The following news is old news; it's completely untouched and isn't adjusted for grammar mistakes that I made in the past.
December 29, 2001
Forest section finished in Creatures Guide/Dragon Court 2 Downloads are up!
Two good news that you will most definitely like. Well first of all, I have finally added the Forest section to the Creatures Guide. I haven't made any changes to the creatures guide for about 1½ months, and the Forest section has finally been finished. The Mountains section will be completed soon, along with the rest of the sections in the game. Thats good news for the newer players who are just starting or plan to venture into the Forest. And like I promised yesterday, Dragon Court 2 Downloads are finally up! 3 download packs are available for download. Don't worry about viruses, they don't have any. Don't forget--Winzip is required to unzip them. If you don't have it yet, go to and try to get it. The largest pack is the Dragon Court 2 creatures pack, containing 32 images of creatures in Dragon Court 2. It may be large, but the file is quite small, weighing in only a mere 55.3KB. Next, is the Dragon Court 2 Sounds pack, containing 23 soundfiles from the game. The file is only 99.2KB. And last but certainly least is the Dragon Court 2 Backgrounds. Five backgrounds are included in the zipfile. It may contain the least files, but it is definitely the largest file. 116KB would be the highest of the three. Please note that these are only the first releases of these three packs, and many files will be added to these zipfiles later. So be sure to visit often for the newest versions of these zipfiles.
December 28, 2001
Dragon Court 2 News to be postponed/Dragon Court 2 Downloads Tomorrow!/Champion Forums link changed
Sorry, but news on Dragon Court 2 will be postponed. Starting NEXT WEEK, Dragon Court 2 updates will only be posted on either Saturdays or Sundays. I won't be playing Dragon Court 2 that much, because it is way too slow, and freezes too many times. Not only that, but the server isn't responding either, so I guess I won't be playing Dragon Court 2 for awhile. On the other hand, you will be able to download 3 different files of Dragon Court 2! Winzip will be required in order to unzip these files, so be sure to get it at You'll be able to download either Dragon Court 2 Sounds, Dragon Court 2 Creature Pictures, or Dragon Court 2 Backgrounds. Of course, this will be a prerelease. Not all Sounds, Creature Pictures, or Backgrounds in the game will be included, as I haven't even quested that far yet. And with Dragon Court 2 updates only on Saturdays or Sundays, you can expect that there won't be any change to these files for awhile. On other news, the Champion Forums link has been changed. If you have recently tried to access it, you'll notice that the link no longer works. The link was changed two days ago, as requested by some of the posters in the Champions Forum. Of course, I am not giving away the link. Kill Evil Fred and get the link for yourself! Thats what a real champion would do.
December 27, 2001
The Clans as of Now
Well, since Dragon Court 2 isn't responding, there won't be any updates of Dragon Court 2 today. But since there is only 4 days left in year 2001, lets take a look at how the clans stand today:

It's not a high quality image, but look closely at the clan chart shown above. A year later, it may not be the same. If you have seen the clan charts a year ago, you'll notice that they are completely different. Remember who the #2 clan was last year? Or 1½ ago? THE YENDIS RING clan was #2 last year with around 6000 Power, but now they are completely gone! Of course, I will not be giving out names. Here is how the clans summarize:
- Six of the clans on that chart hasn't even been on the Top 12 for a year.
- Of those six clans, Four of the clans on the chart hasn't even been there for a year, which will make a total of 6 new clans on the top 12 list from last year's list.
- This also means that six of the clans in the top 12 from last year are no longer top 12 clans, or have disbanded. For a fact, I know that at least four of them have disbanded.
- Only six of the clans in this chart have been in Dragon Court for at least a year, and of those six, all of them have dramatically changed. Of those six clans, surprisingly, all of them have been a clan for at least 1½ years.
- And of those six clans, three of them have changed leadership, which means that only 3 of the 6 old clans in the top 12 still have their original leaders.
