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Searching For Treasure....

Listing of Magical Items as Distributed to Party Members

Aloysius boots/levitation
dagger +2
ring/protection +1
robe/useful items
scroll (hold person)
scroll (protection from plants)
scroll (reincarnation)
wand/frost (out of charges)
Arachne Ceth's holy symbol (shows current phase of the moon)
Dagger +2
Leomund's desirable residence
potion (ESP)
potion (extra healing)
potion (water breathing)
ring AC 0
Azrun dagger +2
Blacky lighting lance+
shield +3
splint mail +2
two-handed sword +2
Dalgaer Faeradd (battle axe)
Powder of Coagulation
Soup bowl 
Echo boots/speed
dagger +2 (x2)
scroll (mirror image, web, dispel magic, minor globe of invulnerability)
scroll (invisibility, knock, dimension door, fly)
Jana bastard sword +2
chain mail +2
mace +1
shield +1 (medium shield that acts as body shield)
stone (+4 vs energy drain, protection from evil, permits casting of dispel evil once per week if carried by spellcaster)
Kanon mace +2
necklace of adaptation
Susk (long sword)
Rennirolas elven chain +1
mace +1
scroll (aid, prayer)
scroll (prayer, cure critical wounds, heroes' feast)
scroll (blade barrier, negative plane protection)
scroll (prayer, meld into stone, cure critical wounds, conjure animals)

Party Treasure (Blacky is acting as party treasurer)(list current as UED 31 [Mapenoth 16])

   1545 cp
   4502 sp
   1530 ep
 14697 gp
   4815 pp

Art, jewelry, and treasure items:
belt/silver studded (30 gp)
gold bracelet-value unknown
gold bracelet with ivory skulls (value unknown)
gold bracers set with bloodstones (value unknown)
gold earring (25 gp)
ivory dice with bloodstone pips (value unknown)
ivory handled gilded dagger (300 gp)
mother-of-pearl inlaid silver chest (500 gp)
rosy quartz (chunk) set in platinum dragon's foot (200 gp)
ruby jewelry (650 gp)
sapphire earrings (200 gp)
silver fox pelt (500 gp)
silver tiaras adorned with human and demihuman teeth (2)(value unknown)
tacky platinum and gold medallion (125 gp)
trinkets,rings, and baubles (1300 gp)
topaz set silver ring (value unknown)

Gems and precious stones:
amber (100 gp)
bloodstones (42 x 100 gp)
chalcedony (value unknown)
chrysoprase (100 gp)
garnet (value unknown)
moonstone (50 gp)
pearls (11) (100 gp)
sapphire (1000 gp)
ulvaen (value unknown)
various gems and jewelry (12900 gp)
various gems and jewelry from grell nest (value unknown)
various gems from smooth caverns (4850 gp)

Unclaimed magical items:
bastard sword +1 (only has +1 when used 2-handed)
chain mail +1 (2 suits)
holy water (2 flasks)+
lightning lance+
long spear +1
long spear +1*
long spear +2
potions lowering resistance to charm (4) (silvered flasks bearing wave-shaped runes)

Unidentified Magical Items:
mirror (radiates Alteration magic)
ring (worn by Arachne)
scroll (mage--spells unread)
stone (radiates necromantic magic-held by Echo)

Indicates a "special" rather than magical item
* indicates additional unknown magical properties

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