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Silver Weapons List







Hie Brasil



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Silver Weapons | Crystal Weapons | Antiques

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Silver weapons were introduced to the regular version of Dragon Court on April 8, 2002. As of the time of this writing, 15 types of silver weapons exist in the game and these weapons are basically better versions of their normal counterparts. With the exception of the old Silver Amini Club, Silver Gladius, Silver Masamune, and the Silver Weird Knife, the average base stats of silver weapons are twice as high as the average base stats of their normal counterparts.

Although it used to be possible to receive silver weapons from the Spirit of Fortune, she is no longer handing out silvers as of the June 2006 upgrade. Silver weapons, especially the old Silver Amini Club and the Silver Jaguar Fang, are expected to rise in value in the near future.

Weapon Lowest Stats Highest Stats
Silver Throwing Knife +7a/+7s +23a/+23s
Silver Pike +21a/+1s +57a/+3s
Silver Elf Bow +29a/+7s +88a/+21s
Silver Weird Knife +17a/+5d/+8s +65a/+20d/+31s
Silver Staff +21a/+7d/+8s +57a/+19d/+22s
Silver Tail Whip +35a/+8d/+35s +110a/+26d/+110s
Silver Giant Maul +63a/-28s +189a/-9s
Silver Sea Slippers (old) +14d/+140s +48d/+480s
Silver Sea Slippers (new) +14d/+112s +40d/+320s
Silver Gladius +70a/+14s +270a/+54s
Silver Masamune +84a/+28s +312a/+104s
Silver Amini Club (old) +70a/+210s +230a/+690s
Silver Amini Club (new) +98a/+210s +266a/+570s
Silver Jaguar Fang +21a/+42d/-42s +63a/+126d/-14s
Silver Titan Blade +119a/+28s +442a/+104s

Silver Throwing Knife

Few would disagree that the Silver Throwing Knife is the weakest silver in the game. Although its base stats are twice as high as its normal counterpart, the Silver Throwing Knife has a natural ability in Panic, which isn't seen as a favorable attribute by many. As a beginner, using a Silver Throwing Knife isn't a good idea since you don't have a lot of skill and monsters will run away from you fairly often. If you have to use this weapon, pick up a pair of Mercury Sandals in the Forest to maximize your skill. Then again, by the time your character is strong enough to quest in the Forest, you'll be replacing this knife with a Dwarf Axe, Steel Sword, or a Unicorn Horn.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Throwing Knife Right 0 Gypsy (Fields) Panic 500

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
7 0 7 28
8 0 8 32
9 0 9 36
10 0 10 40
11 0 11 44
12 0 12 48
13 0 13 52
14 0 14 56
15 0 15 60
16 0 16 64
17 0 17 68
18 0 18 72
19 0 19 76
20 0 20 80
21 0 21 84
22 0 22 88
23 0 23 92

Disclaimer: The highest-stat listed for the Silver Throwing Knife does not match the highest-stat that is listed on W&W's Highstats Thread. My weapons guide only includes weapons that have been verified to exist by myself or other players who have gotten a hold of them through a trade.

Silver Pike

The Silver Pike is a very good right-handed weapon for beginners. Unlike its normal counterpart, the Silver Pike only occupies the right-hand slot and you aren't likely to find a better right-handed weapon until your character can find a Crystal Goblin Pick in the Mounds or a Silver Tail Whip in the Dungeons.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Pike Right 0 Soldier (Fields) None 500

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
21 0 1 64
24 0 1 73
27 0 1 82
30 0 2 92
33 0 2 101
36 0 2 110
39 0 2 119
42 0 3 129
45 0 3 138
48 0 3 147
51 0 3 156
54 0 3 165
57 0 3 174

Disclaimer: The highest-stat listed for the Silver Pike does not match the highest-stat that is listed on W&W's Highstats Thread. My weapons guide only includes weapons that have been verified to exist by myself or other players who have gotten a hold of them through a trade.

Silver Elf Bow

The Silver Elf Bow may be a two-handed weapon, but it's still an excellent weapon for beginners. With a natural ability in Blast, the Silver Elf Bow can inflict up to 120 damage against creatures and it's often powerful enough to kill them in a single hit. It's basically a downscaled version of the Matchlock Rifle, a weapon that can be found later on in Shangala.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Elf Bow Right/Left 6 Elf (Forest) Blast 600

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
29 0 7 94
33 0 8 107
37 0 9 120
42 0 10 136
46 0 11 149
50 0 12 162
54 0 13 175
58 0 14 188
63 0 15 204
67 0 16 217
71 0 17 230
75 0 18 243
79 0 19 256
88 0 21 285