Unfortunately, clan Skyriders has rarely even changed a bit from last year. Last year we had the same 1800 power, but we only had around 30 less members. We were #8 last year, and now...we are STILL #8. Not such a big change? Well, seven months ago we had 3400 power and around 500 members, which was our record high. Until about three months ago, clan Skyriders have been competing with the same old clan for the #7 spot for over a year with the Knights of Truth clan. Now they are no longer competition as they are below the top 12. You can probably make a prediction that clan Skyriders will probably have the same amount of power next year. Of course I would show you the clan charts from last year, but I am aware that there is a clan that has last years clan charts, but this clan no longer exists. A lot of things can happen in a year, and who knows what new clans might sprout in the Top 12 next year? Will a clan be able to obtain a 5th ability? We'll year. And clan Skyriders will continue to be one of the oldest clans in the top 12. After all, it is 679 days and counting. Well first of all, let's just try to stay in the top 12, alright?
December 25, 2001
All Dragon Court 2 Sections UPDATED, and Merry Christmas!
All Dragon Court 2 Sections have been updated, so be sure to check all of them out. A few new pictures have also been uploaded. On Friday, I will start questing in the Sewers, and will come back with more information about that area! The Swamps are much different than the Sewers, packed with tougher creatures and even a few hidden shops. And of course, today is Christmas. Of course I do not celebrate Christmas, so for those of you who do celebrate, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. If you received money for Christmas, be sure to spend some of it on Dragon Court 2. Read the Dragon Court 2 Features Guide if you haven't been persuaded yet.
December 23, 2001
Two new Dragon Court 2 sections/Dragon Court 2 Images Uploaded
Two more sections have been added to the Dragon Court 2 section. The Dragon Court 2 Locations Guide has the scoop on all locations in the Fields and Salamander Township. The Dragon Court 2 Species Guide has information on each race you can pick from while you create your hero. I have also uploaded over 2MB worth of Dragon Court 2 pictures. Most creatures mentioned in the Creatures Guide will now have its in-game image. All locations will have a picture of what is inside the location. And finally, the species guide has a few in-game images for some of the species. Be sure to check them out!
December 22, 2001
NEW Extensive Coverage on DC2
RATS! I absolutely had no idea that my DC2 account was still working, and thus, I have wasted six months of it already. I only have 6 more months to use my account before it is terminated. Well the good thing is, is that I have come back with plenty of information on DC2. All of this took hours to write. Tomorrow I will be posting images of the creatures. There are five guides about Dragon Court 2 already, but you can expect that neither of these guides will ever be finished. Dragon Court 2 itself isn't even finished yet. But because of this, I will be spending most of my Winter Break doing research on DC2 instead of the bugs in the Test Version. Sorry about this.
December 21, 2001
Rust is to correctly function/Finally...500 wits!/Four new bug pictures tomorrow
Lawrence has announced on the Test Version Forum that they have finally got "rust" to work again. For those who do not know what "rust" is, it is something that decreases the stats of your weapons if they are not stored in your storage overnight. Not only that, but you will also have to take your weapon to the Armoury to get it polished. This also includes the weapons that you are currently equipped with. Of course by doing this, you'll dramatically fall in the "Skill" list, but it may be better than to lose the stats of your most powerful weapons. This was previously NOT WORKING, but rust will soon be working properly when new changes are made to DC1. This will spell disaster for those who do not store their weapons in their storage. And finally...after 2 years of playing...I have finally reached 500 wits! Well, it's 503 wits now. Many of you will probably think that 500 wits in two years is a joke, as so many have over 1000 wits in two years, but I haven't been playing Dragon Court consecutively. If so, I probably would have around 800 wits now! Now, to go for my 600th wit... Seeing that I don't have much time to post the bug photos, tomorrow I will be posting four NEW bug photos. Today I have taken over 30 bug photos discovered in the Goblin Mounds. Yes, the Goblin Mounds are now accessible. Some of the new discoveries were interesting, especially a note from Fred himself! Another amazing discovery is the Silver Staff and a Faery that was encountered in the Throne Room! Those 3 pictures, and another picture, will be posted tomorrow, so be sure to check tomorrow.
December 20, 2001
More Test Version Bugs/Bug Photos to be released Tomorrow
A few new test version bugs I have discovered. Sometimes when questing in the Forest, a blank screen that only contains the letters "???" will show up. Another bug was discovered in the Forest. If you have already found the "Free Adventurers Guild", it will continue to show that message whenever you quest in the Forests. Of course, this will also cost you one quest. There are probably more bugs to be discovered, but I don't have time to find all of them right now. Since tomorrow I will be having a break from school for two weeks, I will probably have time to post some bug photos, but only the bug photos for the 11-30-2001 bugs. It may take months just to complete the 12-15-2001 Bugs, but I may release a portion of the guide after I post the 11-30-2001 bugs guide. During these two weeks, I may be able to write up some new guides, as well as adding new parts to the Creatures guide.
