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Graphic Modpack : New menu Buttons

  • Added January, 24th
  • Publisher/Creator: zbear/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Klick disk to download


Modpack : Thin Grey Roads
  • Added January, 21th
  • Publisher/Creator: cassembler/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : KLICK here

klick disk for download


Modpack : The Simple Modpack

  • Added January, 21th
  • Publisher/Creator: mengo67/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : KLICK here

klick disk for download

Graphic Modpack: Thin Stone Roads, created by cassembler

Tutorial: How to create unit animation
  • Added January, 16th
  • Publisher/Creator: Dark Sheer/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : KLICK here

klick disk for download


Modpack: Less Brown Mountains
  • Added January, 16th
  • Publisher/Creator: m_m_x/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : "i really like the original brown mountains that firaxis did,IMHO they add more color and life to the map, but a friend asked me to do less brown mountains gfx for him. so i did,
and i share it here with you guys, so that you can also enjoy it."

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Stone Interface Background
  • Added January, 7th
  • Publisher/Creator: Sirotnikov/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

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Map Making Utility
  • Added January, 1st
  • Publisher/Creator: LookaNinja/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

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Mod: Mongols
  • Added January, 1st
  • Publisher/Creator: Exsanguination/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • About: I'm really surprised no one has posted a Mongol mod yet (unless I missed it and then I appologize), so here's something I cooked up. Since I edited not the original files, but the civ3mod I always use, it has Spain instead of Persia and the Eiffel Tower wonder insted of Longevity. The Mongol special unit is the Raider, which is a cheaper Knight which doesn't need iron. Mongols start with The Wheel and Warrior Code, so that they get horses on the map ASAP and so that you can research Horseback Riding ASAP as well.
  • Format: zip

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Mod: Faster Science
  • Added January, 1st
  • Publisher/Creator: Exsanguination/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Klick for more infos
  • Format: zip

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Robins Europe Mod
  • Added January, 1st
  • Publisher/Creator: Risbinroch/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Klick for more infos
  • Format: zip

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New Civ: Sweden
  • Added December, 30th
  • Publisher/Creator: Animepornstar/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Klick for more infos
  • Format: zip

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The Turks Modpack
  • Added December, 30th
  • Publisher/Creator: The Splang/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Klick for more infos
  • Format: zip

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Mod: British Isles
  • Added December, 30th
  • Publisher/Creator: Shaitan/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Klick for more infos
  • Format: zip

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Graphics: New City  

  • Added December, 23th
  • Publisher/Creator: Smiley/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Take a look at the Asian city graphics for modern day and you know, hey it don't look like that.

    So here's Smiley's City Set #1- Shinjuku
    This one is designed to look like a Japanese city in real life.

  • Format: zip

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Balance Civ3 Mod v2.0 
  • Added December, 23th
  • Publisher/Creator: ancient/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Klick for more infos
  • Format: zip

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More City names 
  • Added December, 23th
  • Publisher/Creator: Sevorak/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Klick for more infos
  • Format: zip

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Canadians: Trudeau Leaderhead 
  • Added December, 23th
  • Publisher/Creator: Puritan/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Attached are all the Trudeau heads necessary for a Canadian civ mod. Instructions are included but if you're using mods and have played the game, it's pretty easy.
  • Format: zip

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16 Nations Modpack 
  • Added December, 23th
  • Publisher/Creator: Luca Brasi/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Klick for more Infos
  • Format: zip

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Resources large and small 
  • Added December, 23th
  • Publisher/Creator: DarkEvent/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • About: I had created some Large and small pics to the Civilopedia from any recources in the mods that here published.

    so y must only write down into the pediaicons.txt under
    #start resources


  • Format: zip

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New Resources Images
  • Added December, 23th
  • Publisher/Creator: Gromit/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • About: Altered resorce pics. Also, two new images of Buffalo/Bison and Sheep. Now added Lumber, Cotton, Tobacco and that funny green stuff cypress hill are always on about...
  • Format: zip

