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Kevin's Super Mario 64 page

Kevin's Super Mario 64 page

Super Mario 64 Walkthrough
Course 4: Cool, Cool Mountain

My walkthrough is designed to help you in your Bowser- battling and star-collecting journeys. Unlike some Mario guides, which only give info on getting stars, My walkthrough shows the exact directions to get the stars and secrets, plus info on the courses.

The goal of Mario 64 is to get back all 120 power stars in the castle that Bowser stole. I will give detailed directions for how to get each of them on every level. Good luck!

Level Description: Cool, Cool Mountain

After earning three stars, go in the second door to the left from the stairs in the main room. You'll see three snowman pictures. Jump in the center one to enter the course.

The first snow stage of SM64 has its share of challanges. Cool, Cool Mountain has many new enemies, like Snowmen and Spindrifts, adapted to the snowy environment. You'll start at the top of the mountain, and there will be 2 slippery paths leading to the bottom. It'll be much more difficult to control Mario on the slides, and there are many broken bridges leading to deep crevasses. The good news? If you fall onto the snow from a high place, you won't lose any energy!

Level Statistics:
coins: 154
cannons: 2
shells: 0
caps: 0 wing, 0 metal, 0 vanish
warps: 1
hearts: 1
blue coin switch: yes

Star 1: Slip Slidin' Away

If you read the sign at the starting point, it will tell you to check the chimney in the house.

Jump into the chimney, and you'll be in the beginning of a rather long ice slide. Read the sign there for sliding procedures, and start your way down. Watch out for the sharp turns and the various loops in the slide, and don't slide too fast, or else you'll lose control and meet certain doom. At the end of the maze, you have to pass through a series of slippery ice cubes. A star will appear as soon as you leave the cottage.
Note: There is a shortcut in the middle of the level to make your life easier. After the first loop in the slide, you'll notice a line of coins going into the wall. Follow the path, and you'll be in the secret passageway of the maze.

Since you can't die here, you don't have to tilt the control stick at all. There will be a 1-UP at the end of the passageway.

Star 2: Li'l Penguin Lost

As you may have noticed when you opened the cottage door at the end of the slide, there is a mother penguin outside the cottage who has lost her baby. Jump on the cottage chimney at the beginning of the level, but don't fall in. Instead, jump up to the higher ledge to find a baby penguin. Pick it up, and run down the mountain with it. Your job is to slide all the way down the mountain while carrying the little guy. This may be a trifle harder than sliding down empty-handed, since the extra weight decreases Mario's control down the slope. Make it down all the way, and the penguin's mother will give you a reward.

Note: You may have noticed another baby penguin hanging around on the cottage roof near the mother, but if you give that one to her, she won't give you the star. Also, If you try to warp there from the beginning, the baby will be gone when you reappear.

Star 3: Big Penguin Race

After you've recieved the previous 2 stars in the stage, a big penguin will be waiting to challange you when you jump into the cottage chimney. As soon as you hear the starting gun, race towards the slide and press 'b' to do a dive. If done correctly, you will gain the lead, if not a big one. Beware, the penguin will sneak up on you and try to push you off, so be wary.

At the middle of the slide, the penguin will eventually re-take the lead, but he will slow down for the rest of the race. Be careful on the sharp turns, and stay in the middle of the slide at all times. Should you make it in first place, you will recieve a star. Don't use the shortcut behind the ice wall, the penguin will take note of this and call you a cheater!

Star 4: Frosty Slide for 8 Red Coins

Your fourth quest for getting these special coins will be harder than previous ones. Several are cleverly hidden, and some are in hard-to-reach places. Here is a full listing of the coins:

Red Coin #1: You should see this coin atop a tree at the start of the course.

Red Coin #2: Right up against the base of the mountain in a corner. This coin can be reached by sliding down the mountain.
Red Coin #3: From the base of the mountain where red coin #2 was, jump down to the ski lift, right of the bouncing snowmen. Red Coin #3 is right there.
Red Coin #4: On the broken bridge after you pass the hopping snowmen. Don't run off the edge!
Red Coin #5: This coin is above a tree near the mother penguin. Do a handstand to get it.
Red Coin #6: After the mother penguin and the warp, in another corner by the abyss. This one can be easy to overlook, but if you know where it is, you should have no problem finding it.
Red Coin #7: Also on a broken bridge by the penguin's mother. The edge of the broken bridge also serves as a Warp to the beginning of the level.
Red Coin #8: When you are sliding down the mountain, you will come across a bridge. Jump off the right side, and you will come across the 8th red coin (and a 1-up) behind a pole of ice. The alternative method of reaching the coin is to shoot out of the cannon(more about the cannons in Star 6).

As you collect your 8th coin, the star will appear on the other end of the broken bridge where the fourth red coin was. Attempting to long-jump across the gap is almost certain suicide, so follow my advice. warp to the beginning again, and slowly go down the slide. When the track reaches a hairpin turn, jump to your right and get the star, which is just inches away now.

Star 5: Snowman's Lost his Head

You must have gotten all the previous stars in the stage to succeed here. Go left from the part of the course where the penguin baby is, and you'll soon meet with the body of a snowman. He'll agree to follow you in search of his missing head.

Slide down the mountain with the snowball at your side, and be careful not to get squished! Stand next to the snowman's head at the end of the trail, and the 2 parts will combine, making them complete and leaving you with a star!

Star 6: Wall Kicks Will Work

It would be wise to master the Wall Kick move before you attempt to achieve this star. Warp on the broken bridge to the base of the mountain, and run left towards the mother penguin. Head to the little ski lift and travel upwards. About halfway up, you'll encounter an island with a Bob-omb buddy, who will unlock both the cannons in this stage. Jump back onto the ski lift when it comes back down. Now, hop in the cannon, and aim towards the tree in a distant ledge.

Now, go right and onto a narrow path with several Spindrifts, and the side-stepping technique would be helpful right now. Pass the Spindrifts, and long-jump over the gap. Use the spinning heart to refill your energy, and double-jump at the far wall, wall kicking your way up. Repeat the procedure for the next wall. Now, wall kick off the right side of this wall to get to the highest platform.

Walk slowly to the platform with the power star.
There is an easier way of attempting this star, should you find wall kicks too hard. At the start of the stage, jump on a Spindrift on the platform where the snowman body used to be. since you are at the top of the mountain, you can float to the star below!

Star 7: 100 Coins

The special star gotten from achieving 100 coins on a level isn't particularly hard in Cool, Cool Mountain, partly because over 70 of the coins are in the ice slide alone. Be wary, though, because if your 100th coin is on the slide, it would be hard to get it again. There are also lines of coins in the slide down the mountain, and there is a blue coin switch on the platform above the star marker. also, the Spindrifts found on the narrow ledge on the way to "Wall Kicks Will Work provide three coins apiece.