December 16, 2001
Four Exclusive Bug Photos Released/Weapon Shops Guide finished
Today I'm taking a break from all of those bug reports. Here are four of the pictures that you will be seeing on our upcoming 12-15-2001 Bugs Guide. Be sure to wait for all four of them to load. It is definitely worth the time to wait for all of them to load.
  Shown first is the Silver Weird Knife that I was talking about yesterday. It is a powerful left handed weapon. The one that I found came with Disease, which is probably useless, since any attributes found in left handed weapons are useless. The one next to it is a picture of the new Sphinx. As you can see, the Sphinx is much more powerful than it was before, and I obviously have lost the battle against it. The third picture shows a Samurai with the new statistics. The Samurai is far more powerful than ever, and I have yet collected a Masamune or Koutetsu from them since the change. The final picture is the statistics of the first Foul Axe I have found from the Plague Warriors since the change. In about two weeks, you'll be seeing plenty more pictures like this.I've finally finished the Weapons Shop Guide. It now has full information on all weapons that are sold in Smithy's shop. They are far more expensive than the weapons in the Armoury and Weapons Shop, but they are also more effective. However, you will find that most of the weapons sold there are still not worth buying.
December 15, 2001
Skyriders Basic HTML guide partially released/Exclusive Bug Photos to be Released/New Test Version Bugs/New Sphinx Photo?/Silver Weird Knife?
This is yet another update that has nothing to do with Dragon Court. I have released a small portion of what will be on the Skyriders Basic HTML guide. It is unfinished, but I will get it finished soon. The first thing I will do is organize the guide so that the codes will go in alphabetical order. And finally, I have found a way to convert .BMP images to .JPG images. Now that I know how, I will be able to post some exclusive bug photos from the test version! These pictures will verify that these bugs have really happened before, but I only have 10 of them to display. Some of the colors may appear to be darker than usual, while some may be a bit blurry. There will be TWO sets of photograph. The first set will have the bug photos for the 11-30-2001 bugs. The second set will have the most recent bug photos. Since I have a small amount of photos for the 12-8-2001 bugs, the 11-30-2001 bug photos will be released first. Well, it looks like I must write yet ANOTHER bug guide on the test version. There is now a NEW set of bugs, but it mainly involves creatures. The creatures now have incredibly high stats! For now, I am only taking pictures of the new bugs, and soon I will write about them. One non-creature bug is that the Goblin Mounds can't be accessed. The Rutter to Hie Brasil error has been fixed, but you still cannot encounter creatures from Hie Brasil. The new set of bugs will not only include the creatures with incredibly high stats, it will also include a picture of any weapon found from that creature! Weapons are also extremely high, and it may be worth taking a look at. The Dragon has over 800 Guts and Wits! One of the more interesting discoveries today is that the Sphinx(located in the Mountains) has a new photo! You can see that photo for yourself in our NEW 12-15-2001 bug guide, which will be released in about one or two weeks. I will keep looking for other interesting bugs. There goes another interesting discovery. I have just found a SILVER WEIRD KNIFE in the mountains! I have captured this screenshot of the weapon's statistics already. I have also discovered a few other weapons normally not found in the game, such as the MYSTIC STAFF! I have also found another silver weapon--the Silver Tail Whip! I have also captured the screenshot of the weapons screenshots, and I've just noticed that the Silver Weird Knife is Left handed and the Silver Tail Whip is Right handed! I'll see if I can find some more Silver weapons!
