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Move 81:Fading Gnomes

Outside the Thornwood Keep--Deep Dusk, 22 Eleasias 1374 DR

After speaking to Etienne, Oleanne knelt down over one of the wolves, seeming to communicate with him in some way. When she finished, he went off through the wood, moving quietly and easily through the forest growth.

Oleanne looked uphappy about something in Etienne's translation of their conversation to the group. "If you go keep, I not go. I stay out with horses and wolves. Belshar find place, you need run away, you come there."

Lasiar added, "Perhaps I should stay with Oleanne as well and hold my healing in reserve in case you are forced to retreat and are badly hurt.

Aloysius brought Arachne out of her thoughts and into an irritated state. That exchange ended with Aloysius staring at the gates of the keep and Arachne staring off into space. A minute later, the gnome faded to a wispy outline that was only visible in the dying light because everyone knew she had been standing there a moment before. She headed for the clearing.

Right about then, a figure became visible above the walls of the watch platform for a moment before disappearing again.

Kaileer and Rumer had not yet returned.

Aloysius watched as Arachne disappeared. "Let us wait until everyone returns before taking further action," he whispered to the remaining party members. "Mayhap it would be wise if a couple of us attend to our flanks in case a patrol of some type should return?" Apparently, exempting himself from that task, he continued to focus closely on the tower.

Blacky moved himself to the edge of the group as quietly as possible. He held a hand axe in his right hand while attempting to listen for anything in the darkness that might indicate imminent attack.

Jana looked down at her newly cleaned and still rather shiny armor. "I guess I kind of shine and clatter," she said, looking as if the words pained her. "I don't really have anything to wear that'll cover it up and still allow me to fight." She looked down at the muddy ground and then at her armored sleeve and grimaced. "Maybe instead I could be a distraction..."

Echo whispered as loudly as was prudent, "Arachne, where are you going? Don't leave. We don't know what you're planning to do."

Before Arachne made it to the clearing, the gathered group heard three loud owl hoots.

"Damn", muttered Aloysius. "Kaileer and the gypsy have spotted trouble." He turned in the direction from where the hoots had originated. "Perhaps we should remain here until Oleanne's wolf returns? Mayhap he will be able to illuminate us on the threat Kaileer signals about."

At the three hoots, Jana said, "We need to find some defensible positions. If they've been spotted, they'll be coming back for help. We need to be here to give it to them. I suggest we spread out a bit. Maybe Echo and Arachne could move ahead in the direction they went, to each side a bit, and signal if they see anyone coming. One hoot to indicate they're coming and not being followed, two that they are being followed and to be ready, and three that it's worse than we thought and to turn around and haul ass." She looked around for opinions.

"Arachne's gone," Echo replied in a clearly angry voice. "She just wandered off into the *&^%ing clearing without so much as an explanation. I hope she doesn't get us all caught. I've had just about all I can take of this nonsense where everyone does as they damn well please. And I can't hoot like an owl, but I'll try if you want me too." She moved off in the direction Jana indicated.

Arachne continued into the clearing and the others lost sight of her. About ten minutes later, while there was still just enough light to see who they were, Kaileer and Rumer returned.

Aloysius' eyes brightened as his companions returned. He moved over to Kaileer as quietly as possible. "What didst thou see, brave one?"

When Rumer and Kaileer returned, Echo came back without hooting. "They were alone, so I didn't want to get us caught by making noise."

"That's because you've got more sense than your basic turnip," Jana muttered. "Something that damned gnome doesn't have." She glared in the direction Arachne had gone as she waited to hear about Kaileer and Rumer's scouting mission.

"There be no way in easy..." Kaileer said, looking somewhat annoyed that his effort was wasted. "Other wall have stone smoke pipe... there be trail in wood, maybe we hide close trail and take prisoner? If we get in, me think best way be quiet over wall when dark. Any have rope?" he asked as he shouldered his bow.

"I've got 50' of rope," whispered Rumer. "I can climb pretty good too, but I'm not real strong."

Aloysius thought for a moment and then glanced at the tower. "Methinks my magic could secure the tower as our means of ingress. There hath been seen a humanoid of some type up there. An orc it must be since it would make no sense to place a night-blind human on watch under these conditions. If Stargazer could get close enough to the tower, say within 10 yards of its base, I could encant my spell of sleep on the watchman. Somehow, then, one of us must be able to reach the top of the tower in order to dispatch the guard afore he awakens and fasten a rope for the rest of us. This plan, if the rest of thee think it wise, would require a distraction of some sort that would not create a general alarm to prevent me from being detected as I move closer, as well as someone with the ability to climb the tower without rope."

He looked back at the direction of Arachne's foray into the clearing. "Arachne could reach the tower without rope. Mayhap she could fly to the top of the tower with one end of a rope after the guard hath been sent to Morpheus? Too bad I can't ask her that question right now." His voice suggested a hint of irritation.

Rumer grinned, "Sure thing, A..., er, no problem."

When Aloysius asked Rumer if she could climb the tower, Echo pulled back her cowl and glared at him. She threw her hands up in the air and walked back over to the tree she had climbed earlier, mumbling to herself very quietly.