Silver Weird Knife

Dropped by the Berzerkers in both the Mounds and in the Dungeons as well as by the Trolls in the Mountains, the Silver Weird Knife is the easiest silver weapon to find in the game. The Silver Weird Knife is likely to be the best offensive left-handed weapon that you'll be wearing until your character is strong enough to quest in Hie Brasil. These knives are also associated with the Disease attribute, which causes creatures to lose skill points in battle.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Weird Knife Left 11 Berzerker (Mounds and Dungeons)
Troll (Mountains)
Disease 700 (Mounds)
800 (Mountains and Dungeons)

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
17 5 8 69
20 6 9 81
22 7 10 90
25 8 12 103
27 8 13 110
30 9 14 122
32 10 15 131
35 11 16 143
37 12 18 153
40 12 19 163
42 13 20 172
45 14 21 184
47 15 22 193
50 16 24 206
52 16 25 213
55 17 26 225
65 20 31 266

Silver Staff

Because the Silver Staff is easily rivaled by the Silver Tail Whip in every single aspect, it is among the least useful of silver weapons in the game.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Staff Right 11 Warlock (Mounds)
Mage (Dungeons)
Bless, Lucky 700

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
21 7 8 85
24 8 9 97
27 9 10 109
30 10 12 122
33 11 13 134
36 12 14 146
39 13 15 158
42 14 16 170
45 15 18 183
48 16 19 195
51 17 20 207
54 18 21 219
57 19 22 231

Silver Tail Whip

The Silver Tail Whip is a very good right-handed weapon that provides a nice amount of attack and skill along with some defense. Similar to its regular counterpart, the Silver Tail Whip comes with the Disease attribute, which causes creatures to lose skill points in battle. You probably won't be able to find a better replacement for this weapon until your character finds a Silver Giant Maul in the Mountains or a Silver Gladius in Hie Brasil.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Tail Whip Right 16 Giant Rat (Dungeons) Disease 500

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
35 8 35 156
40 9 40 178
45 10 45 200
50 12 50 224
55 13 55 246
60 14 60 268
65 15 65 290
70 16 70 312
75 18 75 336
80 19 80 358
85 20 85 380
90 21 90 402
95 22 95 424
100 24 100 448
105 25 105 470
110 26 110 492

Disclaimer: The highest-stat listed for the Silver Tail Whip does not match the highest-stat that is listed on W&W's Highstats Thread. My weapons guide only includes weapons that have been verified to exist by myself or other players who have gotten a hold of them through a trade.

Silver Giant Maul

Although it's among the few right-handed weapons in the game that subtract skill, the Silver Giant Maul provides a massive amount of attack that is unmatched by other right-handed weapons with an equipment level of 16 or below. You'll most likely be holding on to this weapon until your character finds a Silver Gladius in Hie Brasil.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Giant Maul Right 16 Giant (Mountains) None 800

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
63 0 -28 161
72 0 -25 191
81 0 -22 221
90 0 -20 250
99 0 -18 279
108 0 -16 308
117 0 -15 336
126 0 -14 364
135 0 -13 392
144 0 -12 420
153 0 -11 448
162 0 -11 475
171 0 -10 503
180 0 -10 530
189 0 -9 558

Disclaimer: The highest-stat listed for the Silver Giant Maul does not match the highest-stat that is listed on W&W's Highstats Thread. My weapons guide only includes weapons that have been verified to exist by myself or other players who have gotten a hold of them through a trade.

Silver Sea Slippers (Old)

These old Silver Sea Slippers are no longer dropped by Mermaids and can only be acquired through trading with others. Although they provide much more skill than their newer counterparts, these Silver Sea Slippers aren't good enough to give the Crystal Swift Boots a run for its money if you favor defense over skill. Still, they're very useful if you have a weapon with Panic equipped, such as a Spirit Katana or a Silver Masamune.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes
Silver Sea Slippers Feet 21 No Longer Dropped None

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
0 14 140 168
0 16 160 192
0 18 180 216
0 20 200 240
0 22 220 264
0 24 240 288
0 26 260 312
0 28 280 336
0 30 300 360
0 32 320 384
0 34 340 408
0 36 360 432
0 38 380 456
0 40 400 480
0 42 420 504
0 44 440 528
0 46 460 552
0 48 480 576

Silver Sea Slippers (New)

These newer pairs of Silver Sea Slippers provide much less skill than their retired counterparts. Still, it's nice to wear one of these slippers if you haven't been lucky enough to get your hands on a pair of Crystal Swift Boots. They're also great to use if you have a weapon with Panic equipped, such as a Spirit Katana or a Silver Masamune.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Sea Slippers Feet 21 Mermaid (Docks) None 900

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
0 14 112 140
0 16 128 160
0 18 144 180
0 20 160 200
0 22 176 220
0 24 192 240
0 26 208 260
0 28 224 280
0 30 240 300
0 32 256 320
0 34 272 340
0 36 288 360
0 38 304 380
0 40 320 400