December 13, 2001
Skyriders Basic HTML guide to be released soon/Refreshed Lists
This has absolutely NOTHING to do with Dragon Court, but since some of the clan members are asking me about it, I have decided that I will soon post the Skyriders Basic HTML guide, an easy to understand guide that explains how to use basic HTML tags. For those of you who do not know, you will need to know HTML in order to create a website. This clan site requires tons of HTML tags to create, and each one has re-typed for every LINE and PARAGRAPH. An Advanced HTML guide will only be available for members. But the real question is, why am I even writing this HTML guide when there are many to find on the internet? Well, many guides on the internet are difficult to understand, and most of those guides will also contain useless information that isn't even related to HTML. Our guide will be fully detailed, and extremely easy to understand. None of that useless information. Of course, this guide will have to go under a new section, which I will also add soon. It looks like the Dragon Court lists have been reset. We are now #6 on the clan lists with 298 members and 1753 power, but this probably won't last for long. One clan is missing in the top 12 that was previously there yesterday, and when that clan is back on the lists, we will once again be #7. By the way, all you have to do is login with one of your characters in order to add a clan back to the clan list when the lists have been refreshed. If you ever find that the lists have been refreshed, be sure to login into your character to add your clan to the clan list.
December 11, 2001
Rares Tutorial added to Tutorials section/Test Version Update
A new tutorial has been added to the Tutorials section, which will explain what rare weapons are. This DOES NOT include rare items, only rare weapons. It has complete information on what rares are, and in-depth information on what can and cannot be a rare weapon. This tutorial is for those who do not know what rares are, or for those who have never found a rare, or for those who would like to learn more about rares. If you have found a weapon that you think is a rare, check out the rare weapons tutorial immediately! Here is an update on the test version bugs. Well by now, MOST of the bugs from the previous 11-30-2001 bug guide have been fixed, but there are still some that haven't been fixed. A few new bugs have been discovered. The experience bar for your character is now partially blue. The rest of the bar will be white, and this represents how much more experience you'll need to get rid of that white bar. Another bug is that there are no more weapons or armour being sold in the Weapons Shop or Armoury. All of this will be added to the upcoming Bugs Guide. Also, it looks like Fred and the Admins have tweaked the backpacks of each character. Each character will have a specific number of each item that are being carried, even if you have never had that quantity of item, or never even carried it! A list of this will also be in the upcoming Bugs Guide. Even more interesting, each character has a note from Fred! It reads "In order to help test, some of you will be randomly received cookies and bottled faeries". Bottled Faeries? Never heard of that before, but this is likely to bring the test version to limbo again.
December 9, 2001
Test Version bugs continued/12-08-2001 Bugs Guide to be released
Continuing from yesterdays list of bugs in the test version: 42. Regardless of level, you are only allowed to purchase 100 of each item. 43. Giants in the mountains have significantly lower stats. 44. All Giant Mauls are +18a -8s. 45. All Rams Horn are +3a +5d -3s. 46. You still cannot encounter any sea inhabitants. Right now I'm working on the "12-08-2001" Bugs Guide. It will list all of the NEW bugs that started with the new update. It will probably be shorter than the "11-30-2001" Bugs Guide, but it will have all errors listed in each location.
December 8, 2001
Weapon Shops guide added to the In-game section/Test Version bugs fixed?
A new in-game guide has been added to the in-game section. The Weapons Shop guide will list all weapons that can be purchased in the game, each divided into the three shops that sell them, including full statistics and information on each weapon. Be sure to check it out before you plan to purchase a weapon from a shop! For now, I have only completed the Weapons Shop and Armoury, but the Smithy's shop will be finished tomorrow. It seems that the test version bugs are currently being fixed. Lawrence has already made a post to the testers forum stating that he has fixed a few bugs. It doesn't look like any of the characters have been deleted yet, so for those that have managed to get away from taking advantage of the bug have pretty much gotten away with it. Here are some of the new changes I have noticed. A guide of this will be released soon, if there is enough information. 1. The Storage is STILL the backpack. 2. Unidentified Weapons will have a [?] on them. 3. Items, such as Kookies and Healing Salves, have a (xx) on them. xx=number of that item. 4. On the bottom left of the screen, if your backpack is overloaded, it will say so. 5. Weapons still show their skill points in statistics. 6. Weapons can now be identified. 7. The shops are still in small print. 