Born in West Freeport, Lariny was raised by her mother, Alexandria and father, Aries. Alexandria was a highly skilled magician, having high rank in the guild until she was fatally killed by a dark elf necromancer. Aries, a high skilled enchanter, who wasnt well liked by his guild, for his arrogance and rebellious nature. Both her parents grew up together, their parents being friends and all arranged their marriage. At first Alexandria did not like this arranged marriage but grew to accept it and eventually falling in love with Aries. Aries never fell in love with Alexandria or accepted the arranged marriage. He would often travel far, his favorite place being Felwithe, it was there that he romanced many high elf enchanteresses.
Lariny grew up admiring her mother greatly and hating her father. The Magician's guild took care of both Lariny and her mother, to them they were family. At age 8, Lariny officially joined the Magician's guild, becoming an apprentice to the leader. She watched closely and learned the many secrets to being a magician. At age 18, Lariny set out on her own to make her own mark on the world and to gain great knowledge. She traveled abroad gain much experience. Eventually she joined a new guild, the Gladiators of Norrath. She was excited being it was her first guild, outside the Magician's guild. In the guild she made many friends, but she became closest with three of them. Nygel, Macdari, and Lekxs Lizzaro. After a while she felt that the Gladiators of Norrath wasnt the guild for her. So she left. Lekxs being the closest to her, he followed her. Lariny moved on to Lake of Ill Omen and it was there that she was invited to join Dragon's Fire..........