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I have many other interests, 
including reading and writing poetry.

I estimate I have written literally hundreds - if not thousands - of poems in my lifetime. (When I was stuck on a girl at school, I would write 10-50 a day.) Most of these have been lost over the years. 

 A few of my poems are below. 

"My Daughter"  by A.J. Goldsby I. 
(Composed for Ailene's Sixth Birthday, December 13th, 2002.)

To A.J. and Julie a baby was was born, 
She came into our lives ... shortly after morn. 

Tiny and red ... yet a true bundle of joy, 
I got a girl ... (yet) I thought I wanted a boy.

Brown eyes and beautiful, like an angel ... in flight; 
And all she brings her parents is ... great joy and delight! 

(I wrote this poem - on a birthday card - on my daughter's birthday.)  


I wrote this on the spur of the moment, inspired by the senseless bombing of the U.S.S. Cole. 

"The U.S.S. Cole"  10/13/00



What is the meaning of life?
I'm so bothered by it all. 

The madness of all this strife.
Despair can surely take its toll. 

Why is this, what is all this hate?
Black vs. White, do you feel the pall?

Time is fleeting - before its too late,
Don't run the race, make it a stroll; 

Slow down and relax, stress is a killer; 
This rat race could spell man's doom.

Love is OK, and tolerance a pillar,
Prejudice and blind hate is only death.

The insanity of war; can't anyone understand?
Something has got to give ... and soon!

Spread the word, can you give me a hand?
I'll promote peace ... until my very last breath!

BY - A.J. Goldsby I

 (This poem won several international contests and awards. One was "First Honorable Mention" {in a monthly contest} from one group.) 

  Wednesday; May 03, 2006.  

This is the time of the year for rain/flowers, clouds/sun, and … new love. 
My wish for you is to have a joyous spring, with spirits soaring skyward … ever higher. 
Time of the land’s rebirth … feelings riding on the wings of a dove. 
You revel in this moment of time … ‘twould be sad to have never tasted passion’s fire. 

By A.J. Goldsby I 

 Mother’s Day 

  A Poem, in honor of my Mom; on her day. - 2006.  



She carries a new person inside her, and then gives you life,

A grown man wants his own companion, and so seeks a wife; 


Sometimes forgotten are the little boy’s blues, 

The hugs, the secrets, a friend who is true. 


Today we celebrate our mothers, and this is only right,

For without this doorway in, we would sleep in eternal night.  


The love and tenderness that only a Mother can show, 

Hide it inside for our children ... nurture it, so it will grow. 


Only then - do we honor a mother’s love, devotion and care, 

Passing it to another generation, the warm feelings we share. 


By A.J. Goldsby I  

An ode to Julie


She had the most wonderful smile …

I shivered the first time we kissed …

Her love ran strong – just like the Nile …

No one will be so sorely missed. 


Her song runs on, through all her children’s veins …

Material possessions – on her – simply had no claim …

A wild horse, until I submitted to her love’s reins …

She - an elemental force, not even cancer could tame.


Now she is gone, and my heart still knows the pain …

In the depths of night, my children awake and ask me why …

My longing is a stallion that refuses to be tamed …

My daughters smile, and I see her in their brown eyes.


She was everything to me that a man could ever ask …

Twelve years – now – seems too short a span of time …

It seems that I will never again drink from love’s flask …

All I can give her is my eternal love – and this rhyme.  


- A.J. Goldsby I (March 20th, 2011.) 

  Bobby Fischer  


Fischer was a titan of the sixty-four squares; 
He ruled his domain of pieces like a dark king;
Panther pacing his cell of life – the teeth, they are bared; 
To him, normal life, nothing – the world’s cruel stings. 

In nineteen-seventy-two, you were my hero; 
Reigned supreme on top of the world one fateful day; 
After nine-eleven you dropped down to zero; 
Your rantings … hammer blows, now my world was unmade. 

Your chess, like a summer breeze, refreshes my soul; 
Your talent was a deep well of genius that shined; 
Your moves – spark admiration – the man, he was bold; 
The final product on the board … it’s so refined! 

Wanderer now, cold halls of Valhalla to roam; 
Your smile, your light, oh the things we shall now miss! 
The masters of bygone days are calling you home; 
No little boy or girl now … no stone ever kissed. 


By A.J. Goldsby I / Saturday; July 9th, 2011. 

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   Copyright (c) {LM} A.J. Goldsby I 

  Copyright (c) A.J. Goldsby, 19755-2013. 
  Copyright © A.J. Goldsby, 2014. All rights reserved.