Last Update: 4-19-01
Str- 20
Int- 25
Wis- 25
Dex- 20
Con- 15
Cha- 20
Hit Points- 16
Magic Points- 12
Hit Percentage- 25%
Evade Percentage- 20%
Level- 1
XP- 0
Gold- 12
Items- Shortspear(1d8, crit x3, 20 hp)
Light Crossbow (1d8, crit x2)
Quarterstaff (1d6, crit x2, 20 hp)
6 Torches
Backpack with waterskin
One days trail rations
Flint and steel
Hooded Lantern
5 Pints of Oil
Spell Component Pouch
Case with 10 Crossbow Bolts
a wanderer. he is well versed in the arcane lore. he is a handsome man, rather young, but can take care of himself.