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Strength exceptional
Dexterity high/avg
Constitution avg
Intelligence avg
Wisdom avg
Charisma low/avg
Torro is a 6'2" tall and weighs around 193 pounds. His firery red hair is clean cut, but long in the back. There is a strong hint of curles in his hair. He sports a mustach that is as red as his hair. His eyes are emerald green, which enhances his cheerful appearance. Though there are wrinkles (crows feet) at the corners of his eyes, you have too look for them as his eyes are bright and youthful.

Torro wears a woodsy green tunic under his brown leather armor, which compliments his eyes and hair. The comfortable tunic is clasped tightly at his wrists, and he figits with them to make sure that they are in place, like he tries to keep a nice appearance. The breeches he wears are woven of green and brown leather strips. Very stylish, but aids well in blending into the woods. A few of the leather strips are decorated in a celtic motif as well, kind of like a story line.

A plain long sword hangs at his left hip, positioned for easy and quick access. He carries an ebony wood long bow in his left hand. A very well crafted long bow. The bow is rarely out of his posession. At times, it seems that he takes better care of his bow than himself. There are two quivers of arrows that he carries as well. One is on his back, with the opening over his right shoulder for easy access to its deadly contents. The other hangs on his right waist. For those who have seen his arrows, they are of the same ebony wood that his long bow is made of. Granted, the bow and arrows are not of elvin make, but it takes a close look to determine that, as they are very well made.

Laughing easily, Torro is a good companion, easy to get along with. He doesn't complain about any hard work, but is really cautious when there is danger to his delicate hands. After all, his livelihood is archery.

Torro was killed in Move 48.

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