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  • Civ 3 will have 16 Civilizations.

  • The Mongols, the Spanish, the Celts, the Vikings and the Carthagians are not in Civilization III, but supplied edeting tools will help you creating news civilizations.

  • In Civilization III, each civilization is categorized based on its strengths. There are six categories (Militaristic, Commercial , Expansionistic, Scientific, Religious, and Industrious), and each civ is attributed two categories.

  • Each Civilization has 2 unique Civilization Abilities which will give them benefits for the start of the game.


Civilization-abilities-table, klick here


The Civilizations

The Babelonians

  • Leader:                                                        Images:


  • Capitol: Babylon

  • Abilities: In Civilization III, the Babylonians are considered a Scientific and Religious civilization, therefore, they start with Bronze Working and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to their religious and scientific pursuits. 

  • Special Unit: Bowman (4/2/2)

The Egyptians

  • Leader:                                                        Images:


  • Capitol: Theben

  • Abilities:In Civilization III, the Egyptians are considered an Industrious and Religious civilization, therefore, they start with Masonry and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to building activities and scientific pursuits.

  • Special Unit: Egypt War Chariot (2/1/2)

The Greeks

  • Leader:                                                        Images:


  • Capital: Athens

  • Abilities:In Civilization III, the Greeks are considered a Commercial and Scientific civilization, therefore, they start with Alphabet and Bronze Working, and have significant bonuses to trading activities and scientific pursuits.

  • Special Unit: Hoplite (1/3/1)

The Chinese

  • Leader:                                                        Images:


  • Capital: Beijing

  • Abilities: In Civilization III, the Chinese are considered a Scientific and Industrious civilization, therefore, they start with Bronze Working and Masonry, and have significant bonuses to scientific activities pursuits and building activities.

  • Special Unit: Rider (4/4/3)

The Indians

  • Leader: Mahatma Gandhi

  • Capital: New Delhi

In Civilization III, the Indians are considered a Religious and Commercial civilization, therefore, they start with Alphabet and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to religious pursuits and trade-related activities.

Special Unit: Indian War Elephant (4/3/3)


The Persians

  • Leader: Xerxes                                                 Images:

Capital: Persipolis

Abilities: In Civilization III, the Persians are considered a Scientific and Commercial civilization, therefore, they start with Bronze Working and Alphabet, and have significant bonuses to scientific activities pursuits and trade activities.

Special Unit: The Immortal (4/2/1)

The Aztecs

  • Leader: Montezuma

  • Capital: Machupichu

In Civilization III, the Aztecs are considered a Militaristic and Religious civilization, therefore, they start with Warrior Code and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to military activities and religious pursuits.

Special Unit: Jaguar Warrior (1/1/2)

The Romans

  • Leader: Julius Caesar

  • Capital: Rome

In Civilization III, the Romans are considered a Militaristic and Commercial civilization, therefore, they start with Warrior Code and Alphabet, and have significant bonuses to military and trade activities.

Special Unit:   Legionary (3/3/1)

The Iroquoise
  • Leader: Hiawatha

  • Capital: Salamanca

In Civilization III, the Iroquois are considered a Religious and Expansionist civilization, therefore, they start with Pottery and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to exploratory activities and religious pursuits.

Special Unit: Iroquise Mounted Warrior (3/1/2)

The Russians
  • Leader: Catherine the Great

  • Capital: Moscow

In Civilization III, the Russians are considered a Scientific and Expansionistic civilization, therefore, they start with Pottery and Bronze Working, and have significant bonuses to scientific pursuits and exploratory activities.

Special Unit: Russian Cossack (6/4/3)

The Zulus
  • Leader: Shaka Zulu

  • Capital: Zimbabwe

In Civilization III, the Zulu are considered a Militaristic and Expansionistic civilization, therefore, they start with Warrior Code and Pottery, and have significant bonuses to military pursuits and exploratory activities.

Special Unit: Zulu Impi (1/2/2)

The Japanese
  • Leader: Tokugawa

  • Capital: Tokyo

In Civilization III, the Japanese are considered a Militaristic and Religious civilization, therefore, they start with The Wheel and Ceremonial Burial, and have significant bonuses to military activities and religious pursuits.

Special Unit: Japanese Samurai (4/4/2)

The English
  • Leader : Eizabeth

  • Capital: London

In Civilization III, the English are considered an Expansionistic and Commercial civilization, therefore, they start with Alphabet and Pottery, and have significant bonuses to exploratory activities and commercial pursuits.

Special Unit: English Man o`War (3/2/4)

The French
  • Leader : Joan of Arc

  • Capital: Paris

In Civilization III, the French are considered an Industrious and Commercial civilization, therefore, they start with Alphabet and Masonry, and have significant bonuses to commercial pursuits and building activities.

Special Unit: French Musketeer (3/4/1)

The Germans
  • Leader : Otto von Bismarck

  • Capital: Berlin

In Civilization III, the Germans are considered a Scientific and Militaristic civilization, therefore, they start with Warrior Code and Bronze Working, and have significant bonuses to scientific pursuits and military activities.

Special Unit: German Panzer (16/8/3)

The Americans
  • Leader : Abraham Lincoln

  • Capital: Washington DC

In Civilization III, the Americans are considered an Industrious and Expansionistic civilization, therefore, they start with Pottery and Masonry, and have significant bonuses to exploratory and construction activities.

Special Unit: Amercian F-15 (8/4/6)