8. Dragon Shields now have 7 Defense and 6 Skill. Some of them will have the normal stats. 9. All Rat Tail Whips are +8a +2d +8s. 10. All Goblin Shields are +5d -2s. 11. All Miners Cap are +7d -3s. 12. If your backpack is full, it will not allow you to receive additional items of a different item that you currently do not have. 13. Attack commands for the Berzerker, Rat, Boar, and Gryphon is still backwards. 14. For no reason, sometimes you may gain a level once you start your day of questing. 15. Nothing can be purchased from the Goblin Mounds. 16. All Foul Axe are +8a +4s. 17. You can only have 60 backpack points for storing items, regardless of level. 18. All Asaura are +5d +2s. If you are lucky, you might be able to find a +6d +4s. 19. All Masamune are +15a +10s. 20. All Koutetsu have +3a +15d -5s. 21. You are still able to sell junk at the Trading Shop. 22. In the beginning of the game, one of your arnaments will always rust. 23. All Snake Scale Suit are +12d -3s. 24. Sometimes you will not gain any fame, even though it says that you have gained fame. This only applies if your character has died at least once that day. 25. All Shuriken are +8a +12s. 26. When depositing a weapon, it will ask for more than one quantity of that weapon. 27. Adding Flames to a right handed weapon does nothing. It will only appear as if its attack rate was increased by 4. 28. Adding Luck to a weapon does nothing. It will only appear as if its skill rate was increased by 2. 29. Adding Bless to a weapon does nothing. It will only appear as if its defense rate was increased by 1. 30. Blast Damage does 100 damage instead of the normal 25 or 50. 31. All Magic Staffs are +8a +9d +10s, but appear as +8a +8d +8s in the information box. 32. Mystic Robes appear to be +9d +6s, but says +8d +4s in the information box. 33. Mesmerizing and Swindling is still ineffective. 34. Game still turns to a blank screen when you click on Smithy's. 35. All War Tusk are +3a +3d -1s 36. All Mithril Mail are +6d. 37. All Mercury Sandals are +12s. 38. All Throwing Knife are +3a +3s. 39. All Unicorn Horns are +8a +3s. 40. All Elf Bow are +10a +6s. 41. All Dwarf Axe are +7a +1d +2s. I will keep you updated with new information as soon as possible. A complete guide on this will be written as long as I have enough information.
December 7, 2001
Tips and Tricks section updated
The Tips and Tricks section was updated in order to better understand the tips and tricks that were previous written. A new tip/trick has also been added to the Tips and Tricks section. Ever wanted to buy more items just to find out that the buy option for that item is no longer available? This new tip/trick was added to the Tips and Tricks section. Check it out!
December 5, 2001
Update on Test Version/Newly Discovered Bug
The test version is still flooded with the same bugs, but now the FAME list is corrupt. Only the top 8 players are shown or the players whose fame is above 3.0k., but the other lists are fine. Of course this isn't the first time it has happened. UPDATE #2: Ten minutes later, all lists now have "No Records Found". This means that the lists are now completely corrupt, or are currently being fixed. Lets hope that this is the latter one. The server is currently NOT RESPONDING. This is most likely that they are currently fixing the game. Finally...a new bug was discovered in the game. You can no longer visit Smithy's in the forest! Once you click on the shop, the screen will turn blank. Smithy's shop WAS PREVIOUSLY WORKING. This also means that the Bug Report guide will be updated(upgraded to version 1.1).
December 4, 2001
New Font/Update on Item Prices List/Update on Test Version Bugs
I replaced the previous font with a new font with smaller print. Hope you can read it! I FINALLY found the correct HTML code to change the font. Only a few of the pages on this website have been modified with the new font. Heres a new update on how the Item Prices List is going. I have found out that it is the number of CHARM that determines the price of an item. This means that the higher CHARM your character has, the higher price you may receive for selling an item! However, you SHOULD NOT expect this guide to be finished for a VERY LONG TIME. The formula for each item is still not known and hard to figure out. For about five days now, the test version has been flooded with many bugs. You still have a chance to encounter some of these bugs yourself! Although I have not yet encountered any new bugs, I will update the bugs guide whenever I find anything new. If you do not know the link for the test version, click here! See if you can find any other bugs I haven't been able to encounter. So far, NO BUGS have been fixed, so you will still be able to encounter everything mentioned in the bugs guide! However, Lawrence has made a post on the testers forum stating that they will fix all of these bugs by next week, so if you want to see this for yourself, I suggest that you go there now! However, I am not responsible for anything that happens to your character, as you will have to take great precaution if you choose to play while these bugs occur(with the possibility of your character being erased). If you take the risk, you'll be able to make tons of cash in a day by selling every single item received in battle!
