?"

Tauster looked at the pin, the look of annoyance fading for just a moment before it returned, "If it does, I've never seen it. That's not the one she usually wore."

Aloysius' bubble burst. He silently handed the cloak pin back to Arachne as his shoulders slumped. "'Twould seem that we must direct our attention towards the keep in the Thornwood then," he said to no one in particular.

"And we are most definitely on Lord Parlfray's business," Arachne responded. "Reading that business to be the security of his demesnes. We need to be _somewhere_ off the road having taken several injuries from a pack of vicious dual-headed dogs on the Parlfray road. We have done Lord Parlfray a favor by serving those dogs even more injurously than they served us. Many of them wound up dead. But we wish to see the inside of _this_ house because Kaileer -- " She nodded to the elf. "You remember him, perhaps, from our very first visit to Thurmaster? Perhaps not. Anyway, he was being held captive _somewhere_ while we were staying with you most recently. We believe that it was in the cellar of this house; I expect that Lord Parlfray would like it were that not so. So we'd like Kaileer to have a look at the cellar and see if he can say for certain one way or the other."

"And we need a place to stay." piped up Rumer. "Surely it wouldn't hurt to let us use this as a base until this Lord guy needs it again. Please?" she asked, batting her eyelashes shamelessly at Tauster.

"You could stay at the inn," Tauster offered, "like normal people." He pushed through the collected group and unlocked the door. "Go, look at what you need to see in the cellar. And don't make a mess. I just got it cleaned up in here."

Rumer burst out laughing. "well, it was worth a try. Hmmm." She walked up to Tauster and patted him on the back.

The house was, in fact, very clean. All of the blood and gore had been cleaned off the floors, and the damage caused by the fight to various places in the walls had been repaired. It looked ready for whoever its new inhabitants would be. Tauster stood near the door, waiting for them to be done with their investigation.

Etienne stood outside quietly as the others made their way into the house.

Aloysius seemed disinterested in exploring the house. He stood beside Tauster and spoke with him further. "We think we may have an idea as to where Jelleneth is," he began. "Lytern told Janathell of an abandoned keep in the Thornwood near the area where the Cyricist accosted us. He thought that might be a good place for the evil priest and his consorts to lair. Have you any knowledge of such a place?"

Tauster's eyes widen just slightly and he quickly answered, "No, never heard of such a place." With that, he turned on his heel and walked back out the door, leaving them alone in Marlen's house.

"Tyche's tits," Echo muttered. She made sure her cowl was firmly in place before the fireworks started.

Jana whirled around as Aloysius spoke about the information she'd related from Lytern. Her expression was furious, murderously so. After Tauster left, she said in a low, dangerous voice to Aloysius, "I said specifically not! to! bring! Parlfray's name into this! What thedid you think you were doing! " Jana's hands were clenched into white-knuckled fists. She continued, in a controlled voice that was somehow far more ominous. "Lytern gave me that map and information because he trusted me. You have now caused me to betray that trust. If you ever mention that map or the keep to anyone else, if you cause Lord Parlfray or Lytern one instant of regret for giving us that information--" Jana stopped abruptly. She had clearly been intending to continue on with a result, but her eyes darted around, noticing all of the potential witnesses. She snarled and reiterated, "Don't do it again."

Kaileer spoke up for the first time since returning to Thurmaster, "I not want see cellar. I see enough there." He then turned to Aloysius and spoke in elven, "I cannot stay here now. I will try to find Oleanne in the wood and see what she knows of this keep. I will see you again when I can."

Arachne had started looking over the nice clean house, heading toward the trap door to the cellar, when Kaileer declared his disinterest in even glancing down there. Disappointed, she shuffled back toward the front door. "Seemed pretty reasonable to me," she muttered to herself.

Aloysius began to respond, but suddenly.....

Rumer cheered and applauded. "Well, if Al comes up missing, we know who to look for. Damn, girl, you used some words I haven't heard in a long time. Very impressive for a Giorgio."

