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  • Terrain
  • Terrain Improvements
  • City Improvements

     T E R R A I N


     I = Irrigation     M = Mine     R = Road     L = Movement lowered

Image Terrain Food/Shilds/Gold I/M/R/L

Floodland  3/0/1 +1 / - / +1 / -1
Grassland 2/0/0 +1 / +1 / +1 / -1
Grassland/Shilds 2/1/0 +1 / +1 / +1 / -1
Plains 1/1/0 +1 / +1 / +1 / -1
Desert 0/1/0 +1 / +1 / +1 / -1
Tundra 1/0/0 - / +1 / +1 / -1
Forest 1/2/0 - / - / +1 / -2
Jungle 1/0/0 - / - / +1 / -3


Hills 1/1/0 - / +2 / +1 / -2
Mountains 0/1/0 - / +2 / +1 / -3
Lake 2/0/2 - / - / - / -1
Coast 1/0/2 - / - / - / -1
Sea 1/0/1 - / - / - / -1
Ozean 0/0/0 - / - / - / -1




The amount of turns may vary concerning:

  • Research of Replaceble Parts: 2x speed
  • Goverment: Democracy: 150% more speed
  • Captured Worker: Just 1/2 speed

T = Turns to complete Improvement

Image Name T / Hot  Key Info
 Colony 1 / b Build them on Resources out of your territory to mine them. Worker is lost than.
Road 3, 6 for Hills and Forrests, 9 for Mountains and Jungles / r Benefits: +1 Trade, just 1/3 Movement costs
Railroad 4, 8 for Hills and Forrests, 12 for Mountains and Jungle / R (shift + r) Benefits: +50% Production on field, no Movement costs
Irrigation 4 / i Benefits: +1 Food on field 
Mine 6, 12 for Hills, 18 for Mountains / m Benefits: +1 Production, Hills and Mountains +2
Plant Forrest 9 / n After researching Engeneering you can plant Forrest on Plains and Grasslands
Cut Forrest 10 / C (shift + c) Benefit: Nearest city gets 10 shilds one time
Cut Jungle 24 / C (shift + c) Benefits: After cutting you get Grasslands or Grasslands with shilds
Clear Pollution 12, 24 for Hills and Forrests, 36 for Mountains and Jungle / C (shift + c) Benefit: After cleaning you can use the field again
Fortress 9, 18 for Hills and Forrests, 24 for Mountains and Jungle / Strg + f Needed: Construktion ; Benefit: +50 % for fortified units and 8 fields zone of control




Image Improvement Cost/Upkeep/Culture Effect
Airport 160/2 City produces veteran air units and air units heal in one turn inside the city. Allows you to airlift units between two cities with airports.
Aqueduct 100/1 Allows cities that aren't adjacent to rivers to grow beyond size 6 up to size 12.
Bank 160/1 Increases tax income from the city by 50% in addition to the marketplace improvement.
Barracks 40/1 City produces veteran ground units and ground units heal in one turn inside the city.
Cathedral 160/2/3 Produces three content citizens, making three unhappy content.
City Walls 100/2 Provides a land bombardment defense factor of 8 and increases defense by 50%. A City Wall can only be built in towns and loses its effects when the city grows beyond size 6.
Coal Plant 160/3 Increases factory output by 50%. Note that it replaces any other already excisting power plant in the city.
Coastal Fortress 40/1 Gives the city a naval bombardment defensive factor of 8 and increases defense by 50% against naval attacks. Automatically bombards passing enemy ships.
Colloseum 120/2/2 Produces two content citizens thus making two unhappy citizens content.
Courthouse 80/1 Reduces corruption and reduces the chance of the city to convert.
Factory 240/3 Increases shield output by 50%.
Granary 60/1 Doubles growth rate of the city by only depleting half of the city's food store.
Harbor 80/1 Gives you one extra food in coastal, sea and ocean squares. City produces veteran naval units and naval units heal in one turn.
Hospital 160/2 Allows cities to grow beyond size 12. Eliminates the risk of disease.
Hydro Plant 240/3 Increases factory output by 50%. Note that it replaces any other already excisting power plant in the city. A Hydro Plant produces no pollution and requires a river adjacent to the city.
Library 60/2/3 Increases science output by 50% in the city that builds it.
Manufactoring Plant 320/3 Increases shield output by 50%.
Market Place 100/1 Increases tax income from the city by 50%. It also increases the number of happy citizens produced by luxuries.
Mass Transit 200/2 Reduces pollution caused by population.
Nuclear Power Plant 240/3 Increases factory output by 150%. It also reduces pollution caused by shiled production by 50%. Replaces any other already excisting power plant in the city.
Offshore Plant 100/2 All worked coastal, sea and ocean squares now produce an additional shield.
Palace 100/0/1 Eliminates corruption and waste in the capital and reduces it in nearby cities.
Police Station 160/2 Combats war weariness and reduces corruption.
Recycling Center 200/2 Reduces pollution caused by city improvements
Research Lab 200/2/2 Increases science output by 50% in addition excisting library and/or university. 
SAM Missile Battery 80/2 Attack enemy air units that attempt attack the city. 
Solar Plant 320/3 Increases factory output by 50%. The Solar plant produces no pollution and it replaces any other power plant that already excists in the city.
Temple 100/2/2 Produces one content citizens thus making one unhappy citizens content.
University 200/2/4 Increases science output by 50% in addition to the excisting library.