December 3, 2001
Item Prices List being developed
Right now i'm working on the item prices list, a list that determines the price of an item that shops will pay for. This will take a long time to complete, and it is not as easy. However, I have discovered a few things while trying to develop the list. The selling price of an item IS NOT dependant on level. After comparing two characters that were both on the same level, it is MOST LIKELY NOT Wits and Charm that determines the selling price of an item. Youth Elixirs and Platinum Rings will both sell for the same price, and Teeth/Food/Fish all sell for 1 mark. The unfinished section "Item Sell Price List" has more of these facts.
December 1, 2001
11/30/2001 Bug Report!
Last night, I compiled a complete list of bugs I have discovered while playing in the test version! This is highly unusual, and I do have pictures to back it up, but before I post them, I will need to know how to convert .BMP pictures to .JPG. If you know how to do this, email me. Every bug I discovered in the game is in there, including the exact items I received for killing each creature! This is highly unusual, and is quite interesting. Unfortunately, I was unable to record information of five of the creatures in the game, since I wasn't able to anyway. Well here is the reason why I wasn't able to record information to SIX of the creatures in the game: 1. Serpents/Mermaids/Pirates - Unable to record information on these, because it wasn't possible to locate Sea inhabitants. 2. First/Second Castle Guards - Unfortunately, I have no characters that are Peasants, and so, this information couldn't be recorded 3. Wizard - After over 500 tries, I was unable to locate a wizard in the fields. Its probably not there.
November 28, 2001
New Tutorials Created
A few new tutorials have been uploaded, such as "How to Send DC Mail", "How to use Gems", and "Identifying Weapons". More tutorials will be uploaded, so be sure to check back often!
November 25, 2001
List of Links Changed/Two New Sections
I've changed the list of links by organizing them under four specific categories: Interact, In-game, Resources, and Clan Info. Two new sections have been added to the site! The Quick Ability Chart and the Rental Cost Chart. They are located under the category "Resources". The Quick Ability Chart lists the differences in the number of quests by having the clan ability, and the Rental Cost Chart lists the costs of renting a floor/suite/room, etc. including the cost of using the storage.
November 22, 2001
Creatures Guides Created
Since I have the time for it, I have created the "Creatures Guide", a guide with useful information about each creature in the game. I have only included all of the creatures from the Fields, and I'll start with the Forest creatures soon. I'll have an downloadable version of this guide soon, which will include the font that I have intended to type with. The HTML for the font I intended to use to type the Creatures Guide did not work on the website, but will be included in the downloadable version, which is soon to be released.
November 21, 2001
Websites Merge
I've decided to merge the clan page for the test version into this website. Since I've long forgotten the password for the clan page for the test version, I will be adding the stuff from the test version site to this one, which will have its seperate Weapons Vault when finished. This also means that I will merge the forums as well. When the forums are finished, I will add a section for the test version clan.
November 20, 2001
SKYRIDERS TEST VERSION IS BACK!!/Weapons Vault to open soon!
I don't think that I have ever been more proud of my clan than ever. The Test Version has been fixed today, after a whole 8 months of ongoing problems of login failures. Clan Skyriders now proudly stands at the #2 spot with 9 members and 70 power with our old abilities, Sturdy and Popular. Before this incident has happened, we were the #1 clan in that version for the last 7 months. We will have to get each member in the test version to login again in order to gain power again. I am very happy that some of our test version players are still playing the test version and have been loyal to the clan for a very long time. Its also good to see that the other old clans are alive. On the other hand, clan Skyriders is doing exceptionally better in the regular version, now over 1900 power. I'm currently reworking on the clan forums, and I will check to see if I could find the problem that was messing up the alignment of the forum. I am also to announce that I am soon to open the "Weapons Vault", which will include EVERY single weapon that the clan has to offer! Because this process will take very long to list, the Weapons Vault is not to open for another month.
November 17, 2001
Sections Updated/Power is starting to rise/New Advertisement/Sections Moved
Most of the Sections have been updated, as most of them are outdated in information. I have also added new information to some of the sections to make it easier to understand. On the other hand, it looks like people are starting to join again. We now have 316 members and 1864 power, which is slightly higher than it was a few weeks ago. This is a good sign that we are slowly recovering. To speed the recovery up, I will once again advertise the clan in the Clan Hall with an all-new ad that is sure to catch the eyes of others. I haven't advertised the clan in nearly a year, and its about time I made a new advertisement. Some sections have also been moved, such as the "Our Clan Abilities" page, which formally was in the index page. "Our Clan Abilities" also discusses our 3rd ability "Stubborn", which was never discussed on that section. The main introduction that used to exist on the index page was moved to the "Clan Introduction" section.
