One question that newer players often ask is when quests are supposed to be replenished. Quests are replenished once per day, and since items such as Cookies and Mandrake Roots no longer replenish quests, all players have no choice but to wait for the daily reset time. You can always refer to the Refresh Countdown page to see how many more hours and minutes have to pass until the next refresh, but have you ever wondered what time it is in other parts of the world when quests refresh in your area?
Disclaimer: All of the refresh times that are listed here are only accurate when Daylight Savings is being observed. When Daylight Savings Time isn't in effect, between the months of late October and early April, these times should be subtracted by one full hour for accurate results.
Time Zone |
Refresh Time |
Sample Locations |
-11:00 |
2:00pm |
Samoa |
-10:00 |
3:00pm |
Hawaii |
-09:00 |
4:00pm |
Alaska |
-08:00 |
5:00pm |
Western United States |
-07:00 |
6:00pm |
Western United States |
-06:00 |
7:00pm |
Midwestern United States, Canada |
-05:00 |
8:00pm |
Eastern United States, Canada, Mexico |
-04:00 |
9:00pm |
Quebec, Canada; Venezuela |
-03:00 |
10:00pm |
Brazil |
-02:00 |
11:00pm |
Various islands |
-01:00 |
12:00am |
Egypt, West Africa |
0:00 |
1:00am |
London, England; Western Europe |
+01:00 |
2:00am |
Central Europe |
+02:00 |
3:00am |
Eastern Europe |
+03:00 |
4:00am |
Iraq |
+04:00 |
5:00am |
United Arab Emirates |
+05:00 |
6:00am |
Western Asia |
+06:00 |
7:00am |
Central Asia |
+07:00 |
8:00am |
Thailand, Vietnam |
+08:00 |
9:00am |
China, Hong Kong, Australia |
+09:00 |
10:00am |
Japan |
+10:00 |
11:00am |
Australia |
+11:00 |
12:00pm |
Australia |
+12:00 |
1:00pm |
New Zealand |
+13:00 |
2:00pm |
New Zealand |
The Old Days
In the past, players who lived in the U.S. West coast had to wait until 9:00pm for their quests to refresh. Those who lived in the U.S. East coast had to wait until 12:00am for their quests to refresh. However, due to the influx of Cookies and Mandrake Roots, people didn't necessarily have to wait for the daily reset time to occur. Still, many people were eager to stay up late for the purpose of receiving mail packages from others.