Last Update: 7-11-01
Str- 25
Int- 25
Wis- 20
Dex- 25
Con- 25
Cha- 25
Hit Points- 102
Hit Percentage- 75%/60%
Evade Percentage- 65%
Level- 17
XP- 138,072
Gold- 781
Items- Quarterstaff (1d6, crit X2, 20 hp)
Sling (1d4, crit X2)
Backpack with waterskin
One days trail rations
Flint and steel
Pouch with 10 sling bullets
Full plate Angelic armor (60% soak, -10% evade)
Defender Greatsword (2d6+4, crit x2 35 hp)