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Welcome To Highrise Industries
This is the old updates. I have no idea why anyone would be here. Try to enjoy.

Update @ 20:13 EST - 07.07.01
Whew. I acctually did some work today, good for me and you. I have the Hardwarp FM Page up and I also have the Page Design page up. Check 'em out. Well now to share my... plans. I want to open up a factions page so all you factions and companies out there, send any information and media you have ZIPPED! I also want to get some page design submissions. I'm working on the new Federation Militia right now so watch out for that also. Well I have lots of work to do on lots of projects. I'll see you all around.

Update @ 20:19 EST - 07.06.01
I'm back! I've been really busy lately and unable to make any updates. Well I could today and I added a bit to the accesories page. I added a really cool new skin so be sure to check that out. I might do a little more work later or something but not now. See ya around.

Update @ 20:57 EST - 06.29.01
Like the new layout? Thought so. I'm taking a break right now and some of the sections aren't up yet. I'll most likely be don before the day is over. You may have noticed that some new sections are appearing on the navigation menu, those sections will all be up at midnight when I make a 2nd anniversary post for Captain Zedo's Hardwar Community. Yep, you heard right, Zedo's site is two years old. Well, I'll be seing you all later.

Update @ 00:02 EST - 06.21.01
Well, I know it's late and it's been less than an hour since I last updated, but hey, more for you right? Well I just decided that I'm a supporter of Chemicals R Us and made a pretty, unofficial, banner. Check that out here. With any luck, it may be an official logo (hint hint). Well I also wanted to tell you that I'm looking for reporters, GOOD ones. The requirements are that you play online sometimes (I can't my computer sucks too much), you fly a Hawk, Swallow, or Police Moth for your work (they have the least obstructed cockpit views), and you must be able to zip files (I need bitmaps people). Visit the contact page for instructions on contacting me. Thanks again for visiting.

Update @ 23:13 EST - 06.20.01
This is our first ever update, and I'd just like to say thanks to Software Refinery for creating the wonderful game, Hardwar. As far as actual updates go, I can't say much. I was going to upload some new images earlier but Angelfire wouldn't let me, so for the time being the only update I really have is that I fixed the preview for my Silver Y skin. Well I just want say thanks to Captain Zedo for linking my site. I have other things to do right now (like work on my Dragonball site). See you guys when I can do more stuff.

Update @ ??:?? EST - 06.??.01
Since today is opening day, of course there aren't any updates so I might as well explain what goes on here. Whenever I make a change to the site, or some news comes up with another site or the Software Refinery I'll post it here, that way you know what's going on. If you wish, you can sign up for the Hardwarp FM Newsletter which will give you updates before everyone else as well as all kinds of cool stuff unavailable otherwise. Be sure to check it out and see if it's a service you want.