Last Update: 5-26-01
Str- 20
Int- 15
Wis- 20
Dex- 25
Con- 20
Cha- 15
Hit Points- 20
Hit Percentage- 30%
Evade Percentage- 20%
Level- 1
XP- 400
Gold- 8
Items- Studded Leather armor
Longsword (1d8, crit x2, 28 hp)
Shortsword (1d6, crit x2, 28 hp)
Longbow (1d8, crit x3)
Backpack with waterskin
One days trail rations
Flint and steel
Quiver with 20 Arrows
3 Torches
Ghost is a simple Forest elf that travels the realm protecting the lands and creatures of it as best he can.