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Renaissance Festival Highlights

Welcome to the world of wonder and awe. Mezlow and I had an absolutely wonderful time at the Michigan Renaissance festival. We took turns dragging the other off you yet another wonderous sight. Sore feet and tired legs we came home to rest and yearn to go back for more as we did not complete it in our long wonderful weekend. Look below at the few wonders I captured on film for you to enjoy. Feast your eyes on some of the marvels of the realm of Michigan's Renaissance Festival. Perhaps someday in the future...

Your welcoming committee!

Yes I know this is a bad picture, but this is what welcomes you when you walk through the gates. And yes we did see him draw his blade on some vistors. Upon taking his picture he declared me a witch and claimed I stole his soul. I quivered in fear and anticipation of his blade being drawn. Would I meet the challenge or not?

The Laundry

The day started of wet the path was muddy and we had a date at the kings court for a royal feast. Well, muddy and tired we happened upon the local laundry. The women of course were on break and we were approaching the time of the feast... we waited and hoped they would return shortly.

Reasonable Prices?

Not sure if they would take our strange, foriegn coin we studied the prices and took up a collection of stones to figure what it would cost us in our coin... we struggled and fussed for a while until some kindly gentleman told us how much they would cost in trade.

The Royal Feast

Freshly cleaned we ran to our feast. We barely had time to gain our breath when we had to greet the King and Queen. We were seated in a place of honor and feasted with food beyond belief. We were given the title of the Duke and Duchess of Evergreen and Plymouth. Stood trial for the theft of a ring and generally had the time of our life. Our bellies overfull, and our sides hurting from laughing when we finally left.

Entertained beyond expectation?

The entire royal court entertained us along with the feasters in this hmmm... amusing little dance.