Hi! I'm De§ert §eirra! I am the host of Amanda's 500 Horse Rpg's!!! (Well, she's the owner!) *Smiles* Here's about me! I am the Queen Mare of ASOT.(The ONLY un-realistic thing on it.) I am looking for a stallion for a king! A SUPER active stallion that loves the game and is well, active! I am hyper hyper hyper, just so you'll know! I LOVE to run!! *Grins and pulls up the movie projector* Ok, Here we gooo! Pics of me:(Oh no, stop it, ohh, I guess I'm beautiful! Oh, stop!)
*Smiles*And you thought I was camera shy, eh? So, I'm a ham. That has nothin' to do with nothin'. ;0)
More about ME!
I am the Queen(The only non-realistic thing) on ASOT.
Hey hey, looking for a stallion!*Gets the binoculars*
I love to run!
BIG camera HAM!
Shy, in a sort.
Name: Desert Sierra
Breed: Arabian
Sons/Daughters: None
Color:Of the brightest Desert! (Red, or sorrel)
Personality:You probably got it already, must I go further?!
Others: Mentioned already! Places I live:
Arabian Sands of Time~The Hidden Desert~