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Move 91:Back to the Keep

The Thornwood--Night, 22 Eleasias 1374 DR

With Etienne and Kaileer in the lead, the group made their way back through the woods. They made it back to the edge of the clearing without incident. The light that had been coming from the courtyard, visible over the walls when they left earlier, was now gone. A silence filled the air, disturbed only by the now all too familiar sound of falling rain.

Aloysius leaned down to Arachne and whispered, "Be there anyone in yon tower?"

Jana walked along with the rest, holding the appropriated sword in her hand. She didn't speak during the walk over. Judging by her occasional involuntary gasps, her injuries were only slightly healed and she was still in quite a lot of pain. Simply walked was an ordeal. "Is the gate open?" she whispered, once they'd arrived.

"Can't tell from here," Arachne replied as softly. "If there are, they didn't have the kindness to light a torch." Since she was the sighted one at the rear of the party (along with Lasiar), she mostly peered to the side and rear while waiting for the folks up front to take a decision.

Kaileer crouched with his bow at the edge of the clearing behind some trees and kept his eyes and ears open for "company" in the forest or on top of the wall.

"If we can't see," Jana said in a strained whisper, "then neither can they. Let's move around toward the gate."

"Stargazer concurs," game a whisper from the back of the group.

"Janathell's suggestion was wise, methinks," the wizard whispered in return. He leaned forward a little bit in an effort to whisper to those ahead of him. "Let us move 'round to the side where the gate be whilst remaining in the cover of these trees. Once we ascertain the status of the gate, we can determine whether or not to employ Arachne's talents for ingress." The mage flashed the gnome a mini version of the PSF while they held hands in the dark.

"Then can we go now?" Jana whispered, irritation evident in her voice. She grabbed Kaileer's arm. "C'mon, let's get moving." She held on to the ranger's arm so he could guide her in the darkness.

Kaileer grasped Jana's wrist firmly and moved her hand to his shoulder. "Me need both arm for shoot bow." he explained before moving slowly towards the point facing the gate.

Aloysius peered down at Arachne in the darkness. "'Twould appear that we are going that way," he said, nodding towards Kaileer and Jana. He unsheathed a dagger with the hand that wasn't holding onto Arachne. "Er......praytell give me some advanced knowledge if there be something to be afraid of," he muttered to the gnome.

"I assume you mean something awfully imminent," she whispered back. "We both know there's plenty to be afraid of...especially where we're going."

"Awful AND imminent," the mage replied. "I misspoke. I meant to ask for advanced warning of anything that might make me more afraid than already I be." He continued to clutch his dagger tightly as the group hopefully moved towards the gate side of the keep.

Etienne looked over to Kaileer, "Let me and Blacky lead. We're in a little better shape than the two of you." Etienne then started to moving out with Blacky. He moved slowly and as quietly as possible. Occasionally, he would stop and poke at the ground around him. 

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