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Israel Civ
  • Added December, 23th
  • Publisher/Creator: IceBlaZe/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • About: -Israel Civ (Scientific, Industrious)
    -'Reduces Corruption' in more religious and scientific buildings
    -Bonuses to industrial and modern units to make the game realistic 
    -Movement bonuses to late industrial and modern naval units
  • Format: zip

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Skyscraper Mod
  • Added December, 12th
  • Publisher/Creator: player1/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Content: At first, in adds more skycrapers in modern era. Normally, there are only skycrapers in one corner of the city view. This MOD adds more of them by replacing several houses with skycrapers. In original settings main street wasn't connected with one of nearby streets. This MOD fixes that. At the end, this MOD repleces two biggest skycrapers from Indusrial era with lower ones.
  • Format: zip

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Smileys Faces Graphic Mod
  • Added December, 12th
  • Publisher/Creator: Smirk/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Content: Used the same smileys that come shipped with the game to maintain a sense of conformity, which is good for a UI. Modified the shading and smile direction for the unhappy people. I ignored the resisting since they shouldn't be there very long.

    Considering doing some traffic light metaphor based thing, but green is being used for a shady purpose by Firaxis so its more difficult to get any good colors. However, it doesn't make much sense anyway, yellow is good, red is bad, mmmK. See the screenshot.
  • Format: zip

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Tedier Railroads
  • Added December, 12th
  • Publisher/Creator: Souffie77/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Content: Klick here!
  • Format: zip

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ZEB`s terrain Graphics
  • Added December, 12th
  • Publisher/Creator: Zeb Fisher/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Content: Here is my remake of Civ III's terrain graphics. So far I only have grassland irrigation done, but I'll keep posting future versions as I complete other terrains.

  • Format: zip

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Hitler animated Leaderhead
  • Added December, 12th
  • Publisher/Creator: ccm01/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : This modification replaces Otto Von Bismarck with Adolf Hitler as the leader of Germany. Only the PCX and FLC files have been changed. If you desire to use this modification, you will have to edit the civ3mod.bic yourself to change the German leader's name to Adolf Hitler. The inspiration for this came from Depression's fine Napoleon modification. Like his, the facial expression changes are very subtle, although noticable. I also opted to not make modifications to the images to represent the four different time periods in the game (this will come later as I become more motivated).

Please back up your files before using this. If you blow up your machine after installing this, don't blame me (as you were advised to back up your files)

To use, simply unzip and copy the contents of the unzipped folders into the corresponding folders in the Civilization III\Art directory (i.e Hitler\Advisors\BS_all.pcx to ...\Civilization III\Art\Advisors) and say "Yes" to overwrite the existing files.

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Canada Civ + Name Changes
  • Added December, 12th
  • Publisher/Creator: Wyz_sub10/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : Klick here!

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Placement Tool v1.0
  • Added December, 12th
  • Publisher/Creator: Gramphos/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : 


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Excel File: Civstats
  • Added December, 12th
  • Publisher/Creator: Nero Would/Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: :

The current version is 1.16 and matches the 1.16 patch. It contains:

  • Tech Tree
  • Unit Tree (unit stats in tech tree format)
  • Unit stats in table format
  • Improvements and Wonders table
  • Terrain, Resources and Worker Jobs table
  • Civ and Gevernment table
  • Notes on how the game calculates various things

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Napoleon Modpack
  • Added December, 11th
  • Publisher/Creator: Depression/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : "Hi everybody, I'm new here. I made this mod mostly for my own benefit, but I decided that some people might be interested. It changes Jean d'Arcs portrait to Napoleon's. Only the graphics are changed; you'll need to edit civ3mod.bic on your own (everyone is using a modified version anyway, so it would be pointless for me to include one). The pictures are nowhere near Firaxis' Quality; this mod was primarily made for my own benefit, so don't expect anything great. In the diplomacy screen, the picture is pretty much a static image, with very slight changes in Napoleon's facial features depending on his mood. These files have not been extensively tested, so use them at your own risk. Feel free to e-mail me if you encounter any problems, however.

