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A.J. Goldsby I (2000) - T. Anonymous (2000) 
U.S.C.L. Internet Game, 10.2000

Perhaps my most brilliant game.

1. e4 e62. d4 d53. Nd2 Nf6;  
A French Defense, an innocent enough of a beginning.

4. e5 Nfd75.  c3 c56. Ndf3 a6!?7. Bd3 Be7;  
8. Ne2
9. Ng3!? b5!?;  
Black gains space on the Q-side, perhaps thinking all is well. 

10. h4!?
A bold and an aggressive move. 

But another - more positionally - motivated move may have been called for 
here, in this position. 

   [ 10.Bc2 ]. 

10...f6!?; (Maybe - '?!/?') 
Black tries to both protect his K, and to maybe open the f-file. 

This move actually sets Black up for a devastating series of sacrifices. 

   [ 10...h6!? ].  

11. Bxh7+!, (Maybe - '!!') 
An incredible sacrifice. (But more will follow!) 

   [ 11.Qc2!? ]. 

11...Kxh712. Ng5+!!, (2nd minor piece) 
It never rains, but it pours! 

   [ 12.Qd3+!? ].  

Not much choice here. 

   [ 12...Kg6; 13.Qh5#.   
     The move 12...Kg8; 13.Qh5,  "+/-" 
     wins for White and will probably just transpose back to the game. ]. 

13. hxg5+ Kg8;  
This is forced. 

   [ </= 13...Kg6??; 14.Qh5#. ].  

14. Rh8+!
One more shot. 

   [ If White plays 14.Qh5 , ("+/-") he will probably still win. 
     (But it is boring and routine.) ].  

Now Black scrambles, but despite his best efforts, he will be mated. 
14...Kxh8; (Box.) 15. Qh5+ Kg816. g6 Nf617.exf6 Rxf6;  
18. Qh7+ Kf819.Qh8#.  1-0


A very nice series of sacs.

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  Copyright (c) {LM} A.J. Goldsby I 

  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 1995-2008. 
  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2009.  All rights reserved.