Jana whirled around as Rumer bagan making noise, then stopped. She stood there with a bewildered expression as Rumer spoke. She blinked a few times, then said, "Uhm, thanks?" With a suspicious narrowing of the eyes, Jana asked, "What's a 'Giorgio'?"

Echo groaned when Rumer started clapping. She mumbled quietly to herself about chasing people down and dog bites while Rumer and Jana exchanged words.

"Anyone not of the Rom." replied Rumer cheerily.

"Oh," Jana replied, not looking terribly enlightened.

"I am of the Rom. Some call us gypsies." Rumer added, seeing the dazed look on Jana's face.

"If you guys are finished in there," Jana said, "I'm going to the inn." She looked over at her horse with a worried expression. "My horse needs food and water and rest."

"Me too," added Echo. She followed Jana to the inn.

"Uh, how much does she like that horse?" Rumer whispered.

With Kaileer gone and Lasiar unconscious, Rumer looked a bit like an abandoned waif. Though she did have that mischievous glint in her eye. She walked over to Blacky and began to follow him around.

The mage's face turned beet red as he addressed Rumer. "Do NOT call me......that!" he demanded. "Realize do I that my name contains more syllables than thou art likely accustomed to, but surely thou canst manage 'Stargazer'".

"Sure thing, Al." replied Rumer perkily.

Small whisps of steam could almost be seen coming from Aloysius' ears. His face became the same shade of royal magenta as his hair. His head trembeld with rage. He clenched his teeth as spittle began to drip down to his chin.

"Stargazer will NOT be addressed in that manner!" he finally managed to say. "Lest thou should be taught a lesson, girl, do NOT do that ever again!"

He then looked at Jana. "Janathell, I understand not how inquiring of Tauster serves as a betrayal of Lytern or Lord Parlfray. Our loyalties may be best demonstrated by ridding his lands of this affliction. Suggest would I that we obtain as much information as possible." He cocked his eyebrow oddly as he continued. "Suggest also would I that thou controllest thy tongue and thy temper."

"I told you to keep Parlfray's name the out of it!" Jana snarled. "He gave us the map on the condition we would! And I suggest you honor thatrequest and hold your tongue before I rip it the out!"

Aloysius looked at Jana with a deadpan expression. "If it disturbs thee so much, Janathell, Stargazer shall refrain from invoking name in connection with......that place."

"It would make _me_ happy," the gnome suggested to the towering stargazer, "if you would refrain from mentioning 'that place' as much as you possibly can. I'd very much rather that we did not advertise where we want to go next. We already know that we're the subject of interest. You should expect to be spied upon. And, Stargazer, you should remember that part of the skill of acquiring information is controlling how much information you share in order to get it."

He looked quizically over at Etienne. "By the Elbian Cow! Fluent be I in three languages, but ne'er afore hath I heard such color in any tongue."

After Jana and Echo headed for the inn, and Rumer began tailing Blacky, Aloysius approached Etienne. "Er......archer, thou art empowered by thy ......uh....Lady to employ priestly magics, correct? I have need of a priestly blessing for an incantation I obtained recently. Could thou assist me in that?"

Etienne looked at the mage for a moment, then extended his hand, "Etienne...and you are? Apparently, we got to a bad start before. I can be a little outspoken when trying to save a life. I did not mean to offend you before when I told you what to do."

Aloysius looked at the half-elf's outstretched hand. Hesitantly, he extended his own and shook the archer's hand. "I be called Stargazer, Aloysius Stargazer. Fear not adverse judgment from me whilst thou doth attend to my comrades. It seems that all of us are a bit stressed by the events of the last few days."

Etienne nodded, "Well met, Aloysius. It sounds as if you all have been the center of attention around here. How long have you guys been travelling together?"

