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Olaf Ulfson

Strength very high
Dexterity avg
Constitution high
Intelligence high/avg
Wisdom very high
Charisma avg
Olaf is a battered looking man in his early fifties. His body still appears strong and powerful, but his age is apparent in his wrinkled face and snow-white hair and beard. A jagged scar arcs across his forehead, and another runs along the length of his right forearm. His left hand is missing at the wrist; the stump is covered with a leather bracer-like piece. If he removes his shirt, his back and chest are covered with small scars from arrows and daggers.

Olaf wears servicable chainmail over brown breeches and tunic, and with a tabard embroidered with Tyr's Hammer and scales over the chainmail.  His longsword hangs from his left hip, warhammer from his right, and a back is usually slung across his back.

Olaf is reasonably talkative about his past, though if folks look bored he doesn't insist on telling everys tory of his life. Olaf is polite, kind, and generally allows the louder or more active emembers of the group to make decisions, only speaking up if he considers the idea completely bone-headed. Olaf is fond of oaths, "By Tyr's Hand!" is a favorite. He seems very at ease with his calling as a priest, and is the antithesis of the judgemental, rigid, obnoxious stereotype typical for Tyrites.

Olaf _really_ likes venison, he prefers it to all other forms of meat.

His sword is legendary, it is called Susk, "The Silent Sword". It is completely silent in battle, and 'floats' in place when released. Olaf recovered the blade five years ago from a Zhentilar warrior leading a Darkhold patrol. Collecting legends and stories about the blade has become something of a hobby with him.

This battered warpriest has been serving Tyr for forty years now, starting as a young acolyte in the Temple of Tyr in Sundabar. After attaining the priesthood he began a career as a wandering priest of the church, travelling through the wilderness with various adventuring groups, bringing Tyr's justice to those most in need of it.  Along the way he has survived many conflicts, fought against the demonspawn of Hellgate Keep and Dragonspear castle, the orcs of the Spine of the World Mountains, and the evil undead of lost Netheril. He lost his left hand to a werewolf in the High Forest twenty years ago; and only avoided lycanthropy himself through Tyr's grace.

Olaf's one great love loved another, so he has never married, and the skill and power he gained in Tyr's name was seriously reduced during a long, drawn out struggle with a Netherese lich on the edges of Anauroch.  Though the lich was finally destroyed by Olaf, much of his own life energy was drained away.  Now, he works for the Church as a roving investigator and trainer, imparting his wisdom to the younger priests and paladins heading out into the world to battle evil. Recently one of his proteges, a paladin named Falgout, disappeared. Olaf has been following his trail to determine what happened to the young man, and to aid or avenge him against any evil he has encountered.

Olaf was killed by a roper in Move 345.

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