The German Advance

Our 15mm WWII game using A modification of the SQUAD LEADER IN MINIATURE rules

Played at Jay Stribling's home in Jackson Mississippi, November 24, 2006

Photo by Jim Pitts

(Caption by Jim Pitts) - Fred Diamond's panzer platoon (4 PzIV tanks) and infantry platoon slowly advance through the woods looking for hidden Americans.

This is our fourth game using a miniatures version of Avalon Hill's SQUAD LEADER boardgame. It is the third on a hex-gridded table. Our game table which is 6' x 8' is about 1.5 times the width of a scaled-up Avalon Hill game board, but only about .6 of the length of what a game board would be with 4" hexes.

The American Players were Phil Young, John Murdaugh and Sean Pitts. The German players were Robert Whitfield, Jim Pitts, Ed Sansing and Fred Diamond.

The game-master was Jay Stribling who is getting a bit tired of running these games and writing these reports and resolved to be IN the next Squad Leader with Miniatures Game. By this fourth game all of the players had some previous experience with Squad Leader with Miniatures, or at least the original Squad Leader game by Avalon Hill.

The game played more smoothly than some of the previous efforts.

The German Players were on the attack. Their objectives were to recover an abandoned Tiger tank with a burned-out transmission unit (an experimental unit of great value with gears machined from Uranium) and/or to exit AFVs off the road that lead to the American rear areas. Rumors had placed a fabled hoard of Gasoline just off-table.

Photo by John Murdaugh

The Center of the board (apartment houses) infested with Americans. Note the blown-up PzIV tank on the road by the house.

Photo by John Murdaugh

Another shot of the center of the board.

The Set-up for this game

The game-master placed three lines of poker chips on the table.

Photo by Jim Pitts

(Caption by Jim Pitts) - One of Ed Sansing's German platoons closes with an American platoon.

Photo by Jim Pitts

(Caption by Jim Pitts) - Jim Pitts' infantry platoon closes on a bombed-out building that has been occupied by an American force

Photo by Jim Pitts

(Caption by Jim Pitts) - What's left of Robert Whitfield's German company cower behind a slope to escape the murderous fire of a pair of American halftracks with quad .50 cal heavy machineguns. The smaller stands in the foreground represent the weapons abandoned by a platoon that was shot to pieces by the Americans. The German advance on this flank (their left flank - American right flank) was stalled till the game's end by those halftracks.

Photo by Jim Pitts

(Caption by Jim Pitts) - German artillery fire and the fire of the tank's main guns finally set the bombed out building afire, forcing the Americans to flee the flames.

Rules changes for this game?

Photo by Jim Pitts

(Caption by Jim Pitts) - More German artillery impacts in the village held by the Americans, soon setting the buildings afire and forcing the Americans to also flee the flames.

Photo by Jim Pitts

(Caption by Jim Pitts) - A pesky American antitank gun, which had destroyed one of Jim's Panthers, is in turn destroyed by German artillery fire. The Sherman beside it soon succumbed to another of Jim Pitts' Panthers.

Who was the victor in this game?

The Germans won - although it looked as if they had no chance. The American set-up surprised the Germans and several groups of infantry and an AFV were knocked out before the Germans realized that they had hit the American advanced outpost line. It was thickly held, almost the main line of resistance for the U.S. forces. The Axis players' victory conditions required them to advance. They eventually broke the American left by comitting their last armored reserve of 3 Sturmgeshutzen IIIs. The Germans' final breakthrough also included two of Jim Pitts' three Panthers who came through the center after the pesky American AT gun was knocked out.

Against the odds, these units destroyed four American M-4 tanks and reached the U.S. rear areas. Most of the German infantry was destroyed or held up by a Quad-.50 AA halftrack and a Sherman tank on the American right so only a corporal's guard of Axis infantry was available at the end of the game.

How did the rules work?

better than they had before! The new artillery rules worked well althoug both sides failed to use their small mortars, or found them ineffective. The American artillery did not dominate the game as it had previously in our previous game.

The "Fire fight" concept seemed to work well and the rules for allowing armor to fire then move half or move half then fire was well received.

Go to the first of our Squad Leader with Miniatures game played at Hobbytown.

Go to the second of our Squad Leader with Miniatures game played at Hobbytown.

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