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The People in the Neighborhood

A glossary of NPCs the party has encounteredin Haranshire. Italics indicate a person who is missing or dead.

Alaina Odian
Devon and Barb
Elden, Marik, and Johnt
Kuiper Swiftwater
Lise, Myr
Lord Darius Carman
Lord Sandior Parlfray
Lytern Parlfray
Squire Marlen
Tersa Odian Gillson

Alaina Odian-A wizard of some repute; Tersa's mother, Devon, Barb, and Laney's grandmother

Andren- One of a set of identical twins who run the Baron of Mutton in Milborne. His fiancee, Jelenneth, disappeared around the same time as Zond.

Anth-Barmaid in the Hound and Tails in Thurmaster. Anth was accused on Squire Marlen's murder and disappeared prior to Move 60.

She reappeared after being rescued by Lasiar and Kaileer and cared for by Madame Zolta, Rumer's grandmother.

Alexander-Lord Parlfray's scribe

Barthlew- One of a set of identical twins who run the Baron of Mutton in Milborne.

Barranas-proprietor of the general store in Thurmaster; a very intelligent middle-aged man

Denfast-Farmer who lost his farm in early Eleasias due to the spreading New Mire.

Devon and Barb-Brother and sister who live in the New Mire. The party learned about blue monsters from Devon. The children belong to Tersa, a half drow woman.

Darcy-Adolescent barmaid who took Anth's place working the Hound and Tails in Thurmaster.  She bears a remarkable resemblance to Gloris.

Dirkaster- Owner of the Baron of Mutton in Milborne. Dirkaster is an ancient man, grandfather of Andren and Barthlew.

Elden, Marik, Johnt-Farmhands from Denfast's farm. The three farmhands got confused for bandits by the party in Move 5.

Falgout-Paladin of Tyr who was imprisoned with Rumer in the Thornwood Keep. He lost an eye and a hand to Ranchefus to be used in his rituals to create undead.  Falgout was killed along with Rumer in the Gleaming Glade during Echo's rescue.

Garyld- Acting constable in Milborne. Garyld is a ranger, but due to a serious injury resulting in a debilitating limp has retired to Milborne. He keeps in touch with the other "woodsy" folk of Haranshire by means of his trained crows. Garyld is plagued by arthritis in damp weather in addition to being lame. He is middle-aged with thick black hair and a handsome face.

Gerrd-A captive rescued from the Bloodskull orcs.  Formerly a shepherd.

Gloris-Barmaid in the Hound and Tails in Thurmaster

Gordrenn- A "purveyor of magical paraphernalia, material necessities, and related items to many wizards of note" who hired the party to deliver a chest of goods to the wizard Tauster in Thurmaster. Gordrenn is a middle-aged, dark haired, and slightly portly. He works in Scornubel.

Grizzler-An old dwarf living in Milborne.  He was a miner back in the day the Garlstone Mines were active.

Haldelar- Jelenneth's father; the miller in MilborneHeydrus-A boy of about fourteen who surrendered to the party in the fight in the Thornwood Keep. Heydrus is tall and very very thin, with a pimply face and greasy light brown hair.

Kuiper Swiftwater-Owner of a farm along the Churnett River and one of the rangers of Haranshire. Kuiper keeps a watchful eye over the Great Rock Dale, the Hardlow Woods, Howler's Moor, and the northern corner of the Thornwood. Kuiper is a well-built man in his late 20's.  Kuiper fell in love with Gala and the two of them are now living together on his farm.

Lise, Myr-Serving women at Lord Parlfray's keep

Lord Darius Carman-Rider of the South Winds and Lord of Western Haranshire and Milborne

Lord Sandior Parlfray-Lord of the eastern part of Haranshire, including Thurmaster. Lord Parlfray is an old man with a single child, Lytern.

Lytern Parlfray-A young man of sixteen, son and heir of Sandior Parlfray. Lytern snuck away from his father's keep and joined the party in Move 59.

Lytern was recently wed to the Lady Jillian Cormaeril of Cormyr.  He paid for Azrun's freedom after his trial.  The young man is reportedly none too happy with his new marriage and bride.

Maxim-Son of Krynen, one of the area farm owners. Maxim was recently discovered to be a werebear.

Nafton- Owner of stables and kennel in Milborne. He has a few horses in addition to raising mastiffs that most of the people of Milborne use as guard dogs.

Nym-adolescent serving girl at the Baron of Mutton

Oleanne-A druid in the Thornwood. Oleanne is an attractive but unkempt young woman. Her commonspeech is halting, her cloak and robe tattered, her long blond hair dirty. Most of the inhabitants of Haranshire are frightened of "The Wild Woman of the Woods". Oleanne travels with two large gray wolves named Arlin and Belshar.

Rastifer- Owner of a general store in Milborne that also carries many curious items. One never knows what might been found at Rastifer's....

Ranchefus-Strifeleader (priest of Cyric) who led an attack against the party in the Thornwood.

 Rendennis- Night watchmen at the Milborne warehouses

Semeran-Smith in Milborne; adopted son of Haldelar and Parella, Jelenneth's parents

Semheis the Tormtar- Holy Champion of Torm. Semheis is a very young but handsome priest keeping Torm's temple in Milborne. He's a bit pushy and not too well liked.

Snagger- A prisoner rescued from the Bloodskull orcs.  A dwarven fighter, nephew of Grizzler.

Squire Marlen-Count Parlfray's representative in Thurmaster. He is an old, rake thin man with a beaky nose, beady eyes, and a whiningly ingratiating manner. Squire Marlen was murdered when a Zhent caravan came through Thurmaster.

Tauster- A wizard in Thurmaster to whom the party delivered a chest of spell components. Jelenneth is his apprentice and he is concerned about her disappearance

Tersa Odian Gillson-a half-drow woman living in the New Mire; mother of Devon, Barb, and Alaina Gillson; daughter of Alaina Odian.

Thimpsen- The proprietor of the Silver Crown in Milborne

Walright-Smith in Milborne; cousin of Parella, Jelenneth's mother

Weismar-proprietor of the Hound and Tails in Thurmaster

Will-The village smith in Thurmaster

Zolta-An old gypsy woman who lives in the Blessed Wood near the Shrieken Mire. Rumer's grandmother.

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