Silver Gladius

The Silver Gladius is one of the better right-handed weapons in the game, providing a high amount of attack along with the Blind attribute, which prevents creatures from being able to use items against you. Combined with the Crystal Gauntlet, your character will have a very high amount of attack points and should be strong enough to kill most creatures in a single hit.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Gladius Right 21 Gladiator (Hie Brasil) Blind 1000

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
70 0 14 224
80 0 16 256
90 0 18 288
100 0 20 320
110 0 22 352
120 0 24 384
130 0 26 416
140 0 28 448
150 0 30 480
160 0 32 512
170 0 34 544
180 0 36 576
190 0 38 608
200 0 40 640
210 0 42 672
220 0 44 704
230 0 46 736
240 0 48 768
250 0 50 800
260 0 52 832
270 0 54 864

Silver Masamune

Although the regular Masamune is better than the regular Gladius, it isn't necessarily true for their silver counterparts - a Silver Masamune usually isn't as sought after as a Silver Gladius. The Silver Masamune provides far more attack and skill than a Silver Gladius, but it also has a natural ability in Panic, which isn't seen as a favorable attribute by many. Still, it can be an effective weapon in battle if you have a very high amount of skill.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Masamune Right 26 Samurai (Shangala) Panic 1100

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
84 0 28 280
96 0 32 320
108 0 36 360
120 0 40 400
132 0 44 440
144 0 48 480
156 0 52 520
168 0 56 560
180 0 60 600
192 0 64 640
204 0 68 680
216 0 72 720
228 0 76 760
240 0 80 800
252 0 84 840
264 0 88 880
276 0 92 920
288 0 96 960
300 0 100 1000
312 0 104 1040

Silver Amini Club (Old)

These old Silver Amini Clubs are no longer dropped by Warriors and they provide a lot less attack than their newer counterparts, but many players still consider them to be the best right-handed weapon in the game. Providing far more attack and skill than any other right-handed weapon, this powerful weapon can be enchanted to very high stats and is definitely a weapon that should become a permanent part of your arsenal if you're lucky enough to get one.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes
Silver Amini Club Right 31 No Longer Dropped Bless, Lucky

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
70 0 210 420
80 0 240 480
90 0 270 540
100 0 300 600
110 0 330 660
120 0 360 720
130 0 390 780
140 0 420 840
150 0 450 900
160 0 480 960
170 0 510 1020
180 0 540 1080
190 0 570 1140
200 0 600 1200
210 0 630 1260
220 0 660 1320
230 0 690 1380

Silver Amini Club (New)

Contrary to what some players may believe, the newer Silver Amini Clubs are actually an upgraded version of their retired counterparts. Providing far more attack and skill than any other right-handed weapon, this powerful weapon can be enchanted to very high stats and is definitely a weapon that should become a permanent part of your arsenal if you're lucky enough to find one.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Amini Club Right 31 Soldier (Azteca) Bless, Lucky 1200

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
98 0 210 504
112 0 240 576
126 0 270 648
140 0 300 720
154 0 330 792
168 0 360 864
182 0 390 936
196 0 420 1008
210 0 450 1080
224 0 480 1152
238 0 510 1224
252 0 540 1296
266 0 570 1368

Silver Jaguar Fang

Silver Jaguar Fangs are no longer dropped by the Jaguars in Azteca, but many of them are still being circulated on the Trading Post board. This souped-up Jaguar Fang is the best defensive left-handed silver weapon in the game, providing a high amount of defense points along with a nice amount of attack. They also subtract less skill than their crystal counterparts.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes
Silver Jaguar Fang Left 31 No Longer Dropped None

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
21 42 -42 105
24 48 -37 131
27 54 -33 156
30 60 -30 180
33 66 -27 204
36 72 -25 227
39 78 -23 250
42 84 -21 273
45 90 -20 295
48 96 -18 318
51 102 -17 340
54 108 -16 362
57 114 -15 384
60 120 -15 405
63 126 -14 427

Silver Titan Blade

The Silver Titan Blade is the only silver weapon that can't be found through questing; you have to manufacture them through The Titan Blade mission at the Dragon Guard. It offers the most amount of attack points for a two-handed weapon and has the potential to be more powerful than many left and right-handed weapon combinations.

Weapon Position Level + F. Skills Dropped By Inherent Attributes Weight
Silver Titan Blade Right/Left 21 Dragon Guard Only Lucky 300

Attack Defense Skill Enchants
119 0 28 385
136 0 32 440
153 0 36 495
170 0 40 550
187 0 44 605
204 0 48 660
221 0 52 715
238 0 56 770
255 0 60 825
272 0 64 880
289 0 68 935
306 0 72 990
323 0 76 1045
340 0 80 1100
357 0 84 1155
442 0 104 1430

All creature images and related insignia are ©1997-2007, Fred's Friends, Inc. This help site
is maintained and written by randomorange of the Wizards & Warriors clan. Please send
all inquiries to randomorange through in-game mail. This site is not affiliated with Fred's Friends, Inc.