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Past Moves

Moves 1-35
Moves 36-74
Moves 75-116

Group A

 Move 117: Slow Going
Move 118: Out of Town
Move 119: Wizards and Barmaids
Move 120: Rainy Traveling Days
Move 121: Up the Creek*
Move 122: Free Floating*
Move 123: Getting to Shore
Move 124: Messages to Town
Move 125: A New Location
Move 126: Krynen's Farm
Move 127: Krynen and Maxim
Move 128: Fein? Who's That?
Move 129: Kaileer's Farewell
Move 130: On to Kuiper's
Move 131: Getting Well

Group B

Move 117: Their Separate Ways
Move 118: Into the Tunnel
Move 119: Glowing Red Thingies
Move 120: Bugs on the Ceiling*
Move 121: No More Bugs
Move 122: A Turn in the Tunnel
Move 123: What to Do?
Move 124: An Uneventful Night
Move 125: Noise Up Ahead*
Move 126: More Noise in the Tunnel*
Move 127: Orcs in the Tunnel*
Move 128: Ouch
Move 129: Patching Up
Move 130: What Day is It?
Move 131: Back Outside

* combat move
Current Move
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