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Past Moves

It may be necessary to use the back button on your browser to get back to this page from some of the archived move pages. I am in the process of fixing the broken links, but I have not had time to catch all of them yet.
Move 1: Obligatory Bar Scene
Move 2: Bells and Whistles
Move 3: The Road to Haranshire
Move 4: On to Milborne*
Move 5: Bandits and Farmers*
Move 6: The Battle on the Road*
Move 7: A Pox on Your Houses
Move 8: Milborne
Move 9: The Silver Crown
Move 10: Looking for Zond
Move 11: Song of a Rainy Dawn
Move 12: Another Missing Person
Move 13: Off to See the Wizard
Move 14: Leaving Thurmaster
Move 15: G'Morning, I Mean Afternoon
Move 16: The River of Swine
Move 17: Pigmen!*
Move 18: A Bear? Where?
Move 19: Kuiper Talks
Move 20: A Quiet Village
Move 21: Barroom Conversations
Move 22: On the Road Again
Move 23: Coincidental Farmers
Move 24: Denfast's Farm
Move 25: Big Fun on the Bayou
Move 26: Into the Murk
Move 27: Rugrats
Move 28: Home to Mom
Move 29: Skirting the Mire
Move 30: Okay, so now what?
Move 31: The Cave
Move 32: Blue Goblins*
Move 33: More with the Goblins*
Move 34: Who's the Home Team?*
Move 35: Mourning and Threatening

* combat move
Moves 36-74
Continued Move Summary Index
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