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Dragon Guard Guide
The Dragon Guard offers 9 unique missions for your character to pursue. Simply bring back the listed items to the Dragon Guard to complete the mission and you'll receive a nice reward for your efforts. Each mission can be completed more than once and there are some missions that you should consider repeating as soon as you've gathered the necessary items. Among the most popular of the Dragon Guard Missions include the Noble Trophies mission, the Grand Fish Oil Project mission, and the Tears of a Dragon mission.

Grand Fish Oil Project | Mysterious Goblin Armour | Noble Trophies | Queens Folly | Seafarers Museum | Serpent Scale Soup | Tears of a Dragon | The Gnome Tailor
The Titan Blade

Grand Fish Oil Project
Items: 500,000 Marks and 50 Fish
Reward: Anywhere between 14 and 26 Fish Oils

Completing the Grand Fish Oil Project mission is by far the easiest way for players to get a hold of Oils, which can be used on weapons to prevent them from rusting.

Mysterious Goblin Armour
Items: 8 Garnet, Crystal Crown, Goblin Mythril, and Goblin Plate.
Reward: Mythril Helm

A Mythril Helm is basically a more durable version of a Miners Cap, but it subtracts more skill than a Miners Cap.

Noble Trophies
Items: Battle Axe, Dwarf Axe, Elf Bow, Giant Maul, Great Helm, Mythril Mail, Rams Horn, and War Tusk.
Reward: Swift Boots OR Crystal Swift Boots

The Noble Trophies mission is by far the most popular mission at the Dragon Guard. Although Swift Boots are exceptional foot gear that are comparable to Sea Slippers with higher defense and less skill, Crystal Swift Boots, on the other hand, are by far the best foot gear in the game in terms of Defense and often provides more skill than a pair of Silver Sea Slippers.

Weapons that are necessary to complete the Noble Trophies quest are highly sought after by traders at the Trading Post, but you should keep in mind that Battle Axes can be bought at Smithy's. Getting the Dwarf Axes and the Great Helms won't be easy.

Queens Folly
Items: 4 Garnet, 2 Emerald, Ruby, and Unicorn Horn.
Reward: Unicorn Pendant

The Queens Folly mission should only be pursued by Peasants who are not strong enough to defeat the second Castle Guard. With the Unicorn Pendant, a Peasant can enter the Royal Court without having to deal with the second Castle Guard.

Seafarers Museum
Items: Dragon Shield, Gladius, Great Bow, Great Targe, Sea Slippers, Serpent Scale, Snake Scale Suit, and Spiked Helm.
Reward: 0-2 Bless Scroll, 8-24 Enchant Scroll, 0-4 Flame Scroll, 0-2 Glow Scroll, 0-3 Identify Scroll, 0-3 Luck Scroll, 2 or 3 Rutter to Azteca, 3-5 Rutter to Hie Brasil, and 2-4 Rutter to Shangala.

The Seafarers Museum mission generally isn't worth completing because if you're able to acquire the weapons that are necessary to complete this mission, you shouldn't have any trouble questing for the items that are rewarded to you.

Serpent Scale Soup
Items: 100 Fish, 1,000 Food, Panic Dust, 8 Serpent Scale, and 10 Turnip.
Reward: 15-25 Serpent Scale Soup

Serpent Scale Soups can heal up to 120 injured guts and are the best healing items in the game. You should definitely bring some of these soups with you to battle in case the outcome of the battle isn't weighing in your favor.

Tears of a Dragon
Items: 1,000,000 Marks and 30 Dragon Scales.
Reward: Dragon Scale Jacket

The Tears of a Dragon mission is one of the most popular missions at the Dragon Guard. It doesn't cost too much to manufacture the Dragon Scale Jackets if you do a little trading at the Trading Post, and they provide the highest amount of Defense points out of any Body armour in the game. However, you shouldn't expect to receive a decent Dragon Scale Jacket most of the time because many of the ones that you'll receive won't exceed 104 Defense points.

The Gnome Tailor
Items: 300,000 Marks and 6 Jaguar Hide.
Reward: Jaguar Mantle

Jaguar Mantles are odd weapons that use up both your head and body armour slots. Some Jaguar Mantles are better than the Spiked Helm/Dragon Scale Jacket combo, but such Jaguar Mantles are few and far in between.

The Titan Blade
Items: 3,000,000 Marks, Gladius, Jaguar Fang, and Nunchaku.
Reward: Titan Blade OR Silver Titan Blade

The Titan Blade is a two-handed weapon that often isn't as powerful as a Matchlock Rifle. The Silver Titan Blade, on the other hand, is also a two-handed weapon but can easily be passed up for a Silver Amini Club/Silver Jaguar Fang combo.

All creature images and related insignia are ©1997-2007, Fred's Friends, Inc. This help site
is maintained and written by randomorange of the Wizards & Warriors clan. Please send
all inquiries to randomorange through in-game mail. This site is not affiliated with Fred's Friends, Inc.