Jackson Gamers' 18th Century Game Background

The Struggle for Mittle-Land

Photo by Ed Sansing

We Played this game at HOBBYTOWN in Flowood Mississippi on August 18, 2007. Our rules were derived from a set printed in MWAN many years ago and found on MAGWEB. The Prussian army was painted by Mark Gilbert and the French army by Jay Stribling.

You can see our version of the rules that we used here at: Quick Tricorne.

Strategic overview of Mittle-Land

In the center of 18th century Europe is Mittle-Land. This is a grouping of small states, free cities, and bishoprics. The surrounding great powers covet Mittle-Land, yet none would have it carved up by the other powers, so all will struggle to preserve it.

On the West is Gaul, also known as Francia, or “Frog-land” by the other powers. The army of Francia has advanced deep into Mittle-land and seeks to set up a satellite state for the glory of Gaul.

On the North-west is Georgia – also known as Hanoveria, a wholly owned subsidiary of the island kingdom of Brittania. Hanoveria has long been a base from which the armies of Brittania can insert themselves into Mittle-land for their own nefarious purposes.

On the East is Hohenzollern – also known as the Kingdom of Germania, a stern military state which covets parts of Mittle-land to expand their small but ambitious country. Germania has been allied in the past with Gaul, but now opposes her, and is allied with Brittania. King Fritz of Hohenzollern has dispatched an army to attack the forces of Gaul now in Mittle-land.

Even further east, not bordering Germania is the large but backward state of Russ-land. This is a traditional enemy of Hohenzollern, not now currently in arms, but in a state of watchfulness. Having Russ-land on her eastern border means that the larger part of the Hohenzollern army must remain at home, allowing only a small expeditionary force to oppose the Gauls in Mittle-land.

To the south of Mittle-Land is the kingdom of Habsburg. Traditional rivals with Germania, she has also fought against Gaul in the past. Today she is allied with Gaul against Hohenzollern, but has yet to field her armies. Both Habsburg and Russ-land have skirmished against each other in the past and have fought many campaigns against the infidel Ottomans who share a common border with both countries. The Ottoman empire is currently at peace, occupied by internal issues of succession, but that could change.

Operational issues in Mittle-Land

The forces of Francia under the Marquis of Florida have marched to occupy the Mittle-land city of Woe on the Elizabeth river. The river is the line of supply for the Francia invaders. From the East the army of Germania under the veteran general “Der Alte Hund” (The old hound dog) approach. Woe is an unfortified open city, but with rich storehouses and granaries which can be used to support armies. Both generals covet this city and have uttered the traditional cry of “Woe to me!”

Thus our battle rages – our campaign commences! - Jay Stribling

Who Won The First Battle?

The French army did - Barely. The French held the central hill (which was not worth points), and by the thinnest of margins both of the roads to the rear (which were worth 15 points each.) In the first half of the Next-to-last turn Prussian cavalry cut the road, but were driven off by infantry fire in the last half of the final turn.

The French held both roads at 15 points each. Even if one road is not awarded because it was disputed the points still would be either 24 or 25 points for the French vs 21 or 22 points for the Prussians. The Prussian commander disputes this, feeling that it was a win for Fritz's troops.

You can see the first battle here Battle in Mittle-Land.

Go to the "Quick Tricorne" rules that we used for this game.

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