"A few weeks," the mage replied. "What commenced as a simple task of delivering a box to the mage that was here earlier has grown into an investigation of happenings most foul. We have already lost many companions, including two to the cold hand of Necros. It seems that evil factions have been kidnapping persons, oftentimes spellcasters, for some dark purpose. As you heard earlier, we think we may know where to find some of the missing. We welcome your presence."

"I'm sorry for your loss. I'll gladly do what I can to help. As for your need of a blessing, I cannot do such a thing today, but perhaps tomorrow I can help you out. I still have the ability to magically heal today, but only once. I'm not sure which of your comrades needs it more though. I can also do some herbal healing if necessary."

Aloysius nodded. "Methinks nearly everyone, save Stargazer, doth nurse some wound or another. Thy judgment as to who is most in need of aid be better than mine. If thou shouldst gain the power I mentioned, let me know."

He thought for a moment. "I know not if we intend on moving forth on the 'morrow or on the day after that. Brightmantle is gravely injured as are the horses. We may be delayed for a few days."

Rumer tapped the new guy on the arm, "er, Steve, do you think he got bitten by the dogs? Are you going to shoot him now?" she asked, batting her eyelashes as she did so.

Etienne looked down at the young lady, "I believe the man's current rage is caused by someone who doesn't know when to quit. Nick names are quite common among friends, but if they are annoying then friends may not stay friends long. Do you understand, 'missy'?"

"Shouldn't that be, 'little missy'?" Rumer asked, laughing. "And, I don't know you, either of you, so how can you be friends? Sorry, Steve, you guys need to lighten up a bit."

"Girl!" Aloysius snapped. "We are beset my forces both dark and powerful. This be not the time for 'lightening up'. Thy swordplay was most sound today, but thou should be wary of thy light-hearted approach. It may lead to thy downfall."

Rumer smiled at the mage saucily. "If life's no fun, why live it? Seems to me if you've reached that stage, this Doofefus guy has already won."

Aloysius bristled. "Accept the word of one who knows. Sacrificing one's enjoyment of life for the short term in order to bring about long term contentment is a wise path indeed."

He looked at Etienne. "I understand her not."

Rumer thought about it--for about 2 to 3 seconds. "I don't think I can do that. I guess he'll just have to kill me with a smile on my face." She patted the bewildered mage on the cheek. "Sorry, I enjoy life too much to stop now. Maybe when I'm your age. Or, should I say *if* I get to be your age."

Aloysius blushed as Rumer touched his face. He turned to Etienne and slowly nodded his head in resignation. "Stargazer hath a bit of studying to do. I shall be retiring to the inn. Perhaps we can talk more during dinner?"

Rumer smiled as the mage walked off then fell into step beside Blacky as he walked back to the inn.

Etienne smiled, "I look forward to talking later on then." He looked at the rest of the group "Like I told Aloysius, I can still cast one healing spell if someone wants it and I can use my other healing skills to help you also. I can look at the horses too. It's up to you though." Etienne stood and waited for a response.

Walking wearily toward the inn with Puddlejumper, Arachne paused and made the horse wait while she watched a tall mage attempt to explain nomenclature to a rather shorter gypsy. Since the exchange looked spicy, she went back and rejoined the group. "Not that I seem to be much good at smoothing ruffled feathers," she told Puddlejumper. The storm, however, seemed to blow over without her having to add any clouds of her own. She watched the wizard, but elected not to contribute any gratuitous advice. Or any other advice.

"Echo, I think," Arachne suggested, "unless you've already prayed as much as you can over her. In that case, Jana -- or Dammit. She'll probably insist that you pray over her horse instead of her. I hope your Lady doesn't have any restrictions about providing miracles to animal companions. She shouldn't, should she?" Arachne smiled. "I need to rest some more first, but then I want to look at all the dog-bite injuries -- even those you healed. I can try to explain over dinner, if you like. It has to do with the style of miraculous healing that I --" She shrugged and abruptly changed the subject: "There isn't any _reason_ for Rumer's calling you 'Steve', is there?" 

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