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Healing Costs Chart
Have you ever wondered how many marks you'll need to heal your injured guts without going to the Healers Tower to check? Determining the amount of marks that you'll need to heal your guts is easier than ever.

Level Cost per injured Gut Cost to cure Sickness
1 1 Mark (Full Heal) 1 Mark (Full Heal)
2 1 mark 20 marks
3 1 mark 30 marks
4 1 mark 40 marks
5 1 mark 50 marks
6 1 mark 60 marks
7 1 mark 70 marks
8 1 mark 80 marks
9 1 mark 90 marks
10 1 mark 100 marks
11 1 mark 110 marks
12 1 mark 120 marks
13 1 mark 130 marks
14 1 mark 140 marks
15 1 mark 150 marks
16 1 mark 160 marks
17 1 mark 170 marks
18 1 mark 180 marks
19 1 mark 190 marks
20 1 mark 200 marks
21 1 mark 210 marks
22 1 mark 220 marks
23 1 mark 230 marks
24 1 mark 240 marks
25 1 mark 250 marks
26 1 mark 260 marks
27 1 mark 270 marks
28 1 mark 280 marks
29 1 mark 290 marks
30 1 mark 300 marks
31 1 mark 310 marks
32 1 mark 320 marks
33 1 mark 330 marks
34 1 mark 340 marks
35 1 mark 350 marks
36 1 mark 360 marks
37 1 mark 370 marks
38 1 mark 380 marks
39 1 mark 390 marks
40 1 mark 400 marks
41 1 mark 410 marks
42 1 mark 420 marks
43 1 mark 430 marks
44 1 mark 440 marks
45 1 mark 450 marks
46 1 mark 460 marks
47 1 mark 470 marks
48 1 mark 480 marks
49 1 mark 490 marks
50 1 mark 500 marks

For the most part, this chart is no longer as useful as it once was in the past, seeing that it only costs 1 mark to heal each injured gut regardless of the character's level. Of course, this wasn't always true.

Out of Marks
If for some reason you don't have enough marks to heal your injured guts or simply don't want to spend any, you can elect to sacrifice one of your quests to heal all of your injured guts. Of course, this isn't recommended because it really doesn't cost a lot to heal your guts.

Alternative Ways of Healing
The Healers Tower may be the only place in the game that can heal your injured guts, but it's often a better idea to rely on other items to heal these guts. For a full list of these items, check out the Healing Guide.

Healing at the Healers Tower in the Old Days
There used to be two additional options at the Healers Tower that have since been removed from the game. One of these options was "Half Healing," which healed half of your injured Guts at a discounted price, and the other option was "Minor Healing," which healed 1/4 of your injured guts at an even lower price. Healing was also a lot more expensive back then because you had to pay 1 mark per level subtracted by 1 to heal each injured gut. For example, a Level 30 character had to pay 29 marks to heal each gut. If this character were to suffer from an Ieatsu blast of roughly 450 damage, this character would've had to pay as much as 13,050 marks for a Full Healing at the Healers Tower. Today, this character would only have to pay a measly 450 marks.

All creature images and related insignia are ©1997-2007, Fred's Friends, Inc. This help site
is maintained and written by randomorange of the Wizards & Warriors clan. Please send
all inquiries to randomorange through in-game mail. This site is not affiliated with Fred's Friends, Inc.