So, there you have it. Now, you can play against Napoleon Bonaparte; more importantly, you can now use Jean d'Arc's portrait for another civ (Boadicea, anyone?)."

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Grey Fortresses
  • Added December, 11th
  • Publisher/Creator: m_m_x/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : The Author changed the color of the modern fortress to gray
insted of the greenish color he had..

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Huts Graphic Mod
  • Added December, 11th
  • Publisher/Creator: m_m_x/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : Some nice huts graphics

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Colored Railways Modpack
  • Added December, 11th
  • Publisher/Creator: Skanky Burns/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : This mod is for all those people who think the railways dont look pretty enough. While theres not too much i can do about the railways snaking everywhere and generally looking messy, ive attempted to make them at least not as ugly...

Blue Railroads

Red Railroads

Green Railroads

Lime Railroads



Gromit Modpack
  • Added December, 11th
  • Publisher/Creator: Gromit/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : 

After much thought and stuff, I decided to make this mod more of a 'Mod' and less of a government add-on pack.

Details are in the readme below.

Found a bug: Don't select 'give them entertainment' until ceremonial burial. Alternatively, you could edit it yourself so that entertainers requirement is 'None'

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Rascal Modpack
  • Added December, 11th
  • Publisher/Creator: TheRascalKing/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : OK, I steeled myself and did some serious editing to Civ3. I think I covered most of the game's major malfunctions, but I also took out some stuff that some people might like. Have a look at everything I did and then decide if this mod is for you:

-Great Wall provides city walls in every city once again!
-Police Stations reduce corruption and make the city more resistant to propoganda.
-Civilization-Specific units removed to add new units named below.
-Multipliers applied to ALL units to better emphasize the importance of the development of certain weapons as follows:
-Ancient melee units retain their old ADM.
-Units with firearms have attack and defense multiplied by 2, as do other rennaisance units..
-Units with semi-automatic or automatic firearms have attack and defence multiplied by 3, as do other modern units.
-Ship movement increased by approximately 50%.
-Units added at expense of civilization-specific units (keep in mind that the attack and defense of units has been significantly increased):
Fanatic; 10/10/2, bombards as cruise missile, hidden nationality, available with Motorized Transportation.
Native Archers; 3/1/1, hidden nationality, available with gunpowder.
Phalanx; 1/2/2, available with bronze working.
Native Spearmen; 1/2/1, available with gunpowder.
Legionary; 3/3/1, builds roads, forts, and clears jungle, available with The Republic.
Nomads; 5/4/1, hidden nationality, available with metallurgy.
Native Scouts; 0/2/3, hidden nationality, available with education.
Grenadier; 8/4/1, available with gunpowder.
War Elephant; 4/1/2, available with polytheism (oldschool!).
Modern Nomads; 18/9/3, hidden nationality, available with Replacable Parts.
Mercenary Tank; 32/16/2, hidden nationality, available with synthetic fibers.
Man-O-War; 5(5)/5/6, available with magnetism.

Modified Units:
Multipliers applied to all units.
Privateer; is now 4/2/4.
Paratrooper; no longer requires oil.
Tank, Mech Infantry, Artillery, Carrier, Submarine, Destroyer, Battleship, Nuclear Submarine, Fighter, Bomber, Helicopter; now require iron.

Other Modifications:
-Corruption reduced significantly.
-Tiny world size removed, "Cramped" world size added; Cramped worlds are 120x120 with 16 civs present.
-Advanced Barbarian changed to Native Archer.

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Modified Airbases
  • Added December, 11th
  • Publisher/Creator: Skywalker/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : This is my Airbase Mod. The Airbase is actually an immobile ground unit with the carrier and radar abilities that paradrops eight tiles. It has a defense of zero, so it can be captured. It carries six air units.

