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They all thought I was out of the game... They all thought I was out of the game... The legend will never die


Mishima-Style Fighting Karate

49(yeah, right)


167 lbs



Test subject for the G Corporation

August 1 (With thanks to Kazu_Yoshi Girl!)

A chaotic world (?)

Heihachi< Mishima


Defeated by Heihachi and thrown into the mouth of a volcano twenty years ago, Kazuya was brought back to life by G Corporation, a biotech firm making revolutionary advances in the field of biogenetics research. With G Corporation’s aid, Kazuya investigated the mechanism of the Devil Gene that resides within his body by subjecting himself to genetic experiments. Kazuya believed that once he unlocked and controlled the power of the Devil Gene, he would be powerful enough to defeat Heihachi and destroy the Mishima Zaibatsu.

Twenty years later, the Tekken Forces attacked a G Corporation research facility without warning and succeeded in stealing research data for the Mishima Zaibatsu. Kazuya learns that he was also a target in the attack. Infuriated that Heihachi once again ruined his plans, Kazuya is determined to seek his revenge against Heihachi more than ever.

Kazuya instantly recognizes the announcement of The King of Iron Fist Tournament 4 as a trap set by Heihachi to lure him out. Despite this knowledge, Kazuya enters the Tournament it is his chance to defeat Heihachi.

(I now, I did a copy-paste job, but there was no way I was gonna interpret this weak-ass story in my own words.)


(Pre-fight Jin)
Kazuya follows Hiehachi to a temple, where Jin Kazama is chained up. Kazuya's eyes glow red, and by some strange telekinetic force, Heihachi is suddenly thrusted away from Kazuya. After taunting his father, Kazuya tries to absorb Jin's essence/devil spirit (or some crap), but Jin starts to transform into Devil Jin, and a very surprised Devil-Kazuya gets an electric backlash, Kazuya is then reawakened, and deamns that Jin wakes up. Jin regains consciousness, gets out of the chains, and a fight ensues (stage 9!).
After handing Jin his ass, Kazuya finally absorbs Jin's essence/devil spirit and transforms into Devil as he laughs...

Please check out the ever-growing collection of screens I have from this ending.


The second-largest Kazuya gallery. Includes screen captures of the arcade opening sequence (not the best quality, but we HAVE them, at least!)! THE INTRO (With MAJOR thanks to Catlord, who captured and sent these images! Check out his page at:!)

Kaz on a vid-screen| Kazuya slamming a Tekkenshu into the wall with the Steel Pedal Drop throw| Kazuya using the Entrails Smash| Kazuya using his Bitch Kicks throw.| Tekkenshu going through glass as result of said Bitch Kicks Throw| A Tekkenshu attempts to Stab Kazuya...| ...only to wind up getting his head slammed into a wall| Kazuya walking| Kazuya removing his sunglasses(aww, that's all? ^,~)| "They all thought I was out of the game..."| "...but I'm holding all the cards now."| Kazuya, sans sunglasses, looks to the camera A gun| Kazuya weilding a gun| Kazuya looking so very angry| "Kisama ka na..." (Or "From you"...)|


Some of these were taken from Ruiliweb (a Korean site), others from various pages like Gamespot and IGN. Enjoy.
Kazuya looking realllly pissed| Kazuya about to slam a Tekken Force's head right into a wall--a moment before impact!| Kazuya looking at the camera. *swoon*| Kazuya punching the camera--okay, HERE he looks reallllly pissed| Hi-res version of the previous shot, CG still version| Hi-res version of the same shot, but direct from the intro| Kazuya commences with the attack| Kazuya looking mighty pissed (hi-res shot)|More Bitch Kicks and rather gratuitous ass shot


The best T4 Kazuya picture EVER, IMO. Thanks to Runemaster for making it this size.| A Tekken 4 ad (this is also what the poster & Japanese PS2 cover looks like| Kazuya's 1P costume| Kazuya's 2P outfit| Best poster EVER. IMO.|


These are screencaps I personally took these myself--which is why the quality sucks, lol. Well, I'll edit them and re-size them this weekend (I hope), so no worries, aight? I'll specifically state which ending they are from...oh, and all you spoiler-phobes, if you odn't want to see the spoilers (cuz you prolly read it in my ending summary...doh!), THEN DON'T LOOK AT THEM!

"Doushta?" Devil-Kazuya taunts Heihachi after sending him across the room.|Devil-Kazuya is about to show Heihachi first-hand how it feel sto be owned|Is it me, or is Kazuya doing something naughty here O_o.|Kazuya glaring as he is about to demand to Jin that he wakes up|


Here we have an *UPDATED* listing of the phrases you hear Kazuya saying in Tekken 4. If anyone is responsible for the updates in the winning speech, better give the round of applause to Optic Splice!p> ARCADE INTRO SPEECH

I don't know the exact Japanese...the game subtitles translates it as the following:
-"They all thought I was out of the game...but I'm holding all the cards now."
-"I'll get everything back!"
I have been told that the latter translates to "From you I will get everything back". I would be extremely thankful if someone out there sent me the Japanese language version of these phrases...


-Kisama ka A derogatory way of saying "You..."
-Omae ka Means "Oh, it's you." This implies that Kazuya is somewhat surprised to see the person he is fighting (look at his facial expressions, even!). He seems to say this on occasion, and I have only seen him say this to Lee, Paul, and even Law. Interesting, that.


-Hanashi ni naran'na Roughly means "You're too pathetic for words". Previously thought to be "Tanoshii ni naran'an", but Optic Splice (whom, might I add, is very reliable) has cleared this up.
-Kieru I looked this one up. It means "Disappear". Roughly, it could mean "Leave my sight", but I'm probably wrong on that.
-Koko de shine This could or could not mean "In this place, you will die". Optic Splice said he will get back to me on this one. But hey, at least we figured that one out, eh? Oh, and "shine" is pronounced "She-neh".


-1P OUTFIT: White gi pants, but DEFINITELY not the same gi pants we all knew and grew up with! Kazuya's now sporting a design on the right leg (some have said that it is supposed to be a phoenix of sorts), and the belt is a navy blue, sporting a gold trim (gold trim...Tekken 1, anyone?). He is also now sporting cut-off gloves (Tekken 1) with buckles on the wrist. It should also be noted that the pants are not ragged at the ends like the old gi pants were.
-2P OUTFIT: Kazuya is now sporting sunglasses, which I think looks rather awesome on him (though, I have a better style of sunglasses for him than those...oh well, at least it's not like the pair Violet was wearing! Gyah!). He also is wearing a button-down shirt (with the sleeves rolled up a bit), dark pants, and black shoes. Please note the watch on his left hand. ^_^ Some have said that this outfit looks like some Matrix knock-off (and that ruined the outfit for me, so thanks to all those bastards that ruined it! DAMN YOU ALL!! *calms down*), but I rather like this one. Mind you, I prefer the 1P outfit, but I usually use this one in vs. gameplay. All you haters need to shut up. >_<
-ARCADE INTRO: Not too many people noticed, but Kazuya has yet another purple suit on in this intro. Looks more like a business suit than the short jacket-pants combination from the classic; this one has a white trim in the front. He is also wearing a dark(navy?) shirt and a violet tie. And sunglasses. Whether this will be an extra costume in the PS2 version remains to be seen...I can only hope!