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  • Europe ( 9 )
  • America  ( 3 )
  • Africa ( 1 )
  • Asia
  • Australia
  • World ( 8 )
  • Others ( 28 )




About the Map



Twelve Nations

  • By Lord Oden
  • Added Dezember, 3rd
  • Mapsize: Large, 12 Islands
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip

The Ringworld

  • By Mike Breitkreutz
  • Added October, 31th
  • Mapsize: Large
  • About: 12 Civs ; 1 Uranium source
  • Size: 16kb
  • Format: Zip


Pacific Map

Island Map

  • By qslack
  • Added November, 11th
  • About: There are 9 islands, with a barbarian island in the center. Each island has every resource needed  including uranium, etc., and has 6 goody huts.
  • Mapsize:100x100
  • Format: Zip

Fantasy Map

  • By Kristoffer
  • Added December 12th
  • About: 
  • Mapsize:100x100
  • Format: Zip
  • Size: 13kb

Wektor`s Map

  • By King Karl
  • Added December 12th
  • About: 
  • Mapsize:100x100
  • Format: Zip
  • Size: 5kb

Accipiters Map

  • By Accipiters
  • Added December 15th
  • About: 
  • Mapsize:Huge
  • Format: Zip
  • Size: n/a

Barbarian Gold Isle v0.1
  • By Andrewss
  • Added December, 21th
  • Mapsize:n/a
  • About: This map has 2 difficult.

    1) War with Barbarian Population that leave in a gold Isle

    2) Win the game against other civilizations

    The Barbarian Isle is full of Etruscan Village and much more but is full........

  • Format: Zip

December Map
  • By Andrewss
  • Added December, 21th
  • Mapsize:n/a
  • Format: Zip

Gulfworld Map
  • By Andrewss
  • Added December, 21th
  • Mapsize:n/a
  • Format: Zip

Sealand Map v1.0
  • By Andrewss
  • Added December, 21th
  • Mapsize:Large
  • About:Another map (large)
    Sealand Map: pirates irrequietes, sea, sea, sea and battleisle.

    Resource are normal for any civilization.
  • Format: Zip

Ranger`s Pacific Map
  • By RangerOne314
  • Added November, 11th
  • Mapsize:100x100
  • Format: Zip

  • By Snapcase
  • Added November, 11th
  • Mapsize:100x100
  • Format: Zip

Alpha Centauri
  • By RangerOne314
  • Added November, 14th
  • Mapsize:100x100
  • Format: Zip

Terra Nova Map
  • By Lutefisko
  • Added December, 15th
  • Mapsize:n/a
  • Info: The standard size map uses 16 civs. The 8 "Major" civs start on the same central landmass, later expanding to acquire territory and key resources. The map is deliberately designed
    so that to central landmass lacks enough key resources for all 8 Major civs. Accordingly, players will need to explore, trade, or conquer their way to access to these resources.
  • Format: Zip

Colonization V 1.0

  • By Andrewss / Civfanatics
  • Added December, 30th
  • Mapsize:n/a
  • Format: Zip

Phillip Jose Faemer`s Riverworld

  • By rdomarat / Civfanatics
  • Added December, 30th
  • Mapsize:tiny
  • About:The map is based on the world described in Phillip Jose Farmer's classic series Riverworld. The entire world was one large river with lush grasslands seperated by huge mountain ranges.

    It's a tine map, with 14 civs! There's also no Coal, Rubber, Oil or Uranium on map, keeping things mostly in the middle ages for the whole game. On the tiny map with this many civs, it's going to be an all out war for most of the game anyway.