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Cruise Missile Modpack
  • Added December, 11th
  • Publisher/Creator: HugoHillbilly/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : Personally I cant stand the way cruise missiles are implemented right now, so using the editor ive changed them to How I think a Cruise Missile should act.

Ok here are the stats:

I changed them to air units with Re-base and Bombing missions. They will load onto and fire from carriers and cities.

Prereq: Same as cruise missile
Cost: 120 sheilds
Operational Range: 6
Bombard: 12 ROF: 3

Designer Notes  :

I balanced it as best I could think of, though I havent playtested it in the Modern Age. Ive only tested that they do work as planned (in the medieval age). As I have no saves in the modern age ill have to wait until I get there. If anyone else wishes to test and change then post here, great.

The premise now is a powerful one-time use air raid unit, (mainly a city buster). They have 50% more strength then the bomber/stealth bomber. I doubled the cost, which is now 20 more than the bomber but only half the cost of the stealth bomber. Due their power this price is justified.

Given it is "realistically" hard to shoot down a cruise missile I was tempted to give it stealth, but I felt this would overbalance it. So it has a 50% chance to be shot down like the bomber. I was also tempted to give it precision bombing as well, but for the same reason I decided not to. This could lead to some better (IMO) strategies such as Prec. bombing SAM sites then launching cruise missiles at a city.

The AI will use the adapt to the changed missile no problem (in playtesting I had to use them in the medieval age just to make sure they worked, and I got a crapload of them down my throat by the AI  )

Well im getting long winded so enjoy and post some constructive (or not) criticism here so we can balance this into a proper unit.

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Make maps visible
  • Added December, 11th
  • Publisher/Creator: Jelly1970/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : I made this utility program, run it against any saved file will make the entire world map and all bonus huts and enemy visible.

For example:

makevisible "c:\civilization iii\saves\test.sav"

Note that the file name has to be in double quotes and the backslashes are not escaped.

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Bicstats Modpack
  • Added December, 11th
  • Publisher/Creator: Trentano/Apolyton
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : bicstats is a statistical tool to give information about a .bic file.

It can be useful for players and map creators both to compare statistics.

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Wondians Modpack
  • Added December, 3rd
  • Publisher/Creator: Wondian
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

(Wondiana, Italy, Turkey, Spain and Iran)
(Fundamentalism, Fascism, Socialist Democracy)
(Copper and Cotton)
(Oyster, Rice, Fruits, Sheep, Paper, Quartz, Silver)
(Conquistador, Janissary, Ranger)
Customized Colors, customized rules and settings.
With complete civilopedia support.

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Resources Modpack
  • Added December, 3rd
  • Publisher/Creator: Qelebex
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: : Ivory is replaced by coffee (+2 commerce) and Furs is replaced by Cotton (+1 commerce). We don't kill animals for luxury purposes do we?  Coffee grows on grasslands and jungles, cotton does on plains and food plains. Replacement of furs will result in less interest through the arctic circle. Wines does no more have food bonus. No more feeding up with grapes!

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Abilities Modpack
  • Added December, 3rd
  • Publisher/Creator: goodyhut
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: This bic file has added expansionist capabilities to all civs that don't have them and added either religious, scientific, or industrious to the civs that already have expansionist. Have fun!

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The Balancer 1.0
  • Added November, 14th
  • Publisher/Creator: Monkspider
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: changes some are trivial some are far reaching

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Long Winded Changes Beta 0.1
  • Added November, 14th
  • Publisher/Creator: Plutark
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip

Content: About 50 rules changes

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Civ III Fansite Kit
  • Added October, 3rd
  • Publisher/Creator: Firaxis
  • Size: 5.74 Mb
  • Format: zip

Content: much stuff to create fansites.

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Hacked Civ III - Edit.exe
  • Added November, 3rd
  • Publisher: Donarumo
  • Size: unknown
  • Format: exe

Content: Add and Delete buttons are now visible in the editor.

