Alien Carnage / Halloween Harry
Alien Carnage Halloween Harry
Interactive Binary Illusions / SubZero Software
Shareware Version / Registered Version

An explanation of Halloween Harry vs. Alien Carnage.

Tips & Hints

The enemy that looks like a turtle wearing sunglasses and walking around can be extremely useful for getting a lot of extra points.  He can be toasted with the flamethrower indefinitely, and you get points as long as you keep hitting him.  You can spend all your money on ammo for the flamethrower, because the points you get from this far outweigh the points for coins and time remaining.

Cheat Codes

Press [B]+[I]+[G] for full health and fuel

CTRL ALT + RSHIFT + F12 - Find your current coordinates

The following work in v1.1 of Harry only:

CTRL + R + E + N - Activates all weapons, activates god mode for less than 1 minute. This mode
gets disabled at the end of each level. This mode must be active to use other modes.

ALT + L - Level warp. Type 11, 12, 13, 14, or 15 to warp to respective level 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5

ALT + = - Teleport (type coordinates to change location)

Start the game with the command line 'skip' (ie; hh1 skip) and the game will start directly at the main menu.

Hex Editing


Easter Eggs

The Mission 4 Boss (the Alien Leader) just happens to be a chubby green Elvis swinging his microphone around.

Halloween Harry Savegame Modifier  (8K) A patch for Halloween Harry saved game files that gives you max of all weapons and 25,000 credits.
The Halloween Harry On-Disk Hint Sheet  (8K) The Halloween Harry On-Disk Hint Sheet provided with the registered  version of the game.


The "Official" Apogee FAQ version 7.01

Download the shareware version of Alien Carnage.

If you need to unzip anything...

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