  • Format: Zip

Lord of the Rings map (beta)

  • By MartytheManiak / Civfanatics
  • Added December, 30th
  • Mapsize:n/a

  • Format: Zip
  • Mapsize: 520 k

Kefka`s Map

  • By Kefka/
  • Added January, 3rd
  • Mapsize: Huge
  • Format: Zip

The Pangean Caldera

  • By moomin/Civfanatics
  • Added January, 4th
  • Mapsize: Huge
  • Format: Zip

Hunter World

  • By MoonmyungGomoon/Civfanatics
  • Added January, 6th
  • Info: This Map have 7 islands.
    Each island is 100 tiles.
  • Format: Zip

The Promised Land

  • By CD Light/Civfanatics
  • Added January, 8th
  • Info: In the scenario, every civ (up to 12) starts out on a tiny, inhospitable island. They each try to get to a mysterious continent full of riches called The Promised Land. A fierce battle will surely ensue. Can you win it?
  • Format: Zip

Chess Map

  • By CD Light/Civfanatics
  • Added January,18th
  • Info: Klick
  • Format: Zip

Zelda Map

  • By EQandcivfanatic/Civfanatics
  • Added January,25th
  • Info: I have spent some time on this one with my brother(an expert cartographer when it comes to Nintindo games ). We spent about an hour getting this right. I like making maps but I can't stand changing the rules. So, if anyone would care to modify the rules in this to fit Zelda I would really appreciate it as long as you give me credit. Meanwhile enjoy my map and give me suggestions for ways to improve it.
  • Format: Zip

7 Player Map

  • By IamSPARTACUS/Civfanatics
  • Added January,25th
  • Info : Its small so has lots of action and has Plenty of resources  i hope you enjoy it
  • Format: Zip

Everquest Map
  • By EQandcivfanatic/Civfanatics
  • Added January,25th
  • Info :This is my first attempt to make a EQ map. I have not changed the rules in any way.

    In this map trade will be very important. There is no Uranium and horses can only be found on the main continent. Saltpeter can only be found in snow-capped mountains on a ice continent and on a mountain range on another continent.

  • Format: Zip

2 Player Island Map

  • By IamSPARTACUS/Civfanatics
  • Added January,25th
  • Format: Zip

4 Player Island Map

  • By IamSPARTACUS/Civfanatics
  • Added January,25th
  • Infos: With lots of resources and it varrys between islands...
  • Format: Zip


Standard Size Earth Map

  • By soufie77
  • Added December, 11th
  • Mapsize: 100x100
  • Infos: This is an updated version of Zach Wilson's 100x100 standard world map which came with the game. Although it retains the orientation of the original, all continents have been completely reworked. At this low resolution lod, grid-by-grid analyses just turn into a huge mess, so instead I had to judge most coastlines and land elevations by eye using numerous sources of data.

    Update v4.0:
    Significant changes to the map which are too many to list here in detail. In general: updated coastline to India and Far East, levels of forestation changed worldwide to reflect a pre-civilisation distribution, more space for cities in N America, and player-start/barbarian camp/goodie hut locations updated with playability in mind.
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip

Fun Worldmap

  • By ThaddeusAlexander
  • Added November, 20th
  • Mapsize: Large
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip

Civ III - Worldmap

  • By AlmightyBob
  • Added November, 2nd
  • Mapsize: Huge
  • Format: Zip

Marla`s Map, Scipio Modification Edition II
  • By Scipio Africanu
  • Added December, 15th
  • Mapsize:n/a
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip

Very Accurate World Map
  • By teturkhan
  • Added December, 15th
  • Mapsize:n/a
  • Infos: -basically I found the actually locations of resouces available in Civ. But them done in their historical/geographical locations. In some cases however certain resouces caused some probs. The population of some cities got too big etc..

  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip

Earth Post Apolyptic
  • By powzapbiff
  • Added December, 3rd
  • Mapsize: n/a
  • Infos: Humanity has blasted itself into the stone age. Rebuild
    Civilization while dodging Barbarian mutants. Survivors
    will be helpful in giving out lost technologies and you
    may find remanants of old cities. Protect yourself from
    the Mutant hords with the lone rifle passed down from your

    Version 0.1

    A Earth-like map full of pollution from WW3.
    Extra goodie-huts to represent the remanants of society.
    Tons of high-strength Barbarians for that "Mad Max" feel.
    Start with a Musketeer instead of a worker to fight off the hoards.
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip

A better World Map
  • By npburg
  • Added November, 11th
  • Mapsize: 256x256
  • About:" I tried to make it as accurate as possible and limit the amount of good land so there is not too many cities. I also limited the amount of strategic resources so that the civs will have to trade or fight over them. I haven't yet play tested it and will probably make future changes. I'm also open to changes anyone has but for the most part think it is a good map. One thing that probably need changing is that there might not be enough stradegic or luxury resources but I think limiting some of these resources to certain areas forces the civs to expand into South America, Africa and the South Pacific as they are rich in rubber, oil, spices and other resourecs that you don't find in other places.

