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Megaman Zero Walkthrough

This game is absolutely great. I've hacked and blasted my through to the final boss, and it's awesome. The beginning starts out with some reploids being attacked and then a girl, I think her name is Shel, revives Zero. The opening stage features a remix of Zero's X1 theme. Download a sample of the remix in .WAV format HERE. At first, you can only access the Buster cannon, which is more like a handgun than an arm cannon. During the first boss fight, a "Cyber Elf" a.k.a. Unknown X gives Zero his Z-Saber. This game features a "Home Base" area in which you can move around freely. Talking to Shel allows you to complete missions. Pressing the UP button lets you preform actions like talk to people or activate machines. The "Trance" machine allows you to teleport to locations where you've been before. This game plays almost exactly like the Megaman X games, with some tweaked controls. You can charge the Buster Cannon, Z-Saber, Rod, and Shield Boomerang, plus level them up. The Rod and Shield Boomerang can only be aquired after beating certain bosses. Cyber Elves act as the power ups in this game. To access Sub-Tanks and Heart-Tanks, you must upgrade your Cyber Elves with little things enemies drop. They work like bolts from MM 7-R&F. It's a pretty challanging game. This game also features cutscenes like X5 and X6. Pretty slick for GBA. !!SPOILER ALERT!! DO NOT READ ON IF YOU DONT WANNA KNOW THE STORY!! In this game, as previously believed, X is the final boss! It's a clone of X, OMEGA X. He was made by Shel after the real X dissapeared. I think the real X is the one that gives Zero his saber, but that's just my speculation, not confirmed. The OMEGA part of X's name eplains the Greek symbol Omega under each bosses life bar. This is like the Sigma symbol in the X series.Anyway, X has 2 forms but they aren't as insane as some Sigma Bosses or Wily Machines. I can't wait for the english version to come out. By then I'll probably have a Game Boy Advance, so I can own the game for real.

-Review by NitemareZER0

-Download the Rockman Zero ROM HERE-

I suggest Visual Boy Advance or Boycott Advance to run the game.


(ABOVE)-OMEGA X in normal form.

(ABOVE)-OMEGA X in Ultimate Armor.

(ABOVE)-OMEGA X in final form.


(ABOVE)-The new Zero. X has met his match(Cutscene).

(ABOVE)-Finally! A little blood in a Megaman game!

(ABOVE)-That dog's done for....