Aloysius seemed taken aback by Echo's glare. "Er.....know do I that thou art adept at climbing trees, Echo. But, yon tower hath not branches. The gypsy seems most dextrous, and 'twas for that reason that I inquired of her. I care not who climbs yon tower, if in fact that be our plan. Does anyone have another plan?" Aloysius squirmed as if suddenly very uncomfortable.

"What's up with her?" Rumer asked, wrinkling her brow. "She seems kinda grumpy."

"There's a good reason for that, Rumer," Echo replied. "It's because I am kind of grumpy. Yes, Aloysius, I realize you have seen me climb trees. It is lucky that your eyes work better than your ears because you never hear a thing I say. I have told you several times in the last few minutes that I could climb the tower and take out the guard. If you want to do it your way, that's fine. I would just like a tiny sprinkle of acknowledgement that someone around here other than Jana ever listened to a word I say. Your sleep spell is a good idea, if the two of you can get that close. If you could spell the guard to sleep, there would be less noise than if I had to kill him. Then again, I can see in the dark and I assume the two of you can't. That doesn't change the fact that there'll probably be noise if I go. Do whatever you want. That's what all of you are going to do anyway." She continued to sit under the tree.

Aloysius' shoulders slumped and he stared at the ground. After a couple of minutes, he looked back up at Echo. "I knew not that thou couldst see in the dark," he said apologetically. "I didst not suggest that thou climb, quite frankly, because I did not want to risk the loss of your arcane abilities if you were captured."

The scrawny mage then sat down ross-legged on the forest floor and held his head in his hands. "Turmoil besets all when Stargazer doth try and speak. Ergo, Stargazer shall speak no more." Then, his body began to rock slowly back and forth and a weak sniffling noise could be heard from behind his hands.

"Never heard anyone sulk because she was not asked to risk her life before. Gee, Echo, if you want to climb the tower, feel free. Yeah, I can't see in the dark that great, I'm just a simple peasant, ya know? No special blood. Did you even consider that maybe Al here might rather see me dead than you? I mean, I can't cast spells or nothing. All I am is a thief. You can do both and you've been with these folks longer. Go for it. If you don't want to, then I'll try it, but don't get all pissy about it. This isn't the place for you to go on an ego trip. Wait until we're done. Or let's all leave and duke it out. Then come back. I want to get inside there and see if there's anything interesting. And maybe free some folks if we can. That's all I care about. Glad I'm a simple human." Rumer grinned somewhat evilly at both Al and Echo.

"Thank you, Rumer. I'll be sure to take my ego trip elsewhere, although you missed the point of what I was saying," Echo replied in a still angry voice. "I don't have any "special blood" either so I don't know what you are talking about. But you're right. I'll try not to be "pissy" if Aloysius will get up and stop pouting. We need to decide what we are going to do, and we need to decide well, probably now in case the gnome brings us some unwanted attention. Either of us can climb the tower. I don't really give a damn which one, as long as we are doing to best thing we can do. We need to use our combined talents in the most effective manner if we want to have any hope for success. I'm pretty sure there's something "interesting" in there, as you say, but we're all risking our lives here. Arachne has already probably screwed us over by going off alone without telling us where she's going, which is not helping my "pissiness" any.

"Anyway, as I said before, Aloysius' sleep spell would be better than anything I can do up there, but the two of you can't see when you cross the clearing. It's a trade-off either way. What do the rest of you think is best? Or does anyone else have any other ideas?"

Aloysius looked up, a tiny smile forming on his lips. "Thou didst like my plan?" he asked hopefully. "Moonspawn didst scold me for........uh.......'pouting'.....afore. I see that it will not accomplish anything." He hauled himself to his feet and wiped his eyes.

"Suppose that Echo, Stargazer, and the gypsy girl move as near to the tower as we can without leaving the wood. If someone could somehow distract the guard, Echo could guide us all to the base of the tower. Then, I could cast my sleep spell, and the gypsy could scale the wall. If she fell, or was in need of assistance, perhaps Echo could follow her up. Once she got to the top, she could dispatch the guard and lower the rope for the rest of us. Can someone provide a distraction of some sort? Stargazer could do that as well, but I'd like to keep some of my magics in reserve for the conflict within."

He chuckled to himself. "Know did I that I pledged to remain silent, but so many varied wisdoms and insights have I to offer that such silence would be a shame indeed." He flashed the group a mini version of the PSF.

"Naw, I got your point. You're upset because Al asked me to do it instead of you. Because you feel like he didn't notice you or what you want. You have elf blood. Most of my folks would consider that special. And, yeah, I'm aware of the life risking stuff. That's why I think walking off to sit under a tree and pout as kinda useless." She grinned. "So what if Arachne went off? From what I hear, she's never been helpful in a fight yet. Let's work out stuff with what we do have instead of worrying about what we might have had."

"The thing I'm worried about is if she gets caught and lets them know we're here. I wasn't considering any help she might have been," Echo replied. The anger was gone from her voice. Now she sounded defeated and sad. She did not reply to any of Rumer's other remarks.

