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Unit: The Asassin

  • Creator: s3d/Civfanatics
  • Added: January, 5th
  • Info: This unit using *.wav and *.amb files from immortals folder. Copy them into assasin folder or remove them from assasin.ini
    I Assasin is made for SpecOps mod. To use it into SpecOps mod
    1. Remove all Explorer* files from immortals folder
    2. restore immortals.ini from backup
    3. clear all *.flc files from assasin folder
    4. put attached files into assasin folder
Unit: The Prophet

  • Creator: MazterJo/Civfanatics
  • Added: January, 6th
  • Info:

    Another unit from my Ultimod Pack is the Prophet. This unit can be used as a leader or a unit. It adds a great deal of diversity to the game. He attacks by casting spells. So one can use him to plant trees as one of his spells well thats just one use for him. 

    Create a Prophet folder in art/units folder
    Unzip the file into the folder

    Here is the link for the Prophet.

Unit: The Spec Ops Team

  • Creator: MazterJo/Civfanatics
  • Added: January, 6th
  • Info:
  • Here is the Spec Ops Team I used in my Ultimod Pack. They contain their Civilopedia graphic and you can choose not to use them. All you have to do is:

    Create a SpecOps Team Folder in your art/units folder.
    Unzip the into the folder.

    Move the .pcx files to art/civilopedia/units folder
    (if you want to have them in yur civilopedia but you must change the respective civilopedia and pediaicons text in the text folder)

    Here is the

Unit: Army Truck

  • Creator: Dark Sheer/Civfanatics
  • Added: January, 6th
  • Info:

    Here is the animation file for Truck as requested by GenPatton . Its modeled after the WWII truck used by the Allies (as can be seen in the Civilopedia icon  ). The unit does not show at 45 degree when moving SE as I was using the frame for Modern Armor as a base and the truck is a bit too long to get it at 45 degree  As usual, you need to use either the hacked Civ3Edit or Gramphos' Civ3CopyTool to create a new unit call Truck. If you uses the hacked Civ3Edit then do remember to create a folder under Civilization III\Art\units named Truck (Civ3CopyTool will automatically create the folder for you). [These instructions are getting old  ]

    Just unzip the file and copy everything except the two pcx files to this new directory. The two pcx files are Civilopedia icons and they should go to Civilization III\Art\Civilopedia\Icons\units.

    No file is being replaced here so you should be safe to install this new unit even if this is your first time 

    The files in the zip are as follow:


Unit: Awacs Radar Unit

  • Creator: Headmaster/Civfanatics
  • Added: January, 10th
  • Info: Klick
Unit: Scud Launcher

  • Creator: Dark Sheer/Civfanatics
  • Added: January, 14th
  • Info: Klick
Unit: Aegis Destroyer

  • Creator: MazterJo/Civfanatics
  • Added: January, 21th
  • Info: Klick
Units: Amazons and Mech Units

  • Creator: BlueO/Civfanatics
  • Added: January, 21th
  • Info: Klick

  • Animation: Armoured Personell Carrier

   Dowload the Animation

  • Perry Class Frigate Animation

   Dowload the Animation

  • Canadian Blue cask Unit

   Dowload the Unit

  • Crossbowman: New Animation

   Dowload the Animation

  • Viking Raider Unit
Name Raider
Prerequisite Iron Working
Cost 3
Att/Def/Mov 4/2/1
Resources Iron
Abilities Foot Soldier
Amphibious Unit
Viking Raider
Updated 16/12/2001

This includes default graphics and sounds. Also civilopedia text and icons are incluted. You find install instructions in zip file.

Download: (212 kb)

  • New Air-units

Name Me-109
Civilization Germany

Unique fighter to Germany.

Me-109 fighter
Updated 17/12/2001

- default graphics
- civilopedia text
- civilopedia icons
- install instructions
- unzip to /art/units folder

Download: Me-109 (89 kb)

Name Me-110
Civilization Germany

Unique bomber to Germany.

Me-110 bomber
Updated 17/12/2001

- default graphics
- civilopedia text
- civilopedia icons
- install instructions
- unzip to /art/units folder

Download: Me-110 (126 kb)

Name P-51 Mustang
Civilization America

Unique fighter to America.

P-51 Mustang fighter
Updated 17/12/2001

- default graphics
- civilopedia text
- civilopedia icons
- install instructions
- unzip to /art/units folder

Download: Mustang (88 kb)

Name Spitfire
Civilization England

Unique fighter to England.

Spitfire fighter
Updated 17/12/2001

- default graphics
- civilopedia text
- civilopedia icons
- install instructions
- unzip to /art/units folder

Download: Spitfire (89 kb)

Name Hind
Civilization Russia

Russian gunship.

Hind gunship
Updated 18/12/2001

- graphics
- new sounds
- basic civilopedia text
- civilopedia icons
- install instructions
- unzip to /art/units folder
Download: Hind (276 kb)

Special thanx to Haverlock`s Civ III Page

  • New Terrorist Animation


   Dowload the Animation

  • New Archer Animation

   Dowload the Animation


  • Slinger Graphics

I have an animation. It is 75 frames, and has S, SW, W, NW, and N

Using Flicster someone could make this into a unit, even if it is just for the S direction, just to test. Unfortunatly i don't have any way to create FLICS.




  • Units: Attack Chopper and Air Transport

Attack Chopper - I think Civ3 is missing this vital modern unit. If the tank can be say to be modern era swordsman, then the chopper is modern era horseman. The chopper should be classified as a land unit with the ability to treat all terrain as roads. Its attack value should be 24 - same as modern tank, but the defense value is only 12 - slightly lower then the modern tank. Its movment speed is 3, so it doesn't move faster than a modern tank on the road. It so sweet, to fly through 9 tiles of rough terrains. Its too bad, the chopper can't fly across water, but on the other hand, the chopper can't realistically end its turn in water...

Air Transport - Another missing vital unit, the air transport. The air transport is a helicopter upgrade that has the maximum opertional range (eight). In addition, the air transport can carry more units... two, as well as vehicle units. I had hope to increase the range to 12, but 8 is the limit.

   Dowload the Units

  • New Civ: Singapore

Read more about the Singaporean here.

   Singaporean Civ

  • New Civ: Denmark

Read more about the Swedens here.

   Danish Civ

  • FLICster Utility: Make your own Units!

Short on features and even shorter on interface. BUT FLICster will convert CIV III Unit Animation files (.FLC) from the Firaxis custom format into standard format, and back again

Read more about the utility here.


  • Custom Civ: Sweden

Read more about the Swedens here.

   The Swedens

  • Custom Civ: CANADIANS

Read more about the Canadians here.

   The Canadians

  • Infos File: Units, Terrain, Wonders, Improvements

Read more about the file here.

   Info file

  • Graphic Modpack: Blue water, raised land, rocky mountains

water.gif (64047 Byte) raisedland2.gif (64508 Byte) mountains.jpg (38825 Byte)

Klick images to enlarge !

Read more about the content of the modpack and for download:

  • New Civ: Spain

Read more about the content of the modpack and for download:

   Spain Civ

  • New Civ: Quebecois

Read more about the content of the modpack and for download:

   Quebecois Civ

  • Wonder Screens + Infos

Read more about the content of the modpack and for download:

   Wonder Screens + Infos