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“Yeah, Justice Elite is cool, man, but American Freedom rules!”

-Kelly Robertson, American college student

“Of course, we enjoy the publicity.  But the true purpose of our team is making this country safe for every American man, woman and child to the best of our ability.  It's our job and we take it very seriously.”

-Screaming Eagle, during a 60 Minutes interview

If elite teams were sports, Justice Elite would be soccer and American Freedom would be American football.  The United States is the only country in the world where a national team is far more popular than Justice Elite.  The reason for this stems back to 2011, when the United Nations, emboldened by the power and publicity garnered through their new elite team, Justice Elite, enforced themselves as moderator in a very heated confrontation between the States and China.  The US acquiesced, though they resented being bullied into it.  They remain a key member of the organization, but at the same time, have taken some steps to subtly distance themselves from it.  As a result, UN-sanctioned police forces (including Justice Elite) have no jurisdiction on American soil, and cannot operate without permission and/or assistance from domestic US forces.


In response to the UN's Justice Elite, the US government decided it needed to step up and create a team of elites to represent and protect the nation.  The result was American Freedom.  There was an American elite team before American Freedom, called ACE (American Covert Elites), but they were not highly publicized, being an elite arm of the CIA (in fact, team members are still unknown publicly).  American Freedom were given every opportunity to shine, and the American people took to them immediately.  The original roster, Screaming Eagle, Silvertip, Neutron, Jersey Devil, and Cumulus is still intact (though Neutron took some time off last year for a highly publicized stay at the Betty Ford Clinic).  Screaming Eagle was handed the role of field commander of the team and she has taken to it well, becoming a very responsible and charismatic leader, respected by all of her teammates.


American Freedom protects American interests both at home and abroad.  On American soil, they get almost 100% cooperation from local, state and federal law enforcement and have an excellent rate of success in dealing with problems in the USA.  Elsewhere is a different story.  Cooperation from foreign officials is touch-and-go at best, as they are seen as an extension of the US butting in where they are unwanted.  A clash between American Freedom and Justice Elite in the Middle East in 2012 was big news the world over for weeks.  There is still debate in the US whether American Freedom should be handling matters outside the US.  Regardless, American Freedom continues to serve in the interests of the United States wherever and whenever they are needed.