    There is one problem with the map that to make the Pacific Ocean really big, Alaska and Asia aren't very close to each other. Since this area is not that historically important I left this instead of stretching Asia or shrinking the Pacific.

    I also tried to add alot of goody huts and barbarian village to fill up the land so most of the world is covered with humans."

  • Format: bic

Huge Map of the World
  • By satyajedi
  • Added November, 12th
  • Mapsize: Huge
  • Format: Zip


Map of France

  • By Louloang
  • Added December, 12th
  • Mapsize: 100x100
  • Format: Zip
  • Size: 15kb
Aanar`s Europe v0.1 BETA

  • By Aanar
  • Added December, 15th
  • Mapsize: 180x180
  • Format: Zip
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Size: Huge (180 x 180)
    Civs: 16
    Barbarians: Restless
    All other map settings are set to the default.
GIGA Map of Europe
  • By Norm
  • Added Dezember, 11th
  • Mapsize: 265x265
  • About: GIGA SIZED (256x256) map of Europe

    1.2 is out! (previous version had 96 downloads)

    Changes since 1.1

    -Some minor geographical changes

    -Changed Austrians with Hungarians (really thought long and deep whether to satisfy the pro hungary or pro romania people on the forums..hmm.)

    -Customized EACH civ...only task left is to let them start on the right place...for which I included a CivBreed file (europe12.c3b)

  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip
Map of UK
  • By smazza
  • Added Dezember, 3rd
  • Mapsize: n/a
  • About: for up to 7 but better 3-5 civs
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip
Map of Italy
  • By Zach Wilson
  • Added November, 7nd
  • Mpasize: Regular
  • Size: 22k
  • Format: Zip
Map of Europe
  • By RangerOne314
  • Added November, 11th
  • Mpasize: Regular
  • About: "This is the 1st Europe map for Civ3 I came up with. I enclosed it as a .zip file. I keep forgetting the Civ3 layout... It was converted and scaled from a 75x120 Civ3 map.
    The rivers are not quite perfect yet, but this is just version 1.0… it should be pretty playable. It could be edited a little to perfect the rivers, and make sure coastlines are perfect since it was converted… but it should be a good starting point.
  • Format: Zip
OminGod`s Ireland

  • By OmniGod / Apolyton
  • Added December, 23th
  • Mpasize: 265x265
  • About: Tech rate: 500
    Number of Civs: Up to 16
    East-West Axis open (would love to have it be flat, but that isn't possible yet)

  • Format: Zip
LoD`s Map of Poland

  • By LoD`s / Apolyton
  • Added January, 23th
  • Mpasize: 80x70
  • Infos : KLICK
  • Format: Zip
Map of Malta

  • By Malta / Civfanatics
  • Added January, 25th
  • Mpasize: Small
  • Infos : KLICK
  • Format: Zip


Jason`s North America Map

  • By iamjason
  • Added December, 21th
  • Mapsize: 160x160
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip
North Amercia v2.0

  • By RangerOne314
  • Added November, 11th
  • Mapsize: n/a
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip
Small North Amercia

  • By SeekerTMOL/Civfanatics
  • Added January, 1st
  • Mapsize: 80x80
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip




Map of Africa

  • By RangerOne314
  • Added November, 11th
  • Mapsize: 100x100
  • About: "This is the 1st Africa map for Civ3 I came up with. I enclosed it as a .zip file. I keep forgetting the Civ3 layout... It was converted and scaled from a 75x120 Civ3 map.
    The rivers are not quite perfect yet, but this is just version 1.0… it should be pretty playable. It could be edited a little to perfect the rivers, and make sure coastlines are perfect since it was converted… but it should be a good starting point.
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: Zip




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