Name:   Mats
Nickname(s):   Six
Date of Birth:   June 13th, 1981
Age:   22
Sex:   Male
Height:   5ft 11in
Marital Status:   Single
Location:   Sweeden
Education:   "Some"
Occupation:   "Fooling around doing a bit of this and that."
Likes:   "Hanging out with friends or staring at a wall for a week whatever is fine. Both options are enjoyable in their own way."
Dislikes:   Unknown
Hopes/Dreams/Goals:   "There is something that I just can't grasp about this world. I can sense it but it's just barley out of my reach. I want to reach that whatever it is..."
Allergies:   "I Don't think so..."



Story Time!
It's not a very utopia-oriented story but it's still an utopia story.

Back some 10 ages ago I meet a really nice girl in my new kingdom. She turned out to be from Sweden as well. An age passed and we became really good friends and often talked about our daily life.

One day I was out drinking with my friends and found a cellular phone on the ground. I picked it up and brought it home planing to give it to the police the next day. It was a crappy phone after all.

When I got home I, of course, went online right away and found her online as well. We started chatting of course. She was sad because her boyfriend had lost his cellular phone, and now they couldn't talk anymore because he was living at home and didn't have a phone in his room. I laughed and told her by coincidence that I found a cellular phone just a few hours earlier.

Of course there couldn't be any link between the two events because even though she lives in the same country, there's still about 900km between us. Then I suddenly found out that her boyfriend lived in my town and that he had lost his phone when he was out drinking. I meet up with him to return the phone and it turned out that I knew him, although not that well.

What's the probability for something like this to happen in a country with less than 9 million people in it?


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