November 12, 2001
Next week's news--today!
In an effort to make things a bit more "competitive" here, I will be posting a Top 10 list of all categories, such as Fame, Skill, etc. I will post a new top 10 list of the highest ranked members every week. I will post the first one next week, but it would be much easier if I had one of those programs that organized data from the highest to lowest. If you have one of these programs, email me.
November 2, 2001
The clan almost comes to an end and the latest news
Nothing seems to be going well around the clan these days. I've pretty much given up on making the new forums, though I know how, its just that the forums don't look right. Our clan began in the test version, which is now completely dead, and ever since then, our clan has slowly been weakened day after day. When I made the clan on February 17, 2000, I was hoping for better success than in the test version. We did pretty good, but now we are at the worst positions in a long time(approximately over a year ago). Well, I guess this is it. We're pretty much nothing now, now that petitions for the clan is at a rate, 1 petition every 4 days. People are quickly leaving us for other clans with our abilities. We're not and never will disband, but if we are going to rise in power again, we'll need all the help we can get. As of now, I'm probably just going to manage my other websites, which are still getting daily hits. We will also need new recruiters that play StarCraft, now that most of them have already quit playing. Chances are low that clan Skyriders will ever rise to the top ever again. Our peak of power was around 3200 power and 492 members, which was only several months ago. We are still slowly decreasing in power by the day. We have also been getting alot of proposals for a merge. Ever since we started falling off of the lists, we have been getting proposals for a merge from 11 different clans, 5 of those 11 are clans that currently belong to the top 12 list of clans. We are not merging, and you can't offer me anything to change my mind. Not friendship, fun, forums, items, or anything. By the way, we NO LONGER do any clan battles or anything like that, so don't email me about these things, or they will be ignored. I still need help creating frames, and I still haven't had much help making them, so if you know how to make them, email me. If you know how we can improve, drop me an email.
October 19, 2001
Joining Packages Updated
Well I updated the joining packages section by removing all joining packages from the list. If you want one, you'll have to DC mail me and give me the stats of your weapons. DO NOT email me about your joining package, because I will most likely not respond.
October 9, 2001
New Clan Forums Soon/Trying to learn Frames
First update in a long time! Well I was away for a long time since I had to format my computer, but now I'm back! I'm making a new ezboard forum for the clan. Right now i'm managing four websites that are frequently visited, so I'll make the ezboard forum later. One more thing, I don't know how to make frames! Making frames would make this site a whole lot easier to manage, and for my other websites as well. So if you know how to make frames, email me.
July 26, 2001
New Section
First update in a long time, we now have the "About Us" Section that tells all about our clan in DC. Read it to find out more about your clan.
June 16, 2001
New Clan Forum
Our clan's co-leader Eminem has created us a new forum today. The main forum is called "Eminem's Tavern" because my co-leader Eminem made it! Just thank him for making the forum.
May 18, 2001
Website Deleted Part 2
I was able to only restore some of the front page and had to retype everything. Sorry, all the history of the editing of this website is now lost. I requested for help, but angelfire can't even do anything and they ask me questions that dont even relate to it.
May 17, 2001
Website Deleted
This is going to sound stupid but when I tried to edit the webpage today...everything's missing! I'll try to see if I can restore it. If not, this clan site's shut down forever...or in other words, shut down temporarily. This really isn't the first time it has happened though, it could be an Angelfire error.
January 15, 2001
Alternate Clan Website
Clan Sky Riders is now becoming a much more powerful clan in DC1, as we now have 900 power and two stand-alone abilities, Dragon and Quick. I no longer update our old clan website, so don't even bother going there anymore for new updates. In the test version, we now have 934 power. With lack of competition due to the disbanding of many clans several months ago, we are still receiving many petitions every day.
January 6, 2001
Website Reopens
For the first time, this clan site for clan Sky Riders has been opened. We've lost the old updates, but oh well, what are you going to do about it. Our clan site for the test version has now existed for a period of over six months.
For the latest updates, please go back to the index page.
For slightly more recent news, click here to read news from 2002.