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Last Update: 4-19-01

Name- Circleucon
Sex- Female
Age- ?
Height- 5'7"
Weight- 125 lbs.
Hair Color- dark with fine strands of white mingled
Race- Tiger Lycanthrope
Ethic- Chaotic/Neutral
Class- Monk
Primary Deity- Vecna
Secondary Deity- St. Cuthbert

Str- 25
Int- 25
Wis- 25
Dex- 25
Con- 25
Cha- 25

Hit Points- 22
Magic Points- 12
Hit Percentage- 35%
Evade Percentage- 25%

Level- 1
XP- 0
Gold- 8

Items- Quarterstaff (1d6, crit X2, 20 hp)
Sling (1d4, crit X2)
Backpack with waterskin
One days trail rations
Flint and steel
Pouch with 10 sling bullets

Circleucon was trained in an obscure monastary created when a truce was called between Vecna and St. Cuthbert. The reason to this day is unknown, but she has been sent on a mission in both their favors.

A child was chosen from a small nearby village after the construction of this monastary and it's yards, young girl of innocence so strong that it could mask anything held in her subconcious mind. Her parent's were wiped of any memory of her and she of them. She was trained here until she reached the human age of 21 then sent forth, Vecna and St. Cuthbert's watching eyes always on her, sometimes warring within her. Yet she remains their creation, their adjoining pawn, until such day that the fate she was created for befalls her.
There is but one tell tale sign to her race in her human state, it is the ovated shape of her pupils.