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Pre-Patch mod v1.0
  • Added November, 5th
  • Publisher: Anunikoba
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: zip

Content: Anunikoba has changed some unit stats to make them more balanced, as well as some rules modifications

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Advisor Elvis Modpack and Version 2.0
  • Added November, 5th, 7th
  • Publisher: Alessandro
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: zip

Content: The modpack  makes the King of Rock`n Roll your domestic advisor!

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klick disk for download v 2.0


Colored Population Heads Modpack
  • Added November, 5th
  • Publisher: Tenaku
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: zip


Tenaku Modpack adds a colored outline to the citizens icons to make it easier to see a citizen's mood. He created the modpack because much players couldn`t clearly destinguish if the citizens are happy or unhappy.


Green = happy
Blue = content
Yellow = unhappy
Red = rebelling

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Civ III - Money Trainer
  • Added November, 3th
  • Publisher: CyberMan  / GameGuru
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: zip

Content: Add 10000 gold for player

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Utility: Civ III - Copy Tool
  • Added November, 3th
  • Publisher: Gramphos / Apolyton
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: zip

Content: Gramphos managed to have 21 civs to choose from in a game

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Civ III - Trainer 2
  • Added November, 3th
  • Publisher: GameGuru
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: zip

Content: Max Shields on town view
Max Bread on town view
Add 255 Culture on town view
Rush Research on switch project

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Hacked: Civ III - Editor

  • Added November, 3th
  • Publisher: Donarumo /  Apolyton
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: zip


Donarumo hacked the Civ3 Editor to reveal the DELETE and RENAME buttons for many of the Editor windows.

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Combat Calculator

  • Added November, 7th
  • Publisher: Valant2 /  Civfanatics
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: htm


Exact binomial probability calculator.htm

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Cure for Corruption

  • Added November, 7th
  • Publisher: Armor /  Civfanatics
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: zip


Modpack against Corruption

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Special Units Mod

  • Added November, 7th
  • Publisher: TheDuckOfFlanders
     /  Civfanatics
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: zip


TheDuck:I have changed the rule's so that every civ can create every special unit ,at a bit larger cost than normally

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Usability Pack 1.0

  • Added November, 7th
  • Publisher: Il Mafioso
     /  Civfanatics
  • Size: Unknown
  • Format: zip



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Less Yellow Modpack

  • Added November, 7th
  • Publisher: Thunderfall
     /  Civfanatics
  • Size: 2.87mb
  • Format: zip


This modpack makes the game brighter and more pleasant to the eyes by reducing the amount of yellow color in the game's terrain graphics. There is also greater contrast between terrain and terrain objects such as goodyhuts.

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21 Civs to choose

  • Added November, 5th
  • Publisher: Gramphos
     /  Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip


This modpack makes the game brighter and more pleasant to the eyes by reducing the amount of yellow color in the game's terrain graphics. There is also greater contrast between terrain and terrain objects such as goodyhuts.

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Terrain Graphics Modpack

  • Added November, 12th
  • Publisher: Icedan(Sn00py)'s
     /  Civfanatics
  • Size: 3.46 MB
  • Format: zip


1. New graphics for irrigation
2. Rocky Mountain & Hills
3. Rivers
4. Distinct looking trees and forests
5. Blue water, greener grassland, and raised land

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Leader Heads Modpack

  • Added November, 18th
  • Publisher: Thecrazyroach
     /  Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip


New Leader Heads Images: Bill Clinton, Tony Blair, George Bush

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Modmakers Tutorial

  • Added November, 18th
  • Publisher: Plutark
     /  Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip


Plutark written a really great tutorial on how to add new units, imporovemnts, wonders, technologies and resources to Civ III. Its great because the author gives examples and step by step introductions how to do it !

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Dutch Mod. V2.5


  • Added November, 18th
  • Publisher: dgerards
     /  Civfanatics
  • Size: n/a
  • Format: zip


New Civ: The Dutch

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