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Rennirolas Starchaser

Strength very high
Dexterity avg
Constitution avg
Intelligence very high
Wisdom very high
Charisma avg
With silvery white hair and vibrant blue eyes flecked with gold, Rennirolas has features typical of the moon-elf race. His pale, nearly bleached white, skin has a faint bluish tinge around his ears and along the underside of his jaw. Wearing a sky blue cloak and surcoat over a snow white tunic and leggings, Rennirolas has a pair of fine brown leather boots pulled up to just below his knees. On a chain around his neck is a crecent moon, which appears to be a holy symbol.

A fine mesh of elven chain shows under the sleeves and neckline of his clothing, and the steel rimmed medium shield strapped to his left arm completes his armor. On his belt are a long sword and a mace. The long bow he typically carries in his hand completes his armament. This nearly six foot tall elf strides rather than glides, showing but little of the elven grace. The elf's backpack looks near to full, with a flute case sticking out of the back and a number of quivers strapped to the sides.

Rennirolas is not garrulous, he is in fact quite spare with his words, save when the talk turns to the forests, his people, and their enemies.  He is somewhat reserved in his dealings with those who are not Elves, not having figured out exactly how to take their thoughts and action.

While he does not speak volumes, Renn does enjoy a quiet song, or a soft tune played on his harp.  While in the caverns, Renn's voice was turned to humming and his flute was silent.  While above, the sight of a strong tree might bring forth a song of nature, a thunderstorm the playing of a lively bit of music from his flute.

His daily routine is just that, a routine.  When he rises from his reverie, Rennirolas performs his daily prayers, which take about half an hour.  He is meticulous with his clothing, washing his white and blue tabard, leggings, and tunic whenever he can.  Renn's elven chain is easily maintained, and he but rarely removes it, wearing it under his clothing when he sleeps.

Renn is the consumate physician.  His healing skill and knowledge of herbs is quite broad, and he continues to watch over the wounded and stays in a state of quiet concern even after the battle wounds have begun to heal.  He seems to take wounds and illness as a personal challenge, and strives to heal all that he can.

Equipment: long sword, long bow, quivers (3), holy symbol (crescent moon), belt pouch, backpack, flute, elven chain mail, healer's bag

Picture by Larry Elmore.

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