"Well, I can't see as good as you, but I can see in the clearing. I mean, the moon and stars and all provide some light. So, a bit anyway. If we worked together, you could help me around any rough patches, I'm sure." remarked Rumer.

"Okay," Echo added in a quiet voice. "Whatever the rest of you want to do. When you need me to do something, let me know." She pulled her cowl up and waited for the others to decide what they wanted to do.

"Uhm, is it a good idea for both Echo and Rumer to go?" Jana asked. "Besides, it's raining like hell. Won't it be pretty hard to climb at all? And until we know if Short & Stupid was seen, going in at all seems a little unwise at this point..." Jana winced in anticipation of the responses forthcoming.

Aloysius appeared confounded for a moment. "Short and.....", he began, before a look of understanding swept across his face. "Oh my, well.........." After supressing a grin, he added, "Methinks we should attempt to enter the keep at night. Our primary foes within are likely to be human, and we may take them by surprise. In any event, we shouldn't do anything until, er, Arachne returns. She could always fly up to the top of the tower after the sentry has been put to sleep and then lower a rope down." He glanced at Jana, and began giggling like a small child.

Etienne crouched quietly nearby as the group bickered and planned. He said nothing and just watched the darkness.

Rumer looked around, "Why are we doing this at night? Half our group is crippled by the dark and rain and none of the enemy is." She looked over at the new guy, "Steve, you want to help us here or just gripe about it when it's over." She grinned at him, figuring he could actually see her grin in the dim light.

Etienne never turned, "No, Missy. I can hear everything quite fine from here."

Jana walked over to Echo's tree. She sat down with her back against the tree and spoke quietly to her.

Rumer grinned at the fop then sighed at Echo. "Okies, it's too dark for me to do anything. I think I'll go back to the town. See ya!" she waved cheerily as she traipsed off.

Aloysius watched as Rumer headed off. "Good luck with the two-headed dogs," he advised.

"Thanks. I think I might have better luck with them though. Arachne was right." She grinned. "No hard feelings. If you and I both live through the night, come tell me about it."

Aloysius watched as Rumer headed off into the darkness. He addressed the rest of the group.

"Methinks it would be wise if we attempt entry of this keep under cover of darkness. If you all agree, let us finalize our plan."

He pointed to the tower. "Yon tower has openings on each side. Once the guard hath been put to sleep, either Echo can try and climb the wall, or if the rain prohibits that, we could try to thread one end of a rope through one opening and back out the one on the opposite side. If the rope was tied to Kaileer's spear, he may be able to make such a throw. We would naturally have to be certain the rope would be long enough to reach the ground on both sides. Then, Eric and Jana could secure one end of the rope while someone else climbs the other end. When that person arrives at the top, they could eliminate the sleeping guard, and attach the rope for the rest of us."

He tried to ascertain the reactions of the others as he spoke. "I would still need a distraction as well as a guide to the base of the tower. Kaileer, thou art keen-eyed, so mayhap thou couldst guide me. Ettiene, thou art crafty, and mayhap thy Lady hath endowed thee with magics to create a diversion. If Arachne is inside, we can meet up with her there. If not, we could leave word with Oleanne as to what we have done." He folded his arms in front of him as rain washed down his face. "If we continue to stand in this downpour any longer, our bodies and equipment may not be fit for an assault at dawn. What doth the rest of thee think?"

"I'll go with whatever you guys decide. I can't see a blasted thing in the rain and darkness, but I'm sure I could create a diversion. I don't know why we would want to alert them to the fact that we're here, though. I'd say that it would be best for Aloysius and Echo to sneak up to the tower and only have us create a diversion if they are spotted." Blacky said from his spot at the edge of the group

Etienne finally spoke up, "I agree with Blacky. Me and Kaileer could fling a few arrows at whoever tries to set off any alarm if we can see them. That'd shut them up real quick. Plus we'd both be able to see what we're shooting at. Blacky and Jana can wait for any kind of ground attack. I know they can't see, but they can at least keep their ears alert for any noise. If I know what direction they're coming from I can drop a spell to slow them down. If things get nasty and we have to fall back, head for the woods. Oleanne and the wolves are finding us a place to lick our wounds if things get bad."

"Humans..." Kaileer muttered, more than slightly annoyed by the bickering. *"It's obvious we're not ready to assault the keep at this point in time. In any case the very elements are against us. I believe Rumer has come up with the best idea yet, we should go back to town and return here with a battle plan under more favorable conditions."*

Aloysius considered all the input. He spoke briefly to Kaileer. *"Methinks the darkness and the weather will provide us with an element of surprise that we may sorely need. Give Echo and I a chance to reach the tower."* He glanced at Ettiene. *"I trust our two archers will satisfactorily cover the gates?"*

The mage then approached Echo. "Let us get to the base of the tower as quietly as possible. Once there, I shall cast my sleep spell on the tower and thou canst attempt to climb up." He cocked his head and gave Echo a strange look. "Have a care, Echo. Dost thou have rope to drop down to the rest of us?"

He then put his hand on Echo's elbow and waited for her to lead him into the darkness towards the tower.

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