Starting- Hermione

Characters (3):

1 Hermione
1 Hagrid
1 Flitwick

Spells (23):

4 Illegibilus
4 Accio
1 Obliviate
4 Vermilious
3 Stupefy
2 Incendio
1 Mysterious Egg
2 Unusual Pets
1 Troll in the Bathroom
1 Dragon’s Escape

Creatures (14):

2 Mountain Troll
3 Baby Dragon
2 Norbert
3 Guard Dog
4 Vicious Wolf

Lessons (20):

10 charms
10 CMC

Hermione is used to get lessons quick, flitwick is just to get a card like stupefy in a win situation or vermilios or something, and he's also great when short on charms, but I put charms in there, cause it's good odds I won't draw him, hagrid is for doing more damage, sense all my creatures do 3 or more, which really adds up, illegibilus is used to look at the opponents hand, which works really good with oblliviate, which should be easy enought to get out at the end cause of hermione, accio is used cause most of my creatures discard cards to be played, and accio can get them back, vermilios is to kill off pesky creatures, incendio is good when u get enough charms out, which can kill large health creatures, stupefy is just for damage, mysterious egg is good for getting ur creature like norbert, unuall pets is good, cause it does consistant damage, and makes ur opponent discard cards to get rid off it, which is good, same for troll in the bathroom and dragons escape, creatures are self explanitory and so are the lessons.
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